Chapter 28 Take a bite of my Heart

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  • Dedicated to My awesome sisters!

All I want to say is Ahahahha! U guys are going to hate me for this cliffhanger (you have been warned!) but rest assured I know what I'm doing and have planned this from the start!

Btw the kissing scene was originally longer but I cut it short cause I got really embarassed! O.o

Song on the right is "Kiss Me" by Ed Sheeran.  Listen to this Ginger Jesus...seriously.  It will be worth it! :)

Please comment and tell me what you think!  I'm dying to know why ur still reading this :D

Chapter 28 Take a Bite of my Heart


“In the end its not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away.”

I guess I hadn't really anticipated this moment; but then, who does?

To say that it took my breath away would be a very big understatement. As he pressed his lips gently to mine I felt my heart stop beating for a second and then restart at double the pace.

I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. He smiled wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. The kiss was really soft and sweet. He pulled back too soon leaving me breathless.

“Honestly that’s it?” I exclaimed, getting mad. I’ve wanted to kiss him for so long and this is all he gives me?

He chuckled and leaned down to kiss me again. It started off sweet, his soft lips warm on mine, his mouth tasting like the zesty oranges we just had. And then I'd had enough of all his gentleness. I kissed him back harder and pulled him even closer to me.

He moaned and moved his right hand lower and lower along my hips and finally stopped to grope my thigh. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist without breaking the tantalizing kiss.

This wasn’t close enough. I wanted to be closer. He broke the kiss but before I could complain he started kissing down my neck. I tilted my head up and closed my eyes feeling my body throbbing with desire. I had wanted this for so long.

I tangled my hands through his blond hair and pulled his lips back towards mine and kissed him with such passion it made me dizzy.

There's something in the water that makes me love you like I do. (A/N random I know ;)

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