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Four Months Later

"Lets go out," I proposed. Taehyung raised an eyebrow as he glanced up at me from the mountains of paperwork littering his desk. "Tonight. With Lisa, Suga, Chim and Kook."

"What's so special about tonight?," he asked curiously as he put his pen down and stared at me intently. It was nerve wracking as the butterflies in my stomach flew around like wild animals being kept in a cage.

"Nothing," I shrugged nonchalantly. "We were planning on going to a club."

"No," he said flatly. I let out a sigh. "You're not 18. Fuck that, you're not even close to 21, they won't even let you get near the entrance." I rolled my eyes. He's forgetting the fact that none of them are 21.

"We can go to one of your clubs," I suggested. "Please."

He mulled over the idea for a few moments before agreeing. I let out a small squeal as I ran around the desk and threw my arms around him before giving him a small peck on the cheek and running out.

"He agreed!," I said excitedly into my phone as I wandered down one of the many hallways."Fuck yeah!," Lisa cheered. I can't even imagine how wasted she plans on getting tonight. A huge smile broke out on my face before I shoved the phone into my back pocket.

In case you haven't already realised, Taehyung and I are actually okay with each other, I guess. He doesn't restrict me from doing things anymore. I'm back at school. He gave me my phone back. My family comes over all the time (when his mother isn't here) and I go over there too. It's been four months since everything.

Taehyung seems to have forgiven my father. He even goes over too sometimes. He's gotten close with my mom; they have a cute bond.

Taehyung's mother, on the other hand, seems to still be living in the past. She's still driven by revenge. When she's in the US, Taehyung and I act like complete strangers and when she's gone we act like best friends.

Did I just friend-zone him? I think so.

"What the fuck!," Taehyung exclaimed as he walked past my room. My door was wide open. Clothes were scattered everywhere and he knows how much of a neat freak I am. I'm just so organised compared to him. He had his arm against the doorframe allowing him to lean to the side.I almost did a double take when I saw what he was wearing. He was wearing a short sleeved T-shirt with jeans. His muscles flexed as he fixed his position against the doorframe. His tattoos looked perfect against his soft tan skin.

It's a nice change from his formal attire.

He cleared his throat causing me to snap my eyes from his arms to his face. I was met with a smirk which caused me to roll my eyes. "It's nothing special," I shrugged off. "Hey, this looks cute." I held up a royal blue satin body-con dress to my body.

Lisa observed it for a moment before nodding her head in approval. She had already decided her dress for tonight so we threw all the clothes into the closet as I made a mental note to sort that out later.

"You're not wearing that," Taehyung scoffed out. I raised an eyebrow. This isn't the first time that he's said I can't wear something. I didn't listen to him the first time so what makes him think I'll listen to him the second time?

"Really?," I mused. "I think I am."

"No, you're not," he repeated.

"Don't you need to do something?," I asked knowing that if I didn't try to at least change the subject we'd have an argument. He nodded his head and walked off, mumbling something about dresses being too small."I can't wait!," Jisoo squealed for the thousandth time this past hour. I couldn't stop the huge grin from breaking out. After our little excitement session, we got to work. We sung and danced as we did our own hair and makeup before finally slipping into our dresses and finding the right accessories.

We took a quick mirror selfie before taking thousands more. I want to look nice in the pictures. My royal blue dress dress was satin with a lace up at the back. "Damn I like that," Lisa said wishfully as she eyes up her own dress.

An emerald coloured mini dress which was the same material as mine hugged her curves perfectly as it was ruched around the sides. She turned half her body around trying to see how the back looked. The back of her dress was plain hence why she wanted it to be laced. She paired it with clear heels.

"Bitch, you look bangable," I told her. A small smile grew on her face as she burst out laughing.

"Girl, I look bangable all the damn time," she retorted as she stuffed her phone in her bra. I did the same and soon we were walking towards the front door.

"And who said I couldn't wear this dress?," I said mockingly as I pointed to the dress, loving how it made me look and feel. His eyes drifted down before slowly making their way back to my face. Suddenly, a feeling of nostalgia hit me as I thought back to the last time he looked at me like that.


"Give me the remote," he demanded as he sat next to me on the couch. In disbelief from his lack of manners, I refused to give it to him. He narrowed his eyes at me, daring me to refuse him again. I did.

He pounced causing me to fall back into the couch. We fought for a while as he tried to pry the remote from my fingertips. He gave up with that and began to tickle me. Suddenly, the remote flew out of my hands as he tickled me, refusing to stop.

Finally, he stopped. Breathing heavily, I managed to look at our position. I laid on the couch with my legs propped up on either side of him as he laid in between them, holding himself up with one hand.

Show off.

Before I knew it, he slowly leaned in and our lips touched. This kiss wasn't like our first one. This was needy. It was frantic and chaotic. It was like he lit a fire in me and that couldn't be put out. The fire wants more and more.

My fingers ran through his soft locks as I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him even closer to me. He let out a moan as I accidentally moved my hips against his little friend though I paid no mind to that. Before we could take this any further, he pulled away. He sat up causing me to sit up and face him."We can't do this," he groaned out. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. What's he talking about? "Us. We can't do it."

"Do what?," I asked completely clueless.

"Have sex," he murmured. Before I could speak, he continued, "even though, we're married. It can't happen. You're not 18 yet." I held my tongue, restraining myself from saying something I'll most likely regret.

End of flashback

"You okay?," Taehyung asked nudging me slightly as we walked towards the cars.

"Hm? What?," I asked, snapping out of my trance.

"Are you sure you're okay?," he asked again concerned for me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reassured him. "My brain just kidnapped me for a moment but I'm back." He looked at me weirdly as he tried to fight the small laugh threatening to escape.

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