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Jennie's PoV

I have to say that seeing him kill Rosé made that tiny cloud of doubt in me vanish. I watched as he ordered some people from the mafia to get rid of her body.

I held myself back from suggesting digging up my grave and shoving her in my coffin.

I still don't know if anyone really is in there.

Thinking about it, I'm not sure if I want to open it. But I know that I have to.

I honestly cannot wait to see the life drain out of Valeria as she takes her final breath. After all that bitch as done to me, killing her is not a punishment. She deserves to be tortured a little more but I need to move on with my life. So I'm gonna have my fun before ending it.

I wouldn't kill his mom but after everything she's put me and him through, I'd rather be the one to kill her than him. I don't want him to live with the fact that he murdered his own mother but to be honest, I don't think he'd care. Me killing her doesn't change a thing for me because I've always hated her."It's finally over," he breathed out as he pulled me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"So everything that was hers is ours?"

He nodded his head. "Every single thing." I didn't say a word as I relaxed in his embrace, finally feeling safe. "Hurry up and kill her so I can sell this house."

"I'll try to," I chuckled, knowing he was talking about his mom.

"Move in with me," he spoke. I looked up at him confused. "Not here, obviously, but the house I built for us. It's just been sitting there and I think it's time for us to move in."

"I'll think about it," I teased him. He let out a chuckle, already knowing my answer. My arms hung loosely around his neck as his hands lingered on my waist.

"Fuck it, it's time," he murmured as he brought his lips down to meet mine. Fireworks exploded inside of me as well as the hyper butterflies. Our lips moved so perfectly in sync just like they used to.

Our first kiss in seven fucking years.


After a few more seconds, I pulled away breathlessly. "If her lips touched yours in the past day, even week, I will murder you and bury you with her," I threatened breathlessly, knowing they must've kissed and had sex before. I mean, they were together for almost six years and she tried to make him think her fake baby was his."Don't worry, they didn't even get close," he muttered against my lips as he pulled me flush against him. "I love you."

"I love you, asshole," I chuckled.

"I've missed that word coming out of your pretty little mouth," he spoke, his eyes finally gleaming with happiness.

"Me too," I laughed.

"Couples that kill together, stay together," Lisa said from out of nowhere with Kook, Chim and Amara.

"Huh?," Kook said confused as Taehyung moved to stand beside me, throwing an arm over my shoulders.

She gave him a look, practically telling him to shut up as she thought back to all those years ago when Taehyung and I killed Kai, my crazy ex.

I also shot Tae that day too so I guess we're even.

"We never killed anyone together," Kook said sounding worried.

"Kookie, baby," she said softly. "Just shut up."

"You two look cute together," Amara complimented us. I gave her a small smile.

Chum nodded his head at me, thinking back to when I told him that Taehyung will kill Rosé. I was right. "Guys, these past couple of years, I've been acting...off with you," Taehyung said, carefully choosing his words.

"You mean like an asshole?," Kook asked. He narrowed his eyes at him.

"Call me an asshole again and-," Taehyung began threatening him before I interrupted.

"Hey!," I said sharply, cutting him off, looking at Taehyung. "Apologise."

"I was going to."

I narrowed my eyes at him, knowing full well he wasn't going to. "I apologise."

"Say it like you mean it," Chim shrugged, finding this entertaining and to be honest, it sort of is.

"I apologise sincerely," he spoke monotonously. I nudged him in the ribs. He slightly moved as he glared down at me.

"My elbow slipped," I shrugged with an innocent smile. He couldn't help but smile back at me.

"I'm really fucking sorry," he said but this time with more emotion, telling us he actually meant it.

"Thats okay, man," Chim said as they went in for a man-hug. "You did what you had to do and I'm sorry for thinking the worst of you. Honestly, I thought you were actually in love with that bitch."I know for a fact that Chim took my 'death' almost as hard as Taehyung did, mostly because the mafia was most likely tossed onto him, leaving him no time to grieve.

"It's fine. Everyone thought that," he said.

"I already got an apology," Kook said smugly as he looked back and forth between Taehyung and Chim.

"Deadass reactions," Kook mumbled as he walked away with Chim and Taehyung still staring at him.

"I have to ask why didn't you let me in on any part of the plan?," Chim asked curiously.

Taehyung let out a sigh. "You could've let it slip. It was better if it was only me that knew. That way I could be sure it could go through without a hitch."

"And it did," Chim finished. "There's nothing left for me to say but congratulations. You two have been through more shit than most people and you've still made it out together and as a couple."

"Hold up," I interrupted before he could say anything more. He and Taehyung stared at me expectantly. "We're not a couple."

"Huh?" "We're not a couple," I repeated to Taehyung. "Yeah, we kissed but we didn't make it official and that kiss didn't either."

"We killed somebody to be together, how much more official can it get?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "Sorry. Sorry."

"It needs to be official for us to be a couple."

"I agree with her," Amara chimed in.

"Exactly. It's just common sense," Lisa added in, crossing her arms over her chest.

I turned to Taehyung, holding both of his hands whilst facing him. "Go out with me," I said, trying to recreate the first time he ever asked me to be his girlfriend. "Be my boyfriend."

"Are you asking me or telling me?," he asked with a raised eyebrow, clearly remembering it.

"Asking," I replied with a smile.

"I'll think about it," he shrugged. I let out a chuckle causing him to break out a smile.

"Now, it's official," I told him.

"And it always will be, amore (love)."

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