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Jennie's POV

Loud footsteps and giddy children made me sit up in alarm. Somethings wrong. "Come on, daddy!," I heard Sophia yell.

Fuck, Kook's back.

"It'll be okay," Lisa said calmly.

"So it's true?," I heard Kook breathe out as he stood in the foyer watching me. I refused to look at him as I stared at the wall in front of me, thankfully with my hair covering my face.

"Babies," Lisa said, grabbing the twins attention. "Go to your rooms and play there, please." They nodded their heads and ran off.

"So it's true?," he asked, this time looking at Lisa. I watched from the corner of my eye as she nodded her head. He looked at me. "So you're not dead?"


I cleared my throat, neatened my hair and stood up. I rolled my shoulders back as I prepared to speak. "I'm not dead."

He let out a scoff as he slowly walked towards me. "You're not Jennie," he said, observing me carefully. "You're a doppelganger or some shit because she's dead and there's no coming back from that." Lisa let out a sigh.

Yup, same old Kook.

"It's me," I said confused as to why he's not believing me.

"Fuck you, Katherine or whatever your name is," he spoke. I narrowed my eyes. I guess he's still obsessed with The Vampire Diaries. "I watched Jennie die."

"Kook, I was Elena, now I'm Jennie," I shrugged, probably confusing him even more. It's no lie or secret that he's not the smartest or brightest out of the others but that just makes him, himself and I wouldn't change that for anything.

"I knew it!," he exclaimed.

"Jungkook, I'm back for good this time," I said softly. He froze. "It's really me."

He stood still for a moment before he grabbed my face and turned my head side to side, examining it. I slapped his hands away. "Don't touch my face! I have no idea where those hands have been," I exclaimed, moving away from him.

A small smile grew on his face. "The real Jennie wouldn't have let me touch her face. I think you've passed the test," he informed me. He let out a sigh, his shoulders slumping before his muscular arms wrapped themselves around me."I missed you," he said, hugging me tightly. I wrapped my arms around him.

"I missed you too."

"Don't ever fucking play dead again otherwise I'll fucking kill you and throw your body in the ocean," he threatened. I let out a laugh.

"Don't worry, I plan on staying this time," I told him before pulling away.

He's taken this a lot better than I thought he would.

"Fuck," he laughed lightly. "I don't even know what to say for once and I have so many fucking questions." I let out a chuckle.

"It's okay," I shrugged. "Whatever questions you have, I'll answer them."

"Well," Lisa said, clapping her hands. "I have a question to ask." Kook and I looked at her expectantly. "All Jordan business aside, are you really gonna let him get married?"

I thought for a moment before shrugging my shoulders, helplessly. "How can I possibly stop him? If he truly loves her, how can I be the one to tear him away from his happiness? I broke him once, I don't want to hurt him again." "She's the same old bitch," Kook mumbled. "Don't worry, he can't truly love someone like her."

"What do you mean?"

"She's a fucking animal-."

"Kook, baby," Lisa said, cutting him off. "Don't start because you aren't gonna be able to stop." He closed his mouth and nodded his head. She turned to me, "He said some true but hurtful things to her. Taehyung got pissed off and fired him."

"He actually fired you? Over that bitch?," I asked in shock. He nodded his head slowly.

"I thought our friendship meant something to him but...," he trailed off. I let out a sigh. "But it's fine. I mean, it's not like I'm gonna go bankrupt anytime soon. I was only working there to help him out."

"What about the mafia then?"

He nodded his head. "Since Chim's gone, the mafia is mine to care for. Taehyung doesn't want anything to fucking do with it unless she wants him to do something. If she fucking throws a bone, he'll chase it. She tells him to bark, he'll fucking bark."

"So he's in deep then?," I asked. They both nodded their heads. "Then there's nothing for me to do. I'm just gonna have to go back to being dead then." "What? No! You can't," Vin argued. "You just said you're planning on staying!"

"You know I'm alive. There's no reason for us not stay in contact," I said, hoping that'll make this situation easier. "Did I?"

They both nodded their heads. "I guess I'll have to try this living this life again for you. If it doesn't work out, back to being dead I go."

"You can't go back to being dead," Lisa spoke up. "I think you're forgetting about our Jordan problem." I let out an annoyed sigh.

"What's the Jordan problem?," Kook asked. "And who is Jordan?"

"I'll fill you in later, babe," Lisa promised him.

I guess I'm not going back to being dead anytime soon then.

She's alive. She's fucking alive. How the fuck is she alive? She's not alive. That was a fucking hallucination. But it fucking wasn't. She stood there, right in front of me. I have to admit, years away from the mafia has done her the world of good. She looked so much happier and lighter compared to before when she had bags under her eyes and always seemed on edge.

Taehyung's POV

She lied to me. She lied. She made me promise that we had each other's backs but truth is, she never had mine. She left me all alone. She let me grieve for her. I was in pain and she let that happen.

I let out a loud yell as I punched the wall in my home. Footsteps came running causing me to get frustrated. "Babe, are you okay?," Rosé asked. I shook my hand off and shrugged her hand on my shoulder off. She followed me around the room.

"DO I FUCKING LOOK OKAY! WHAT THE FUCK CAN A MAN DO HERE TO GET SOME FUCKING TYPE OF PRIVACY!," I bellowed in her face. She flinched back, resting her hand on her belly in a way to protect the baby. I turned away from her, not wanting to even look at her, before rolling my eyes at her.

She knows I wouldn't fucking hurt her or the baby yet she always flinches every time I raise my fucking voice. I feel like I'm always walking on fucking eggshells and it's pissing me off. And don't say something traumatic has happened in her past because it hasn't. She was raised like a fucking spoilt princess.

This whole Jennie shit has messed with my fucking head. I just want some alone time to think and figure shit out with no interruptions. But clearly, I can't get that here.

"I'll leave you alone then," she mumbled as she slowly backed out of the room. I clenched my fist as I waited impatiently for her to leave.Taking her fucking time, she closed the door behind her. I let out a sigh as my shoulders slumped.

I loved her. I still do. Nothing will ever change that. But she left me. She left and she let me think she was dead. Now, how fucked up is that on a scale of one to ten?

I'd say ten.

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