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Jennie's POV

Could it be true? Could my father really have killed his brother? Surely he couldn't have? Questions swirled around in my brain as I took my frustration out on the punching bag.

God, I really miss bashing peoples faces in.

This is crazy. Everything is fucking crazy. To start this whole shit off, my dad killed his brother. Taehyung wanted revenge so he married me and now he's making my fathers life miserable. My life is slightly more bearable than it was when we were first married.

"You're gonna break that fist of yours," Taehyung chuckled. I glanced over at him briefly before turning my attention back onto the punching bag.

I'm a fighter. I go -well used to- go to an illegal fighting circuit for fucking fun. So I definitely know how to throw a damn punch.

"Jen," he said as he slowly walked towards me. He held my fist in his hand as he demanded my attention. My chest heaved up and down heavily as I attempted to catch my breath and to stop the damn butterflies in my stomach. "Jennie." "What Tae," I snapped. His eyes widened in surprise.

"Tae?," he repeated carefully. Did I just-? I think I did. I blinked.

"Yes. Tae," I confirmed as I narrowed my eyes at him. He let out a small chuckle as he dropped my fist.

"Get dressed. We've got a dinner to go to," he ordered.

"What sort of dinner?," I asked curiously.

"A couple of other mafias will be there," he informed me. "We'll just be talking about the business side of things." And by that he means the drugs and weapons.

"I didn't pack a dress," I told him. I didn't think of packing one because I thought I wouldn't be attending any dinners.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Take one of Irene's."

"Wait!," I gasped as I realised something. He raised an eyebrow as he looked me, waiting for me to continue. "Aren't I supposed to be dead?"

"It's only a couple of mafias from here. Word won't get back to your family. Anyway, they'll find out soon enough you're not dead."Now, you must be wondering why I'm completely okay with him faking my death and making my friends and family think I'm dead. The truth is that I've not fully digested it yet even though I found out about it yesterday. I guess I just don't believe it.

As for my dad killing Taehyung's brother, that fact has not sunk in one bit. When I see my father, the realisation of him actually being able to do that will probably hit me like a ton of bricks. I can guarantee my whole family knows the truth about Taehyung's brothers death. All except for me.

"You look drop dead gorgeous," Irene gushed as she sat in my spinny chair. "Bellissima (Beautiful)."

"Thank you," I told her as I eyes myself in the mirror. A beautiful floor length gown that hugged all my curves covered my body. The dress fell to the floor and had a huge slit to the middle of my thigh. My makeup was subtle and light since these things aren't that extravagant.

"Hurry the fuck up!," Taehyung said loudly as walked past my bedroom. I rolled my eyes.

Irene looked around my room awkwardly as she struggled to get her head around the concept of her brother being married. I thought back to when Taehyung was practically forced to tell her."Can someone just tell me what the fuck is going on?," Irene asked angrily as she barged into Taehyung's office. All of our heads turned to face her. Chim slowly walked towards her as Kookie ate some candy as if he was watching a movie. Oh, how I'd love some popcorn. "Why the fuck are you faking her death?"

"This is no concern of yours," Taehyung brushed off.

"It has everything to do with me. We live in the same house."

"Irene," Taehyung sighed out, his Italian accent making an appearance. "Just get out. We are in the middle of something."

"Taehyung if you don't tell me right now, then I can't be around you," she told him honestly. "Living in and with lies, my life was destroyed and now that my life is finally perfect and peaceful, you're destroying it. It's as if you're trying to push me back into the past.

"I'm married," he told her, realizing that she wouldn't hesitate to leave.

"Who...," she began to ask but faltered as her eyes wandered around the room, landing on me. "You," she breathed out.

"Surprise!," I squeaked out nervously. Kookie let out a chortle before he began coughing on a piece of candy. Five minutes later, we were still stood in an awkward silence as Kookie coughed violently.

"I'm fine!," he rasped out as I threw a bottle of water at him. He caught it and within a blink of an eye the bottle was empty.As we explained the whole situation to her about the marriage, we left out some major details like how it all stemmed from his desire for revenge. We lied to her and told her that it was for the business.

Why do I keep saying 'we'? I would've told her the whole story truthfully but I'd rather live. Taehyung explained it all to her with Kookie and Chim chiming in every couple of minutes. I sat there silently, nodding my head when she looked at me for confirmation.

He made it clear to her that there's no feeling involved and that it was purely for the business.

She sat there silently for a moment before she walked out of the office. Sebastian ran after her. The rest of us slowly followed behind, not wanting to miss a piece of the action. "I can't believe you didn't tell me. This is fucking crazy,"she said sounding hurt. "You're the only brother I have left and I missed out on such a big moment in your life."

"I'm sorry," he apologized as he wrapped his arms around her in a hug. "I was trying to keep you safe. You know that I have a hell of a lot of enemies that wouldn't hesitate taking you."

"To make this right, you're gonna have to do a lot more than apologize to make it up to me," she told him as she slowly pulled away from the hug."Name it and I'll do it."

"Spend a day with my worldwide handsome. Get to know him a little," she told him, referring to Jin, her childs father and her boyfriend. He took a step back from her as he gave her a dirty look.

"The only way I'll stand being around him is when he's in a body bag that I put him in," he growled out.

"If not, me and Dante will stay at his house," she threatened, knowing that Jin's parent will be more than happy with her and her baby staying. Taehyung let out a grumble as he begrudgingly agreed.

With that, we all parted ways.

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