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Chim's words rang in my head. "I thought you were different. You were family to me. A sister. I knew I'd do anything to protect you but you wouldn't do the same, would you? You're just selfish and I wish I realised this sooner. Honestly, I wish we never met."

He doesn't understand fully why I left the way I did and that breaks my heart. Everything happens for a reason. Or at least I like to believe so.

So Taehyung and Rosé never tied the knot? They never got married. It makes absolutely no sense. They've been engaged for almost five years. Why didn't they get married within that time?

They got engaged a year after I 'died'.

Jordan clicked his fingers in front of me, pulling me out of my thoughts. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Your phone has been ringing nonstop." He pointed towards my phone.

Just as it began vibrating again, I picked it up and glanced at the caller ID. Lisa. "I'll be back," I mumbled to Jordan as I left the room quickly.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me," I said, sounding hurt, as soon as I answered the call.

"Shut the fuck up!," she exclaimed, defending herself. "I just heard about it myself. I barely see he-who-shall-not-be-named and the bitch he's gonna marry since Kook and I bought our own house." "But in all the times you've seen him and her together, does he look like he loves her? Does he look happy?"

I could just imagine Lisa helplessly shrugging her shoulders, not really knowing what answer to give me. "I have no idea," she finally breathed out. "This is the sort of thing that you'll have to come and see for yourself because me telling you and you seeing it with your own eyes are completely different. Plus I haven't seen her in a while. It's like she's hiding."

I stayed silent for a moment, pondering over what she just said. Before I could say another word, she claimed she had to go before cutting the call. She always seems to be needing to end the call quickly. She seems so busy.

Even though, I was in America last year for Christmas, Lisa and I never met. We physically couldn't. What if Kook follows her on her way to meet me? Or worse, what if an enemy of mine follows her? I know for a fact that Kai's family was after me right before I 'died'.

I never heard about it because Suga kidnapped me. I really hope Suga really is dead. If Kai's family get the smallest inkling that I'm alive, they'll be after me like a dog with a bone. But in that case, I'll be the bone.

Jimin could go and tell the mafia world about me. He's pissed at me. He could ruin everything I've built for myself.I thought back to what he said.

"I can't believe you just left us, left him, like that."

Truth is though, that I had no choice. It was either Taehyung or me in my head. I was risking my mental health and my life by just being in that life and with him. To be honest, I don't want to risk any of those again.


"Come on," Lisa said softly as she knocked on my bedroom door. "We're in a new country. Lets' explore." I didn't say anything as I turned around my bed, facing the window. She let out a sigh as the babies began screaming. "I'm not gonna let you stay like this. You chose to let him go and now you have to live with that decision. There's no way you can go back." She gave me one last look before leaving.

She's right. It's my fault. I love him so how could I have chosen to leave him behind? But I didn't. I thought back to when we were in the hospital room and I begged him to leave with me, to start afresh with me. Of course he didn't know that I was going to fake my death so the next day must've come as a shock to him, I guess. I believe deep down inside of him, he knows I'm alive.He promised that instead of us leaving, he'd make the businesses legal. He promised that he'd make the mafia a side thing and the businesses his focus. Of course, underneath the businesses the mafia will be running, making the businesses a cover for the illegal activities happening.

I can only hope he'll make true on his promise. Or even better, get rid of the mafia all together.

~End Of Flashback~

I guess he did make true on his promises. Whenever I used to check the tabloids or anything really, his name was always there. He's become a billionaire with all of his legal businesses such as clubs, high-tech companies and a whole bunch of other businesses he's related to.

"I just heard from the lady at the desk that our holiday to America isn't to relax. We're going a little bit early so we can sort some business out over there," Jordan informed me as he tried to catch the grape he threw into the air into his mouth. He failed. He let out an annoyed grunt as it hit the floor.

"How early? But we've never had to sort any business out over there. She also has a name, you know."

"I know but I don't really remember it," he shrugged. I rolled my eyes. "We're going tomorrow. Some huge multi-billion dollar business is selling some of their company and our boss wants it." I let out an annoyed sigh. I've heard of multi-millionaires but not multi-billionaires. Is there such a thing? If not, oh well.

Our boss is an asshole who chases money like a dog after a cat but he's the reason why I have such a good paying job. Our business buys parts of companies and sometimes sells them almost as if we're playing monopoly. We deal with stocks and finances too but I don't work in that area. My specialty is negotiations.

I talk directly to our possible business partners and clients and let them know what our company stands for and how much money they'll get from whatever it is we're doing.

Doesn't make sense? Don't worry, after all these years, it still doesn't make sense to me either. That's why Jordan deals with the numbers and I don't.

Have I mentioned that I'm not in contact with my family? They know I'm alive but after the bomb they dropped on me about my dad not being my dad and Suga being my half-brother, I decided I needed some space. Turns out that the space I wanted from them for a few weeks somehow turned into years.

Crazy, right? They didn't even try to contact me after. I guess they forgot about their dead daughter who's not really dead.But I do feel guilty about not being in contact with my sister. She didn't do anything. It wasn't her fault.

But it's fine. Because the person they knew is dead. Jennie is dead. At least to me, she is. I love and loved my old self mostly because she made me stronger. Now, I'm referring to old me as 'she' because we're not the same person anymore. New me is bubbly and happy. New me hasn't ever seen a dead body or even a gun (mostly because they're not legal in the UK).

I promised myself that the new me wouldn't give a shit about anyone else and that I'd start doing things for myself and speaking my mind. That promise has made me feel lighter mostly because I'm not keeping anything bottled up inside of me anymore.

"The boss is an asshole," I mumbled. "It's Christmas. I do not want to fucking work."

He shrugged his shoulders. "It's not like we'll actually be working on Christmas Day. Plus, we're getting paid extra."

"How extra?"

"Enough to buy five freaking mansions," he chuckled lightly. I was taken aback. "I think I'll buy a yacht and name it Jordan Express." "What?," he asked, realising the strange look I was giving to him. "Rich people name their boats."

"You're rich now regardless of the money we're gonna get yet you're still living in a shared apartment." We both have almost 6 figure digits hitting our bank accounts from our jobs.

Don't worry, I haven't pulled Red out of hibernation in almost six years.

Red used to make me a hell of a lot of money. But in exchange for that I'd end up with sore body parts.

"It's a flat," he corrected me. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up."

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