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I let out a groan as I threw myself back on my bed. I have to pack and it's 12:00am. We need to be at the airport by 9:00am. I still haven't packed. Saying I'm panicking would be an understatement. I have no clothes. Now, I don't mean that literally. Obviously, I have clothes just not any that I feel is good enough. I haven't even had time to shop for new clothes.

The one thing that sort of relaxes me is the fact that we've already bought presents for his family for Christmas. It's easier for us to buy presents over here than over there because once we get there, it'll be hectic and we won't have a chance ourselves to go shopping.

My phone suddenly rang. I scrambled up from my space on my bed and pulled the charger out of it before bringing it up to my ear. "Jordan?," I said questioningly, slightly breathless from how fast I moved.

"No!," he exclaimed. "Jordan? Who's Jordan? I've never heard of a Jordan?"

God, him and Kook together would drive me crazy. Literally. They'd be best friends. I can just feel it.

I let out a sigh. "Please do not tell me you're high."

"I'm not!"

"You had edibles, didn't you? I told you not to have them when I'm not there because you do stupid shit. Now, you're not even gonna be sane for our fucking flight."

"That's harsh. I told you I'm not high. It's the deprivation of sleep. I cannot fucking pack." "And you think I'm not struggling?" He mumbled something I couldn't catch before cutting the call. I rolled my eyes. He lives a couple of streets away yet he acts like we're roommates. He's hyper a lot of the time.

I let out a groan as I looked at the floor before grabbing the massive pile of my clothes and throwing it into my open suitcase.

It's gonna be a long night ahead of me.

Just kill me now.

The hot air hit me as I exited the airport with Jordan by my side. It made a change from the usual cold air I feel slapping me in the UK all the dang time. Even in the supposed summer, it's cold. It'll be hot one day then raining the next, it's almost as if the weather can't make it's mind up.

If you haven't already realised we have landed in America. And I still have one thought running through my mind. The thought that Chim put in there.

Do I go to see him one last time or leave him in his happiness?

Our limo driver got out and took our bags, putting them in the back. A limo? Really? Almost as if Jordan was telepathic, he looked over at me before shrugging his shoulders. We quickly slid into the back and before we knew it, we were on our way to our hotel.Once we got there, the rest of the day was spent with us catching up on some much needed sleep since I was up all night trying to pack and thinking about what Chim said too.

"Jordan!," I yelled out angrily at the fact that he ruined my sleep. I was actually enjoying the dream I was having. I'd tell you all about it but I can't remember what it was about, I just remember how I felt and I loved that fucking feeling.

"We need to go. Get up!"

"Get the fuck out of my room before I call security!"

I have no idea how he got in here. We weren't sharing a room nor did we get each others keycard. Dumbass probably searched up 'how to pick an electric lock'. But can you pick an electric lock, is the real question here?

Is it even an electric lock? Damn that question is gonna annoy me all day now.

Or he probably told the clerk that he lost his keycard and gave the clerk my room number instead of his? That makes more sense.

Sometimes, I hate him.

He sulked out of my room causing me to sit up for a couple of minutes and just think. Thinking is something I do as soon as I wake up. And yes, I do know that everyone thinks when they wake up. I'll just sit on my bed and just think for a few moments. I think about my whole life and what I'm achieving now. It lets me get my head together and it clears my mind from any distractions.We have to go to work today. We are here to give the owner of the multi-billionaire company a really good price they cannot turn down. But today, I won't be negotiating with the owner but instead it'll be the Vice Presidents, they're apparently called. Tomorrow, it'll be with the Board Of Directors. Day after, it'll be with the owner. Unless, the Vice Presidents decide our offer is good enough for their different types of services and convince the owner to meet with us before we meet with the Board Of Directors.

I got up from my nice warm bed bed and went to the bathroom. I did my business in there before finding and wearing a suitable outfit (which ended up being a dress suit) with matching heels. I quickly straightened my hair before adding my accessories.

The main part of the whole negotiating thing is getting their attention. If you're shy and quiet, they won't hear you and you'll just be ignored. But if you radiate confidence by feeling it and acting it, then all eyes will be drawn to you, allowing you to be heard.

I fake my confidence because to be honest, I'm a very unsociable person. Whenever Jordan and I go out and order food through a drive-through, we always argue about who's giving our order in. I always win and he always gives them our order.

Once I was sure I was ready, I swung my door open to find Jordan already waiting here for me. "What are we waiting for? Lets' go." He rolled his eyes at me and followed me to the elevator, then to the limo waiting for us.

"I want breakfast," I mumbled as I slid into my seat. "Starve then." Jordan shrugged as he took a sip from his coffee.

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