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Taehyung's POV

"NO!," Suga screamed as her head smashed against the floor.. "SHE'S PREGNANT!"

I dashed towards her, ignoring what he just said, with all of my focus on her. Her eyes were barely open as her hand reached out to stroke my cheek. I fell onto my knees beside her, throwing my gun next to me on the ground. "SOMEONE GET A FUCKING MEDIC!," I screamed as I held her face. I pressed a hand into her wound.

"You're not dying on me," I said, my voice breaking. "I fucking shot you in the shoulder so you can't die on me."

She let out a small chuckle though I could tell it pained her. "It was us against the world, wasn't it? Yet, the world somehow won."

"Don't fucking say that. They haven't won. We're still here and don't start getting all fucking poetic on me."

She let out a small chuckle.

"He was telling the truth," she said weakly as her hand fell to rest on her stomach. "We were having a baby." My eyes watered and soon tears fell, landing on her cheek."Don't say 'were'. Why did you let me shoot you? I could've gotten it switched. You could've shot me instead," I said to her as I cradled her head. I gently wiped my tears off her face with my thumb. I gave her a light kiss on her head. "It can still happen. We can be a family."

"No," she struggled to say. "It's too late. I can feel it."

She wasn't talking about her life here. She's talking about the little life, inside of her.

My heart sank.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS THE MEDIC!," I bellowed out, in desperation.

"I'm already dead," she said her breathing becoming laboured. She closed her mouth as words struggled to escape. I held her tightly, still putting pressing onto her wound. It didn't seem to work. "Goodbye, my love."

"No you're not. Don't say goodbye. That feels final. You're not dying. You'll see me later. I will see you later."

"See you later, then, Tae," she coughed out. She gave me one last soft smile. Little did I know, it'll be the last one I ever see.

"You can't die on me! You promised me you weren't gonna die, remember? So you stick to that fucking promise and all the other ones you made! You can't leave me!," I cried out, not caring how vulnerable I seem to the other mafias. I shook her head, trying to wake her up.She can't leave me. She promised me.

No use.

Her eyes remained shut.

Chim and Kook put a hand on each of my shoulders. I shrugged them off. "Get the fuck off me!" They backed away, watching me concerned.

"YOU CAN'T DIE!," I screamed at her in tears. I let out a sob as I buried my face in her hair, smelling it for what could be the last time ever. "You promised me you wouldn't."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

This is it.

This is the end of our story, isn't it?

People claim it's the worst feeling ever to find the right person at the wrong time and lose them forever, I'm afraid we proved them right. If only we didn't find each other at this point in our lives, then maybe then we'd have been allowed our happy ending.

The future is filled with uncertainty especially at this time. I love you now. I loved you then. I will love you. Jen, you're my everything and life without you is a life I'd rather not live. Maybe you were right when you said the world was against us; we tried so hard yet we failed.I won't ever wake up to the feeling of your hair trying to suffocate me. I won't ever wake up to your little body being squished under mine. I won't ever wake up and hear you say 'I love you' again. I won't ever hear your melodic voice again. I won't ever see your gorgeous face again. I won't ever smell your morning breath again. I won't ever hear your laugh or see your smile again. I won't ever touch you again. That won't ever happen again and that's what kills me the most.

Our love story was complicated. There were too many people opposed to us being together. There was too many people trying to kill you and split us up. But through all of that, our love for each other grew stronger and our bond became unbreakable. I blame myself and this life we live in. Maybe if we had been normal people, you would still be here and we would've been happily in love.

But that's not the case here.

Love is cruel and filled with pain but when it hurts this much that's when you know you've found true love. And you were mine.

We love and loved each other but it turns out that we were both just a beautiful chapter in each others unfinished books.

Regardless of all of that, I'd do it all over again. The pain, the hurt and the sadness, just so I'd get to feel your love one last time.

The story continues yet somehow the chapter ends here.

Till we meet again, my love.

I love you, my Jennie.

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