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Jennie's POV

One day before

It's been hours since I was carried out of the car and brought to a motel. Clearly, he doesn't want people to think I've been kidnapped. I mean, who wouldn't think that? An unconscious girl being carried in some guys arms? That looks and sounds pretty suspicious to me.

Only thing was that I wasn't unconscious. I was fully awake and alert. I needed to know what's happening around me.

He wasn't in the room he booked for us so I got up from where I was laid on the bed and glanced out of the window. I couldn't see nothing but trees.

"Good, you're awake," he stated, thinking I was unconscious this whole time, as he entered the room and closed the door behind him. "We're staying here tonight."

"Where are we?," I asked, feeling drained. He stayed silent as he rummaged around in his bags, clearly trying to avoid my question. "Just tell me, dammit!"

"For fucks sake, Jennie!," his voice raised slightly more than what mine did. "I'm not telling you for a reason. You'll find out everything tomorrow.""Oh fuck you then," I spat out.

"Want me to drug you again?," he threatened. Well, he didn't do a good job of trying to do that to me earlier so he won't manage to do it now.

I stayed silent. "Good," he sneered. "Just fucking go to sleep. You're pissing me off." I ignored him as I stared out of the window.

I really would like to find a knife and just jam it in him now.

"And you're pissing me off," I spoke up, suddenly feeling tired of his bullshit. I just want all of this to be over with. I'm so fucking tired. I haven't been able to get a good nights sleep the past two months because of him. "Suga, just pull your head out of your damn ass! I am your fucking sister and keeping me hostage because you're in love me with me is fucking crazy. I hate to break it to you but I don't love you and this baby -if there even is one inside of me- isn't yours. It's Taehyung's. You need help. You need to go to therapy or check into a mental hospital or something!"

"Jennie there's things you don't understand and things you never will. I do love you and I will do anything to protect you but I'm not crazy for wanting to protect someone I love." "But you're trying to protect me from someone I love. Don't you see how fucked up that is?"

"I don't because he would've ruined you. You know that too. It's better that you get out now, rather than later."

"You're crazy. You're fucking crazy!"

"STOP SAYING THAT!," he suddenly yelled. Me eyes widened, not really expecting him to raise his voice like this. I have no idea what I was expecting but it wasn't this.

"I won't. You are crazy. What happened to the little kid that would scare all the bullies away? What happened to the one that would be the one to help me, rather than inflict the wounds?"

"What happened was that I wasn't noticed. You didn't appreciate me as you swanned off to his house and got married to him."

"Hey! That was after. And I didn't swan off, I was practically forced. I didn't see you doing anything to try to stop the wedding from happening!"

"From what I can remember you didn't stop the wedding either."

"I tried," I stated simply as I thought back to that time I tried to run away at the engagement. Obviously, my dad found out and I was dragged back hence why I'm currently married."Clearly, not hard enough. Everyone knows how I fucking feel about you! It's clear. But apparently, you were too blind to see it."

"That's not fair," I ground out. "That's not fucking fair. You could've told me and not made a big deal about it all. You've always been family to me. You were like a brother to me and you actually are my brother."

"Tell you?," he scoffed out. "I couldn't. You were like a fucking princess on her high horse. I couldn't tell you if I was gonna be knocked back. I would've rather not lost our friendship over a relationship that probably wouldn't have worked out."

"If you thought we weren't gonna work out, then what are we doing here then?"

"I realised that I'm done compressing that side of me. Everything that I've kept inside all my life, is finally coming out and I couldn't be more relieved."

"But you could've gone with a whole different approach with this thing."

"I tried that," he said with a dry chuckle. "I told you how I felt. Remember that day when I took you to that cliff? I told you then and you slapped it back in my face."

"I did not!," I defended myself. "I let you down gently. I didn't do anything that would make you feel bad." "Everyone knows it's best to just rip off the band aid."

"That's why this whole fucking time, I've been telling you that we are siblings!"

"Fuck that fact! We haven't grown up like siblings!"

"Suga, that's doesn't matter. What matters is the blood that runs through our veins."

"Blood doesn't matter that's why I'm telling you that baby is mine."

"I'm not pregnant!," I almost screamed at him. "We never had sex! Even if I am pregnant, this baby wouldn't be yours."

"You are! Have you noticed how you haven't had a period in two fucking months? It may not be mine biologically but in every other way it's mine. Taehyung won't be around raise it!"

"I'm not! I'm fucking stressed out that's why I haven't had a period since," I said. My period comes randomly especially when I'm stressed out, sometimes it doesn't even come. "He will raise this child because I'm not fucking gonna do it with you!"

He let out a string of curse words as he rummaged through his bags before pulling a box out and throwing it at me. I quickly caught it and looked at it, wanting to read it. Pregnancy test?

"Take it," he demanded. I looked down at it in my hands. He let out an annoyed sigh. "Hurry the fuck up. We have to go."

I swiftly walked into the bathroom and ripped the box open. I stared at it for at least ten minutes.

"We gotta go!," Suga yelled as he banged on the door. I pulled it open and held the box tightly in my hands. "Not done it?," he asked. I narrowed my eyes at him causing him to back away.

He pulled me out of the motel, leaving our bags there with the pregnancy test still in my hands. We slid into the car only for him to blindfold me again.

"Not gonna drug me?," I asked.

"No," he drawled out. "I need you fully alert now."


"'Cause shit's about to go down."

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