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Tonight is special. For one reason mostly but many other tiny ones.

"I don't want to get too drunk!," I yelled over the deafening music. Lisa narrowed her eyes at me as she dragged me to the bar and ordered us both a drink. We downed it in one go before she headed back to the dance floor leaving me all alone at the bar. I glanced around the place.

Someone had caught my eyes. I slowly began to walk towards him. He was sat in a small secluded booth with a drink in his hands. "Come on, Tae. We're here to have fun!," I exclaimed as I held his hand attempting to pull him up.

"How drunk are you?," he asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Not very." I knew for a fact that I wasn't drunk mostly because I only had one drink.

I held his hand, guiding him through the sweaty bodies towards the middle of the dance floor where all of our friends were situated. Lisa and Suga danced together as they jumped up and down like they were on a high. I don't even want to tell you what Kook and Chim were doing.

I let go of his hand and he stood still staring at my face as I moved my body to the music. "Stop being so stiff! Let loose a little," I yelled at him. He rolled his eyes and turned making his way to the booth. I followed behind him and slid into the empty space next to him."Why aren't you enjoying yourself?," I asked.

"I am," he shrugged.

"No you're not," I sighed out. "Go and find a girl. Have fun. Get laid." He shook his head.


"I won't hold it against you."

"I can't. I won't."

"Yeah you can and you will," I said genuinely wanting him to have a good time. I know for a fact that he hasn't been with another woman since we got married.

"No, because you're the one I want," he said keeping eye contact. A soft smile made its way onto my lips. "There's only one of you and I need you. I want you. They aren't you." One of his hands held my face as his thumb slid over my bottom lip. "But I can't have you."

He dropped his hand.

What does he mean 'can't have me'? What am I? Some object that he chooses at the store?

"Yeah you can," I told him. "If you really wanted me, then you'd at least try or fight for me." At the word 'fight', his eyes narrow as he realises something."I know that you know," he told me. At this moment, I realised that I never confronted him about being Blade.

"How long have you known?"

"Since that day we fought in the gym," he said, thinking back to that day all those months ago. I was pissed off that day.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I guessed you probably didn't want anyone to know."

"So you're really Blade?" He nodded his head.

"And you're really Red."

"I need to get back into the ring," I told him. He nodded his head.

"I know you do."

When I realised how long we've been sat at the booth talking, I checked my phone.

I grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the booth. Despite his protests, he followed me into the middle of the dance floor. Lisa and Suga looked at me with huge smiles as they continuously watched the time.56 seconds.

✔My Mafia Wife [Taennie Adaption]Where stories live. Discover now