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"Taehyung, this is your father."

"The fucker who is the reason why Luca was killed?" Valeria stayed silent. "That is not my father," he spat out. "Is he why you were so desperate to host the ball this year?"

"Taehyung," Valeria said warningly. "He is your father." She turned to Giuseppe. "I blame myself for this. If only I hadn't forced him to get married to her then he wouldn't be like this."

"Fuck both of you," Taehyung snapped.

"Valeria," Giuseppe, his father, began, "A boy needs a male figure in his life and he never did. That's your fault. I reached out to you after I had left. I did. You never responded."

"Don't put the blame on me!," she scoffed out. That doesn't make any sense. She literally just blamed herself for this. "You walked out on us."

"Boss," Suga spoke up. "Can we just do what we came here to do?"

"Oh yes. Taehyung, I'm here to take over my mafia once again," Giuseppe spoke. "You've done okay with it so far but I feel as though you haven't allowed it to reach its full potential." "Of what? Becoming a slaughter house?"


"That's why you had to bring this matter up in front of all the other mafias?"

"Giuseppe," I heard my father say from somewhere in the crowd. "I thought you were dead. It's been years and I believed you were dead. Why didn't you reach out?"

"Simply because you are the one who took my son from me. The son that would've took over this mafia and made it the best it could be but no. This mafia was given to the second best. He isn't like what Luca would've been."

"I'm not?," Taehyung as a dark chuckle left his mouth. A single shot fired and flew through the air before his dad stumbled backwards. He shot him.

Giuseppe held his arm. "You have shit aim," he breathed out through the pain.

"And you have shit pain tolerance. You haven't been shot at much these past years, have you?"

"Taehyung, no," Rosé said from out of nowhere. "He's your dad. I remember what you said to me after he left. You asked me if I knew if he was proud of you. Remember? I was only the same age as you and I didn't get the question-." "Cut the bullshit. I don't have time for that shit," Tae spat out. "I don't remember that and I'm glad I don't. Even if I did-."

"Okay," Valeria cut in. She looked at the crowd of people. "Bring yourself and your partners forward!" A huge grin grew on her face. She looked crazed.

"For what?," Tae asked. What? It's a new nickname I just came up with.

"You'll find out. Put your guns away boys." Tae, Chim and Kook put their guns away and glanced at her wearily. I don't think the nickname is working.

His dad was still struggling with the gun wound. Valeria sat him down on the side acting like the concerned wife, claiming he couldn't take part in this sick little game of hers.

Sugw reached for me. I gripped Tae even tighter, not wanting to leave his side. "Move your fucking hands," Tae said meanacingly.

"Jennie," Suga said warningly. I closed my eyes, trying to pretend he wasn't here.

"I will fucking kill you," Tae threatened him. "Don't even fucking say her name. Leave her the fuck alone. She's mine."

Suga took a deep breath and stood in the same spot as Tae walked forwards with his arm still wrapped around me. "I love you so much," I whispered, knowing he'll be able to hear me."I love you too," he said as he looked down at me with a small smile.

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