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Jennie's PoV

"Taehyung," I said softly. "I'm ready."
"No, you're not," he replied. I let out a sigh.
"I am! If you don't think so, I can always do it with someone else," I explained. He narrowed his eyes at me. He shook his head firmly.
"It has to be with me," he spoke. "I'm not letting you do this alone or with someone else."
"Well, stop disagreeing with me then," I snapped. He didn't say a word but mumbled something under his breath. "What was that?," I asked sharply, my eyes narrowing at him.
"Nothing," he shrugged, innocently.
"I still need to talk to Chim," I sighed out. "He actually hates me."
"He doesn't. That also reminds me that I need to apologise to Kook."
"You haven't fucking apologised to him?," I asked in shock. He nodded his head before running a hand down his face.
Taehyung fired Kook to protect his plan of revenge and he also possibly maybe said some pretty hurtful things.
"I've been occupied." "He went to your fucking wedding,"
"I forgot." "You're useless." "I know."
"Anyway, after we've done here, you can apologise to Kook and I can apologise to Chim," I planned. He nodded his head.
We walked through the cemetery. Taehyung grabbed my hand, probably thinking I'll need his support. Suddenly, we stopped. "We're here," he spoke.
I slowly looked down at the ground, my eyes landing on the gravestone.
Jennie Romano
Beautiful wife, daughter, sister and best friend
'The bright light in our darkness'
It could've been Jennie Di Salvo but my name was never legally changed. Plus, we never even thought about me having his last name.
My breath hitched in my throat as I finally saw it. I did come here years ago to stalk Taehyung but I never even dared to look at my gravestone.
There were fresh flowers leaning against it, no doubt from my parents still trying to keep up the lie that I'm dead. Honestly, I'm surprised they haven't heard yet.
I leaned down and just stared at it. "The caskets empty, right?," I asked warily. He shrugged his shoulders.
"I thought you were dead so I don't know," he shrugged. "But your parents wouldn't be sick enough to put some random dead and probably missing girl in there."
"They would," I spoke, quietly. "Some random girl could be in there. In my grave. Her parents were probably worried sick; they probably still are."
He stayed silent.
"Their little girl never came home," I spoke sadly."We don't know for sure if there is someone in there," Taehyung said. "It could be just an empty casket."
"I doubt it. They needed a body. It's not like I was missing." He nodded his head, agreeing with me. I stayed silent for a moment.
"I'll be back in a minute," he said before he walked away.
"Hey," I spoke, looking at the ground. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I let out a sigh as my eyes began watering. I was unable to fathom the idea that an innocent soul is resting in a grave that wasn't meant for them. "Whoever is in here, I promise I'll find out who you are-were. And I promise to try and give your parents some closure. I'm so so sorry."
I really am.

Taehyung's PoV

I walked away from Jennie. She decided to visit her grave today of all days. Now, today is nothing special. I just needed her for business. I needed her to sign some papers.
But now I can't because after this, she wants to go and pay Chim a little visit. She's also gonna make me apologise to Kook. I have no problem apologising to him. It's just today I wanted her to sign the papers and now I can't because she planned something else for the day.
I can't just give her the papers and say 'sign it'. She'll probably throw it back in my face. I need to be there and talking to her while she signs it because it makes it a lot less likely for her to read the whole thing while she's not completely focused on it.
"Hey," I spoke as the person I called had answered. "You're not getting them papers today."
"Why?," they asked, their tone raising. "We need them signed today."
"Push the meeting back. You'll get them tomorrow," I said flatly before I cut the call.
I ran a hand down my face as I glanced back at her small figure in the distance. She was crouched down with a hand touching the ground.
Her parents wouldn't have put
someone else in there, would they?

Jennie's PoV

We had parked outside of Chim's house. "Can-Can you come in with me?," I asked, gingerly.
He let out a sigh. It seemed like he had somewhere else he'd rather be.
"It's fine," I rushed out. "You can go. But you have to apologise to Kook today."
"I will," he spoke. I nodded my head and got out of the car. I pressed the buzzer on the huge gate. After a few words were exchanged between me and the security guard behind the intercom, he disappeared for a minute, probably getting permission before he opened the gate.
Sebastian didn't even wait another moment before the car sped off down the street.
Something's wrong with him. He hasn't been acting normal today.
I pushed that thought out of my mind as I reached the huge double doors that were at the top of the driveway.
The door was pulled open before I even knocked as a woman I never saw before opened it. She smile warmly at me before ushering me inside. "I'm Amara," she spoke as she took me into the family room."I'm Jennie," I introduced myself.
"The girl who returned from the dead," she put together. I nodded my head. "Everyone's heard about you. I have to say what you said at the wedding when you crashed it was absolutely fucking amazing!"
I let out a chuckle. "I'm glad to hear that you think so! Other people weren't so happy."
She shrugged her shoulders. "Want a drink or anything to eat?" I shook my head.
"I-I came here for Chim," I told her. "Is he here?"
She nodded her head. "Yeah. He knows you're here so he won't be long. He's just finishing with some stuff."
I nodded my head. "So are you two...?"
She nodded her head. "Dating."
"I saw him in London with a kid," I said confused.
"Oh yeah," she spoke. "We went there for a little getaway. You know, everything around here was so tense since it was right before Taehyung's wedding."
"So he's got a kid? You've got a kid?"
"Yup. We've got a kid. His name is Enzo. Honestly, I thought he'd be a little troublemaker but he's the exact opposite."
"I'm really sorry," I laughed. "You probably think I'm a really nosy person. I'm not. You know, I mean, we just met and I'm asking you a bunch of questions."
She laughed it off. "I really don't mind. I love talking to people but I don't really get out much and it's kinda driving me crazy."
"Really? So you like staying in rather than going out?"
She shook her head. "I love going out. But because of the mafia, I can't really go out without looking over my shoulder all the time. I don't enjoy doing that so..."
"That's understandable. So you weren't born in a mafia?"
She shook her head. "No. Chim and I met one night after I got into some trouble with some guys."
"That's how all love stories start," I chuckled.
Suddenly, the clearing of a throat made my back stiffen. "What are you doing here, Jennie?," Chim spoke as he entered.
I stood up from where I was sat and turned to face him. "I came to patch things up with you. I want us to be okay again. Chim, I need us to be okay again."
He let out a sigh as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall. "I'll hear you out," he decided. "Five minutes is all you're getting so you better make it good."
I nodded my head and took a deep breath.
I honestly hope this mends our broken friendship.

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