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Jennie's POV

Two days before

"I'm not pregnant," I said with a chuckle, not believing him. Suga glared at me from where he was stood. He's tried to convince me I am but I don't believe him. He's crazy! I can't just take his word for it.

"Just shut up and pack your shit," he grumbled out, giving up convincing me as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and began texting someone. "We've got somewhere to go."

I rolled my eyes but did as he said. Almost an hour later, I was fully packed. Suga had returned from wherever he had disappeared to. He eyed up my luggage. "We're not going for months," he said. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Not like you told me how many days to pack for," I retorted.

He let out an annoyed sigh. "You're really beginning to piss me off. It's been two fucking months so why are you still resisting this? Resisting us?"

I raised an eyebrow at this, daring him to continue. He does, "All the time you're causing arguments. Why can't you just be happy, you know? We're finally together after months apart and you don't even care." "Happy? Why would I be happy? What reason do I have to be happy? I'm stuck inside this bedroom all day. I haven't even been outside in months. And you expect me to be happy?"

"It's been two months actually," he said as if that made a difference. "You've been in here because this isn't our home. It's someone else's. You can't fuck up here or you'll be killed. Be glad I'm keeping you safe."

"I think I'd rather fuck up then."

"Jennie," he spoke, his voice raising slightly. "I haven't hurt you for the way you're talking to me yet only because you're carrying my child but if you carry on like this, then I won't hesitate to teach you a lesson."

I bit my lip refraining myself from talking back.  I know for a fact he'd beat me up. He's already hit me twice but one of those was my own stupid fault. He hit me once when I was first brought to this bedroom. The second time was when I had a mini breakdown. I tried to escape that time and I hit him. I wasn't thinking straight. He grabbed a fist full of my hair and almost smashed my head against the mirror. Thankfully, he didn't otherwise I would've had broken glass in my hair.

"Listen," he said softly. "I'm sorry. But I've sacrificed so much for you. I've done so much. I've lost my family for you. I'm playing with my life for you because these people kill for one little mistake. And hell, we're a couple but we're not even sleeping in the same fucking bed together. We've not even kissed." "We aren't," I told him. "We're family. I'm your sister, Suga. You can't keep saying these things."

"You are my family. But you're not blood," he said, ignoring what I just said. "I'll wait for you. I'll wait until you're ready to be with me properly. That's what love is."

I almost puked.

He's delusional. He thinks that I'm actually pregnant and that this child is his. Even if I am, it will be Taehyung's baby, not his.

Without a word, he grabbed my bags and his and left the room only to return ten minutes later for me. He gripped my arm tightly, threatening me about running away before he led me through the house and outside, towards a car. The fresh air hit my face as the bright sun beamed down on me. I never realised how much I actually missed the outside until now.

Hours later, we arrived at an airport.

He gripped my arm tightly, not wanting me to run as we boarded the private jet. "Do anything stupid, like trying to kill the pilot and I'll push you out of the fucking plan," he threatened in my ear, making me roll my eyes as he pushed me down into a seat. Seconds later, the jet took off and we were almost in the air."Where were we?," I asked Suga as I glanced out of the window to see us landing. We had only been in the plan for 6 hours, maybe?

"We were in Mexico but we're back at home now," he said as he stood up to stretch his legs. "Remember when I said that those people I'm working for need us to do something for them?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah and I said I'm not doing any of your dirty work for you."

"Yeah well, that job is happening now," he replied. "Don't fuck this up or all three of us will end up dead."

"I told you that I'm not pregnant," I said firmly. "So it'll only be the two of us that die. I think I've made my peace with that."

"Don't be stupid," he said before he pulled me out of the plane. We made our way to our luggage before jumping in a car that had arrived for us. Before I could say anything, a blindfold covered my eyes as something pressed against my mouth. I held my breath as soon as the cloth touched my lips. It'll be chloroform. If I'm pregnant, it'll harm the baby.

I can't just assume I'm not because what if I am? What if he's not lying and I don't do anything when he tries to drug me? My baby could die and I can't lose another child.I promise that I'm gonna everything in my power to keep this little one out of harms way until I know if I'm pregnant or not for sure.

I made my body fall limp and forced myself to not move as his lips brushed against my cheek. Thankfully, he didn't try to kiss my lips because if he did I probably would've broken cover and tried to attack him.

For a while, he sat there silently, possibly on his phone. What seems like many hours later but was only an hour later, his phone rang loudly.

"Hey," he said first before pausing listening to the person on the other side. Even though I was sat next to him, I still couldn't hear the other side of the conversation. "Yeah I know but we're on schedule. We're almost here."

He stayed silent for almost ten minutes. "I can handle her, you don't need to give me a lecture. This whole thing will go according to plan as long as you stick to your part because I've done mine."

He let out a sigh before falling silent. "Yeah I know," he said sharply. "I've knocked her out. She won't be a problem for now. I'll get my money?"

The other person spoke for a moment. "If I don't get my money, I'll tell everyone the truth." That was all he said before he cut the call. He ran a hand down his face as he glanced out of the window. "Fuck you, Valeria," he mumbled angrily as he threw his phone down on his lap.


I almost stopped breathing. He looked at me causing me to let out the breath I was holding. He watched me for a couple of minutes as I made it seem like I was sleeping before looking back out of the window.

Whatever is gonna go down isn't gonna be good especially if Valeria is involved. I just hope he's talking about some other Valeria.

This can't be happening but it makes sense. The fact that I'm being brought back here to the city I grew up in and the fact that he tried to drug me. Why would he drug me unless he was going to take me somewhere he'd know I'd cause a scene?

Fuck, I really hope I'm wrong about this.

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