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Jennie's PoV

"Taehyung!," I yelled out in anger. He rushed towards me. "What the fuck is that?"

He let out a sigh as he looked at the ground disappointed. "I think I'm ready to go home," he mumbled before he walked away from me.

He is infuriating to live with especially with no maids or butlers. He doesn't clean up after himself nor does he cook his own food.

And I know he can cook and clean up after himself.

He's stayed with me for the last two days obviously not in the same room. He's been sleeping in my guest bedroom.

I let out a small sigh as I glared at the pile of dirty of dishes in the sink. I unfortunately decided against buying a dishwasher since it's only me that lives here. But now, looking at this huge pile, makes me wish I bought one.

I moved my gaze away from the sink to the window where I saw Taehyung standing outside. I tugged on a sweater before I walked outside. I didn't even notice he had smoke coming out of his mouth until I could smell it from standing next to him.As soon as he realised I was stood beside him, he pulled the cigarette out of his mouth with the aim to put it out. Quickly, I pulled it out from between his fingers and placed it between my lips as much as it killed me.

An indirect kiss. The closest we've gotten to a kiss since I came back.

"What are you doing?," he asked confused. I shrugged my shoulders. He reached out and tried to pull it out from between my lips.

I moved it and placed it between my two fingers. "I wanna know what's so good about it. I wanna know why you smoke it," I told him. He let out a sigh.

"You're not fucking smoking it," he said flatly. I rolled my eyes and put it in between my lips. I had to move and slap his hands away as they neared my face with the aim of taking the cigarette.

"Stop it!," I exclaimed. "Yes, I am."

I've watched enough movies to know that you're supposed to breath it in before breathing it out. It's like you're holding the smoke in your mouth before you're letting it out.

I took a deep breath, trying to act like I've done this before as I inhaled it. Before I knew it, I dropped the cigarette and harshly hit my chest as I coughed violently. Taehyung let out a chuckle as he lightly hit my back, trying to help."I told you not to," he said hiding his smile.

"Oh my god," I wheezed out. "I'm dying!"

"You will be if you touch that shit again," he threatened. "If I see you even looking at a packet of that shit, I will snap you in half."

I let out a chuckle once I stopped coughing. "If I can't touch it, then you shouldn't be able to as well," I tried to compromise. I know he's not addicted, he chooses to smoke. He just smokes for fun. He can stop whenever he wants but I don't think he wants to. "It's only fair," I defended my compromise as he playfully glared at me.

"Fine," he grumbled out. "Go and smoke twenty packs a day then if you want to so badly."

"Taehyung," I said, my tone warning him.

"Fine," he sighed out as he handed me the packet and lighter he had in his pockets.

"That wasn't so hard."

"Get your shit," I said to Taehyung. "I'm not getting it for you and you have perfectly good working legs."My house was finally sold as well as my furniture. My suitcases were fully packed with all of my belongings. Now, I was just waiting for Taehyung to get his bags before we could leave.

"Yeah come on!," Jordan groaned out. "I got stuff to do." Taehyung rolled his eyes and grabbed his bags and mine before heading towards the car with Jordan following eagerly behind him.

I let out a sigh and looked around. Six whole years of my life as someone else in this house. It's crazy.

Without looking back, I left and closed the door behind me, heading towards the car. "My stuff is in it?," I asked Taehyung as I slid into the car. He nodded his head as the taxi driver slammed his foot down making the car fly forwards.

Within two hours, we got to the airport. Since Taehyung is crazy rich, we have his private jet waiting for us.

I sunk into the seat as I clicked my seatbelt on once I was on the jet. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. I opened them only to be met with Taehyung so close to my face, I could feel his minty breath hitting my face.

Nice to know he hasn't smoked today.

"What?," I asked. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up, undoing my seatbelt.

"Where are we going?," I asked as we walked past a sleeping Jordan. We headed towards the back where the bedroom is.Once we were in the bedroom, he closed the door and grabbed a briefcase from wherever. I watched him curiously as he got some files and folders out. "What are you looking for?," I asked.

"Something special," he muttered as he rummaged through all the files. He let out a hum as he found it. He placed it on the dresser with a pen.

"Sign on the dotted line," he demanded.

"What's it for?," I asked as I walked towards it, trying to read it.

A smile grew on his face. "Her end and our beginning," he spoke.

"I need details." He let out a sigh. "Have you seriously been carrying this around with you the whole time?"

"It's a surprise so don't fucking read it and no comment." I stared at him. "Don't you trust me?"

"I do," I said without hesitating, telling me that I was telling the truth.

"Sign it."

I bit my lip as I held the pen in my hand. I glanced at him to see he was watching my every move.

I do trust him.

Before I knew it, the pen scratching the paper was all I could hear. I pulled back and stared at the unknown piece of paper. There my signature sat sealing whatever it was he wanted me to sign.

I do trust him.

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