Chapter 8 Questioning Sanity

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Hey, sorry I didn't upload sooner!  I got sick twice, and I wrote this while I was constantly throwing up.  To compensate, I made this chapter longer.  Sorry there is no direct action but I have something wicked planned! ;)  Read on! :D

Alice Point of View

So we land in Siberia, I don't know where exactly, but we walk out of the small local airport and its freezing!  Wait, let me rephrase, its below freezing!  I tighten my faux fur jacket around my waist, looking around.  The part of Siberia where we are at, the land was pretty barren, snow covered everything in sight and there was no sign of civilization (save for the airport), it was a perfect place for our North European Base. 

I had gotten the seasons all mixed up though, instead of being the middle of winter (like I thought it was) it was early summer.  You would think that meant the weather being a little bit warmer but no, it was beyond cold.

Waiting for us outside the airport was a sleek black Hummer 2, the only form of transportation in sight.  Nice!  Big cars such as the Hummer were ideal for the harsh Siberian climate, especially since there wasn't much road here.  I turn around to look at Gabbie, and find her talking to the driver, well, flirting more likely.  Trust Gabbs to become friendly with the locals!  I sign and lift my suitcase, putting it in the trunk of the hummer, getting into the backseat.  I knew Gabbie would want to have the front seat, easier to flirt that way anyways.

“All set?” the driver said as soon as Gabbie gets in.  I look over to him, he has black hair that naturally stands up, this was a stark contrast to his pale white skin, they didn't get much sun up here in the North, I thought.  But all in all, I could understand why Gabbie had an eye on him, he had a great jawline (but not as good as Alex's) and he had cute blue eyes (I still prefer a certain someones green ones).  Oh god, I need to stop thinking about Alex!

The driver starts the Hummer and we're off, the ride to the base took a couple hours since it is completely isolated.  In the beginning I just sat and looked out the small rectangular window, just daydreaming and thinking about all the missions and stakeouts I have had.  In the background I could hear the driver and Gabbie chatting away about something unimportant.  Later on the flight took a toll on me and I began to feel drowsy.  I stretched myself out on the backseat and began to dream...

Flashback Dream (basically she is dreaming about her past)

3 months ago, Somewhere in Malaga, Spain

“You know what to do kiddo, I'm sorry about all this but work is work, good luck!” Franco spoke through my ear piece. 

“Yeah, thanks!” I muttered, striding in with my 4 inch cherry red stilettos and a black overcoat that didn't reveal what I was wearing.  I walk into the elevator and press the penthouse button. 

Robert Santos.  That was my target. my mission objectives being to go in there, kill him and to retrieve an important folder.  Yeah, that part was fine with me, I just didn't like dressing up as a stripper.  Apparently Santos really liked women, young women to be exact, thus the reason why I was here.

The elevator dinged and opened up to reveal two big burly bodyguards standing on either side of the white wooden door.  I walk up to them and flash them a smile, one on them smiles back and opens the door for me.  Yes, they know their boss well, there must have been countless girls before me.  As I walk into the penthouse, he slaps my butt.  I grit my teeth, resisting the urge to turn around and kick him where the sun doesn't shine.  Especially since I was wearing pencil heels, that would've hurt like hell.

Instead I turn around, smile at them and close the door, silently locking it.  After that is done I look around, just saying, Santos really needs another maid.  His apartment was a huge mess, I stood in the living room looking around.  There was a D cup bra hanging off the corner of the flat screen TV, empty bottles of beer stood on the tables and lined the floor surrounding the white sofa.  Half eaten Chinese takeout boxes could be seen on the kitchen counters.  Eww. 

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