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Taehyung's POV
The way that Jennie handled that situation was impressive. I have to say I'm surprised. Of course, I knew she's a firecracker but I didn't think she'd be that explosive.

Seeing her everyday has sort of become normal. When I don't see her, I feel weird. Obviously, she won't ever find that out because she's not gonna hear it from me.

I let out a sigh and sat with her file in front of me. I had my men do a background check on her before we got married but for some reason, I never looked at it. Now is a perfect time to do it.

I opened it and was met with a page filled with normal things like age, parents and address. She's 17. How did I not find that out? She's underage. She's only three years younger than me.

I turned to the next page. Nothing was documented for a whole year. Not doctor, eye or dentist appointments. There's no snapshots of her leaving places like there are in other peoples files. It's almost as if she disappeared. That's last year when she was 16. There's only one thing written under the year where she turned 15 and that's a mans name.

Santiago Garcia Aka Kai.

I quickly called Jimin to my office and as expected Jungkook tagged along. They both fell back into the seats in front of my desk. "Why is there a whole year missing?," I asked them, closing the file and throwing towards them. Jimin picked it up and looked through it."It might be a mistake," Jungkook shrugged.

"We're in the mafia. Everything here happens for a reason," Jimin muttered as his eyes scanned the pages.

In our trio, Jimin is the more level headed one. He stops me from doing stupid things. The thing about me is that most of the time I act on impulse. I don't even think about it. I just do it. Jungkook is the baby of the group. Without him, life would be dull. He won't ever catch me saying that to him. I have a reputation to uphold, remember? Even though he acts like a child, his fighting skills are unmatched.

I didn't even notice that Jimin called the tech guy, asking about the missing gap in the file.

"He can't find out why there's a gap. He's tried but it's like she completely fell off the face of the earth,"  Jimin informed me. I let out a sigh and put the file away. I can't risk her seeing it. She'd start asking too much questions.

"Let's go to Crystal," I told them. Jungkook's face instantly lit up. He bounced off his chair and almost ran to the car. He's too hyper.I stood in my office staring out of the huge glass window at the crowd below. Thankfully, I couldn't hear the deafening music up here. "He's here," a guard announced as he pulled open the door. I didn't turn to look at him. I heard him walk towards me.

"What can I do for you?," I asked him as if I actually wanted to help.

"Stop playing games," he snapped. "Let me see my daughter."

"The daughter that you got married off? The one that had no choice in the matter?," I asked him.

"She knows that it had to be done," he stated. I'm just glad that Jennie and her father look nothing alike. If she did, she would've already have ended up dead.

I didn't say anything. I have no idea what their relationship is like so I can't comment on it. She could hate him right now or she could understand why he did what he did.

"I'll call her right now," I suddenly decided. "But I need more shipments."

"You'll get them," he promised, eager to talk to his child. I can't wait to put a bullet through his head. My mother and her stupid plan is making me wait.

I walked over to my desk and called the landline. I don't have her number and I took her phone off her. "Sir," Richard stated as he answered the phone. His voice echoing through my office. I didn't bother holding the phone to my ear. I just put it on loudspeaker."Richard, put Jennie on the phone," I ordered him. He quickly obliged and ran to find her. Minutes later, she spoke into the phone.

"Hello," she said. I nodded at her dad, giving him a hint to talk.

"Nini" he breathed out. "Oh my sweet child. I've missed your voice so much." She stayed silent. She didn't say anything.

"How are you? Are you being treated fine? Are you-," he asked, throwing questions at her.

"I'm fine," she snapped. I could tell she was getting angry. Who wouldn't? "Who are you to call me and act like everything's fine? You forced me into a marriage I didn't want."

"You know that I had to," he tried to make her understand. "Nini-."

"No," she flared up. "You're a selfish man. You didn't do it for the best of the business. You did it for your own selfish needs. I'm ashamed to call you my father. Don't call me again." She cut the call. He stared at the phone on the desk.

"So she understood why you did what you did, huh?," I asked him with a slight chuckle. He snapped his gaze over to me.

"It's you," he growled out as he glared at me. "You've poisoned her mind." "She has her own mind," I told him. "It's taken her years to really see you for you. A spineless coward that doesn't give a shit about who he hurts."

He charged towards me. The guards in the room quickly stepped forward, making a barrier in between us. They weren't protecting me from him. They were protecting him from me. They've seen what I've done to people that have dared to harm me.

"She's a pretty one," I told him, wanting to rile him up.

"I swear if you touch her-," he began to yell.

"What if I already have?," I leered at him. "She's my wife."

"I don't care if she's your wife!," he shouted. "She's my child. She's a child!"

Like I would ever fuck someone that's still in high school.

Jimin and Jungkook were sat in the corner of the room on a couch. You couldn't see them unless you really looked. Hidden in plain sight. I glanced at them from the corner of my eye to see Jungkook sat with his eyes wide and mouth agape. Jimin sat beside him unfazed.

"Get him out," I demanded the guards. I have had enough of him. As soon as they left the room, Jungkook jumped out of his seat."She's 17!," he exclaimed. "I never thought you'd have sex with her. You should've used your non-existent brain."

"I didn't," I told him. "We never did anything. I just wanted to see his face when I said it."

"His face was fucking hilarious," Jimin chortled.

"You got it, Chim?," I asked him, using his nickname. I need proof of every single one of our interactions. That way I can blackmail him with it.

"Saved and downloaded," he replied.

A smirk made its way onto my face.
Mr Romano your reign over your mafia will come to its end. Soon. Very soon.

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