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Jennie's POV
I paced back and forth as I thought. Why is my father and Taehyung meetings? Is he who Taehyung plans on killing before me? My bedroom door being pushed open throws me out of my thoughts.

"Care to explain why I was never told that your 17?," Taehyung asked even though it seemed more like a demand. I shrugged my shoulders.

"You never asked," I said flatly. I knew he wasn't a teenager; that fact alone is pretty clear.

"I never asked!," he exclaimed, repeating what I had said. "You're still in high school! Of course I needed to know."

"I haven't been told how old you are!," I snapped. So what if I'm still in high school?

"I'm 20," he stated. I stared at him unfazed. I knew he was in his twenties. I can see the problem here though. He's an adult whereas I'm still a minor. It's his fault anyway. He never asked.

"Just go away," I told him as I let out a sigh. He stayed standing by my door.

"My mothers coming back," he warned me.

"Great," I muttered. "Just what I needed."

"Stay out of her way and you'll be fine," he advised me. I looked at him weirdly. I thought he hated me so why is he giving me advice? "Keep on looking at me like that and that's the last piece of advice I'll be giving you," he threatened.Now, there's the Taehyung I've grown accustomed to.

It's weird to say but I find his uncaring and dangerous attitude attractive. It may be Stockholm syndrome since I am being kept hostage in his home.

I watched as he turned and walked away. I haven't ever seen him in anything other than a suit. If he wears it because he knows he looks hot in it then...damn.

"You're warming up to him, aren't you?," Elsa asked as she entered my room to change the sheets. I walked towards the bed and began helping her. I shrugged my shoulders.

"He's the only one here other than you and Richard," I told her.

"He's changing," she stated. "When his mother returns, she won't be happy to see him smiling at the help."

"He smiled?," I asked in disbelief. I can't imagine him smiling.

She nodded her head. "He's been smiling a lot lately. The only people who he's ever joked with are Jungkook and Jimin. So for him to smile at me is something pretty big. It means his metal heart is melting."Can metal even melt? Fuck knows, I'll search it up on google later.

"I've only been here for a month," I told her with a slight chuckle. "He's changing but it's not because of me."

Thinking about it, I realise that he has been a lot nicer. He hasn't been swearing or ordering me around as much. He's yet to let me outside but we're getting there.

Don't forget he plans on killing you, I reminded myself.

Most of our recent conversations haven't been filled with arguments. We've actually had discussions.

I sat there for a while once Elsa left. When i finally checked the time after hours, I saw that it was 6:00pm. Richard came to call me down for dinner.

"Is Valeria here?," I asked Richard.

"Yes," he replied as we walked downstairs.

"Can you just say that I'm not feeling good?," I asked as I almost turned around to head back to my room. He shook his head firmly and forced me to follow.

It's no secret that I don't like the woman so naturally I was dreading this dinner. She had returned from a two week trip from one of their other bases in another state.I entered the dining room and sat in the same seat I sat in last time we had dinner with her. Since she left, I've only sat on this table once. It was awkward between Taehyung and I because it was completely silent so I started eating with Elsa in the kitchen.

She smiled at me though I could tell it was fake. "It's nice seeing you, Jennie," she spoke.

"You too," I lied. I saw from the corner of my eyes that Taehyung was watching our interaction closely. Soon after, food was put on the table.

"So Jennie," she said after she put all her food on her plate. I snapped my head up to look at her. "What happened last year?"

I froze. Why is she asking me about that?

I cleared my throat once I realised that I had to answer and that they were both staring at me. "What do you mean?," I asked. What else could I say? She might not even know anything about last year.

"Well, as far I can remember I never saw you at the ball, meetings or missions," she stated. When I do a mission, no one hears about it. I'm so fucking stealthy.

I gave her a tight lipped smile. "I was busy."

"But you can't have been that busy. I mean, no one saw you for the whole year!," she exclaimed. I could feel my anger level rising."Leave it, mother," Taehyung snapped at her.

"I just want to know why she completely disappeared last year," she told him before turning to me.

"What happened last year is nobody's business but mine," I told her. "You're his mother, not mine. I don't have to answer to you!"

"But you're married to my son," she stated smugly. "So I have to know everything about you."

"That's right. I'm married to him, not you. You don't need to know everything and neither does he so stay out of my fucking business!," I snapped.

I stood up from my chair just as she did. Our chairs screeched as they were pushed back. She walked around the table to me. We stood face to face.

"As long as your under my roof, you'll show me some respect," she said slowly. I rolled my eyes.

"If showing you respect means having no privacy then I'll pass," I told her.

"You'll do no such thing," she said sternly."Won't I?" She narrowed her eyes at me as I shot her a smirk. I had the upper hand here. I know something that she doesn't and it's killing her inside. I turned to walk away.

"I should've never let you marry a spoilt brat," she seethed as she spoke to Taehyung.

I turned to face her once again, not liking the fact that she called me a spoilt brat. I mean, has she seen herself?

"And I've never met such a selfish self centred bitch until you," I spat out. She gritted her teeth as she raised her hand. I glared at her waiting for the pain to come but when it didn't I looked towards her hand. Taehyung had grabbed it.

He held it in his hand. He should've squeezed it and broke it. The bitch would've deserved it. She looked up at him in shock.

"How dare you grab my hand!," she yelled as she tried to pull her hand away from him.

"You live under my roof, mother," he spat out. "Don't forget that."

He dropped her hand and walked away.

Damn! Now, that's what you call a power move!

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