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"Taehyung!," a girl squealed as soon as we arrived at their house. She threw her arms around him as he slowly hugged her back. When they let go of each other, she took a couple of steps back, allowing me to get a closer look at her.

She is beautiful. She has a tall model-like figure that most people would die for. Her small face looked almost identical to Taehyung so I could only assume that they're siblings. If they are then why is she in another country?

I snapped out of my thoughts once I realised that she was stood in front of me. "I'm Irene," she introduced herself as she looked at everyone's faces, clearly confused. "I wasn't told that we'd have a guest."

"I'm Jennie," I said with a bright smile as I cleared my throat trying to hide how hurt I was. No one thought to tell her that I'm Taehyung's wife. I opened my mouth to tell her why I'm here but before a word could escape Taehyung spoke, making me close my mouth.

"She's Kook's and Chim's friend," he said smoothly. I gave her a tight lipped smile as she looked over at me once again.

After a while, she and Valeria walked off with Taehyung following slowly behind them leaving me, Chim and Kookie all alone. I didn't say a word to them as I silently followed the butler or housekeeper to my room, struggling to swallow the lump that was forming in my throat.I was hurt. I cannot deny that. I thought that I at least meant something to him. I'm his wife. He's supposed to respect me but I guess that this marriage isn't a normal one after all.

Once I finally reached my room, I closed the door behind me. A double bed was pushed up against the wall. There was a window seat and a desk. Across the bed were two doors that obviously led to the bathroom and the closet.

An hour later, a knock sounded on my door. I quickly got up to open it but immediately began to close it once again once I saw who was behind it.

Taehyung forcefully pushed the door back, entering my room. He walked towards me as I held my tongue, not wanting to cry. I was feeling a little emotional today if you couldn't already tell.

"While we're in this house, you don't mention this arrangement," he demanded as he took another slow intimidating step towards me.

"What was the point of bringing me here?," I asked. "Clearly, I'm not wanted here." He shrugged his shoulders. Tears pricked at my eyes. He doesn't even care. I sniffed as I held back the tears.

"Mention it to anyone and-," he began to threaten.

"What are you gonna do? You've taken everything from me! We don't know each other so why are you still here? Just get out and go!" I threw my arms in the air as I spoke loudly.He grabbed my arms holding them by my sides. "I'm just their friend, right?" We both stayed silent for a moment. "I'm your wife. I don't deserve to be treated like this. I deserve respect, something that I'm not getting from you. I'm being locked up. I'm not even allowed outside! I can't even take a piss without you knowing about it! I-I can't handle th-."

"Hey," Irene said confused as she lightly knocked on the door. Taehyung quickly took a step away from me, letting go of my arms. I quickly felt my face, realising that a few tears had fallen. "Are you okay?"

I cleared my throat. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine," I said, my voice cracking slightly, giving me away. I turned around and quickly wiped my eyes before facing her.

Fuck. I do not want to be crying in front of him or anyone. I can't seem weak.

"No, you're not," she said as Taehyung left my room. She closed the door behind her and sat on my bed. I sat in front of her and wiped my eyes before giving her a watery smile.

"See, I'm fine." She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Don't give me that shit," she said. "Clearly, you're not. I swear when I get my hands on him..."

"Can we not talk about me?," I asked, not wanting to sound rude. She nodded her head.

"I'm Irene Di Salvo, Taehyung's sister. I'm 16 years old and I'm a mom," she shrugged."A mom?" She nodded her head.

She let out a small laugh as she thought back to a memory. "I remember when I first told Taehyung that I was pregnant. He was ready to kill my boyfriend. He literally held a gun to his head. Somehow, I managed to convince him that my baby will need his father."

"That's crazy," I commented. She nodded her head, agreeing. "How come you live here and he lives in the US?"

"I was born and raised there until I turned 10. You know what men in the mafia are like especially with girls. My mom didn't want that to happen to me so I live here. No one knows about me."

Men in the mafia treat women like objects. As soon as a girl has come of age, she needs protecting. Offers for marriage will come like a ton of bricks. Some people will even go as far as kidnapping her.

It's a crazy world.

"That's smart," I mumbled. I wish my parents did that with me, maybe then I wouldn't be here right now. "How old is the baby?"

"He's 6 months," she said with a small smile. "I'll go get him." She left and came back a couple of minutes later with him."Meet Dante." A little baby was in her arms. He looked around as he clapped his tiny hands. She sat down beside me and let me hold him.

"Hi there," I cooed as I spoke to him. "I'm Jennie. You're such a cute little baby." He let out a small laugh making a huge smile grow on my face.

"Babies make everyone feel better," she commented.

I gave her a smile, agreeing with her as I played with her baby.

Babies don't understand anything. They have no care for anything. They don't do anything. They have no responsibilities.

They're so lucky. I wish I was a baby at least then I wouldn't have to deal with all this crap. "You're gonna have to get used to me because I'm gonna be here for a while," I said in a baby voice.

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