Chapter 20 This Girl

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Hiya! So i decided to put Alex POV in this chapter again, along with Alice's.  You will see why!  Ahh can't wait!  Umm i didn't specify who is who but it starts off with Alice and everytime you see "..." you will know its a POV change...okay?

To the right is "This Girl" by Laza Morgan.  It is an amazing song that most of you would know from step up 3.  Just love it! 

Anyways enjoy!

PS I hope you realize this is an exceptionally long chapter! :D

Chapter 20           This Girl

When I finally opened my eyes it was because it was raining.  Again.  Stupid Alex had left me in a hammock outside under the gray skies.  When I first felt the raindrops on my face I thought it was someone playing a trick on me trying to wake me up.  However when it started pouring hard I scrambled to get myself under some shade.  I cursed, saying a few choice words.  Alex is going to pay for this.

I looked around, green grass covered the ground under my bare feet and the light blue hammock was tied up in between two really tall coconut trees.  There was a pathway that led to the back porch of a really cool light blue house which I ran to.  The porch was mostly open, having only a white fence and a sloping roof to cover the sky. 

I squeezed the water from my hair and looked out towards where I had been sleeping and gasped in surprise.  There, past the ten or so coconut trees was a beautiful pristine beach filled with dark brown sand and gray water.  In the sunlight it would look amazing.  Right now though with the storm and such it looked dark and dangerous.  Just like how I would be with Alex.

And with that thought I walked in.


I chuckled as I walked back towards the house.  It won't be long until it started raining.  Poor poor Alice is going to get soaked.  I opened the swinging screen door and got back into the little house.  God it was so hot in here.  I smiled to myself, must be because of me.

At the sound of Gabbie swearing from the kitchen I laughed.  Today was a good day, Alice was going to kill me, we were on an island, Gabbie was pissed and I felt great.

I strolled over to the kitchen to find Gabbie trying to cook eggs.  I shook my head smiling.  She was so cute when she was burning food.  I gently pushed her away from the stove and took control, turning down the flame and throwing the “eggs” into the trash.  Starting from scratch I cracked some eggs and began to whisk them. 

“What would I do without you and Alice.” Gabbie said looking up to me with admiration.

“Die.” I said smiling sweetly at her.  She just scowled and walked away after kicking my ass.  I managed to duck her leg easily which made her all the more mad.

While I was cooking the eggs for breakfast I thought about how it would almost be time for the rain to have come.  Sure enough I could hear small raindrops hit the roof.

I abandoned the eggs and ran to a window.  Pulling back the white curtains I saw Alice still sleeping peacefully.  She must have been really tired, it would make it all the more fun.  As it started to rain harder she woke up with a start and started cursing.  I couldn't hold it anymore, I burst out laughing, holding my stomach, my eyes still on her. 

Her hair was drenched, turning it jet black and was plastered all over her face.  Her tank top was completely wet and stuck to her curves, it didn't help that the fabric was see through when wet.  Not that I was complaining...  She looked around all confused and started running towards the house.  I abandoned my post and went back to the eggs, returning to it just in time. 

I heard the screen door slam as she walked in.  I started whistling like no ones business pretending to be completely oblivious to her.  Bad idea.

I had my back turned towards her which was my first mistake.  Second was forgetting she was a skilled assassin.  Third mistake was forgetting that she will get revenge.

And she did exactly that.

I was just an innocent boy cooking breakfast minding my own business and this crazy girl just launched herself at me!  I mean I know she wants me but damn girl!  Can't it wait till after breakfast?

She grabbed the spatula from my hand and shoved it down my pants screaming at me.  Not only did I cringe in pain, I got soaked from her pretending to be my backpack.  She pulled her head back and slammed it against mine.  The F*ck!  It would have made any normal person faint but naturally I was made of stronger stuff. 

I back off from the open flame, took the spatula out and pulled her in front of me.  Her thighs were squeezing the sh*t out of me still but now I could actually see her beautiful angry face.  One of my hands was holding her by the waist and the other holding both of her hands away from my face, she could have probably broken free but she wasn't fighting anymore.

I set her down on the counter.  “Bad Bessie!  Don't you know you're not supposed to hit Master Alex!” I scolded her.

“What the hell is wrong with you!” I could tell I was really trying her patience.

“Wrong with me?  You're the one that attacked me!” I said to her.  I came closer, in between her open legs, she raised an eyebrow at me.

“Back off!” she said glaring.  She looked so cute when she was angry.  I almost felt like telling her...almost. 

“Make me.” I whispered coming closer, putting my hands on her thighs.

And she did.


I pulled my right leg free from his hand and kicked him hard to the chest.  He fell back with a groan and I smiled.  I told him to back off!  Not my fault he doesn't listen. 

But I wasn't done with him yet. 

He wanted sexy, fine I will give him sexy.  I walked over to where he lay on the warm wooden floor and sat on him.  More like straddling really, I wasn't squeezing my thighs like before but I wasn't being gentle either.  His hands were trapped underneath my calves so he was immobilized.  I don't think he minded though. 

He was obviously confused and I don't blame him, I mean I did just kick him.  Anyways, I smiled slyly and leaned down putting my hands on his muscular chest. 

“You know, I like this position a lot better.” I whispered in his ear. 

I leaned down and kissed his neck, starting at his collarbone and working my way up leaving small butterfly kisses on his deliciously tanned skin.  When I got to his chin I stopped and looked at his face.

His green eyes were hungry for more, that was obvious.  Ha! Its working!  I smiled and looked down at him.  This is just too easy.


What the hell was she doing to me?  It was like I was a prisoner in my own body.  After she just whispered in my ear my body just shut down on me.  I wasn't thinking properly, all my thoughts were on her, our position on the floor, everything else besides fighting back.  I was a goner.

And her straddling me, I never expected that.  A few punches maybe but this?  I could already feel my boner and she probably could too.  And those butterfly kisses.  I knew she was tempting me and I was trying to resist but it wasn't working.  And she knew it.  God this is embarrassing.  

Looking at those amazing brown eyes I couldn't help but think about how sexy and beautiful she was at the same time. 

She is good.


I was good.

He was hypnotized.  God all guys are the same!  All I had to do was sell my body a little and they would be at my feet, it was disgusting.  But work is work and someone had to do it.

I leaned my head down, close enough that if I wanted to I could just close the small gap between us and kiss him...if I wanted to. 

You could tell from his expression that he wanted that kiss oh so badly but that was the whole point.  He wouldn't be getting one. 

I sighed and leaned back up again. 

“Look who wants who now.” I said.

And with that I got up and walked out of the kitchen, leaving him lying there on the floor.

Ahahaha! Look who's laughing now! What did you guys think? 

I also started a new story....currently named "Do you believe in Magic?" I think its my best work yet, yes even better than this! :D so preetttttyyy please check it out!

And please pretty please with a cherry on top vote for this story, I'm getting like a 100 reads on almost every chapter but only like 2 votes and thats pretty mean :( if you vote then I dedicate to you....most of the time and I want to know if you guys like what im writing or not.  Its just a button on top of this page that takes only 2 seconds to click and then you have a very happy iguana95 and a dedication! Its that easy!  And a happy iguana95 = better chapters uploaded more frequently.  That means happier you!  So see its a win-win situation!  So be a darling and help momma out, go and click the vote button now!

And I mean now...

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