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Around 4-5 months later

Jennie's PoV

After everything that happened, we decided we didn't need a big fancy wedding. We already had one. We both felt like this wedding of ours needs to be intimate and small with just friends since neither of us has any family left.

Technically, mine aren't dead but we're not on speaking terms.

I walked down the little aisle we had with a bouquet in hand. My dress wasn't big or glamorous. Instead, it was simple but not basic.

This wedding for us is just about our love and making it all fancy will just take months of planning, most of which we don't have. We didn't want that. We wanted it to happen straight away.

The wind blew lightly, making my hair flow elegantly. Honestly, I looked like I was in a movie. The water crashing filled the silence as I walked towards them all with a huge smile on my face.

We didn't have any groomsmen or bridesmaids because there simply was no need.

In case you haven't already realised, the ceremony is taking place at beach. We rented the whole thing out so it was just us. A little arch covered in flowers stood at the end in front of the ocean with a waiting Tae and Kook.

Yes, we let him officiate the wedding.

Lisa, Jordan, his boyfriend and the twins stood and watched me with huge smiles as well as Amara, Chim and their son. Kook stood there impatiently as Lisa glared him slightly, as if warning him to say something dumb like 'hurry the fuck up'.

Finally, I reached Taehyung. I passed my bouquet of flowers to Lisa before I joined hands with Taehyung, leaving my bump on show.

He pressed a kiss to my forehead before doing the same to my stomach. A smile grew on my face. He's gonna be an amazing father.

The day we found out is one I'll never forget.


"It's been a fucking month," he said flatly. "If you're not gonna go and get yourself checked out, I will drag you there myself."

I narrowed my eyes at him, still insisting I was fine. When he didn't give up, I went for a check up. As predicted, I was forced to pee on a stick after I told the doctor I didn't get my period.It's not unusual for that to happen to me. When it doesn't come, I feel sick but this time has been a lot worse than before.

"Congratulations!," the doctor said as they checked the results. I sat there in shock for a moment.

"What?," Taehyung asked, wanting to make sure he heard right.

"You're having a baby."

"Are you sure?," he pushed on. The doctor nodded his head before leaving the room to give us some privacy.

"We're having a baby," I spoke, my eyes watering. "What if I've done something to hurt it already?"

"You haven't," he reassured me.

"But I refused to get checked out," I spoke. "If something's wrong with the baby, it'll be my fault."

"No," he spoke firmly. "It won't be because this baby will be healthy."

"But what if it isn't?," I quietly said.

I've been through this before. I've lost two babies. I'm not gonna think of all the positives until I've been properly checked out and we know the baby is fine because that will just lead to more heartbreak."Don't think like that," he said, wrapping his arms around me. "But if something is wrong, it won't be your fault. Things happen and you can't try and stop it because it'll happen one way or another."

"We're having a baby," I spoke, my voice cracking. He nodded his head as a soft smile grew on his face.

"We're having a baby."

~End Of Flashback~

That day was filled with tears. Honestly, we spoke about our fears of being parents and in a way, it's lessened the pressure we've put on ourselves. We don't need to be perfect. We just need to not be anything like our parents.

"I know you've all loved my jokes," Kook spoke with a smirk, pulling me out of my trance as he finished with the opening. "Vows?"

"I want to go first," I spoke. Taehyung nodded his head. I cleared my throat. "You're my best friend, my family, my lover and the father of my baby all in one. You're just one person yet you're always flying through each and every one of these 'roles' unknowingly and flawlessly. Even when I think you've let me down, you prove me wrong and you know how much I hate being wrong," I chuckled, trying to hold back my tears. "If I didn't believe in soulmates before I met you, I definitely do now because I've found mine. You're the one person who gets me even when I don't understand what I'm saying myself half of the time! You're the one person who would drive to a store and buy me ice cream at three in the morning. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm completely and utterly in love with you because you make me feel like I matter, like I'm important and I wanna thank you for that. So thank you for everything you do for me." "That's gonna be hard to top," he joked. I let out a laugh as I lightly wiped my tears, without ruining my makeup. "I'll start from the beginning. When I first met you, I hated you. Everything about you annoyed me but slowly your annoying self became the thing I missed the most. Hell, I even got your name permanently etched onto my skin! When you weren't there, it was like a part of me was missing. Falling in love with you is the one thing in my life that I will never ever regret because I got to know an amazing human being, inside and out. We've been through so many hard times together yet we always came out on top and I guess that means we're perfect for each other. All those years we spent apart, I was slowly going crazy because life without you wasn't worth living. I was surviving but I wasn't alive but now I'm so much more then alive. Honestly, I used to daydream about killing you, now I wouldn't even think of it," he chuckle out, unable to keep it in. "All I think about now is our growing family. I fell in love once and now, I'll keep falling in love with you everyday until I die. I promise you that. I love you, Jen."

"Do you-," Kook began to speak before he was cut off.

"I do," Taehyung interrupted him. I let out a chuckle.

"I wasn't asking you," Kook snapped as he turned to face me.

"I do." We both slid rings onto each other's fingers.

"You may kiss the...," he said as his words slowly began faltering as Taehyung gently pulled me closer to him and connected our lips. One hand of his rested on my stomach. He pulled away with a smile on his face.

"Did you feel that?," he asked me excitedly, wanting confirmation for what he just felt. I nodded my head.

"The baby kicked," I breathed out. The baby kicks a lot but every time Taehyung's hand is on me, the baby just falls into hibernation.

Now, the baby is fully grown as we're in the middle of my third trimester. We decided to not find out the gender until the baby is here. We had to plan the wedding fast since when we found out, I was already almost two months.This is the ending of one story but the beginning of another one. We're starting the rest of our lives together as a married couple. It feels weird not having to run or hide from others. It feels weird and not as exhilarating as that did but I'd choose this over that. I'd choose Taehyung a thousand times over because I love him.

I love him and everything about him, that includes all of the good and bad and ugly parts.

The rest of our life will be spend navigating this scary and unknown route called parenthood together. We'll be there through all of the ups and downs, highs and lows. We'll always be there for each other because that's just who we are. We fight and we stay.

Our wedding event down, meeting our child is left to go.

And I cannot wait.

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