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I sat around my room, waiting for something, anything really. It's only been a couple of hours since Valeria has been here and I already feel like a prisoner. Everyone else was holed up in the office because of Valeria but that didn't stop Kook from texting every two minutes to see if Lisa had texted me. It was nice to know that he's giving her the space she asked for but it's getting annoying.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed once again. I let out an exasperated sigh as I roughly grabbed it and checked who it was.

Honey, the balls been pushed back a few weeks- Dad

Why is he telling me this?

We need to talk- Namjoon

Why's my brother texting me now too? This is some next crazy shit. Namjoon and I don't really interact. We just tend to stay away and out of each other's way. It's easier for us like that. He's taking over my fathers mafia soon so he's always pretty busy.

When? -Jennie

Now. Sneak out- Namjoon

I turned my phone off and shoved it in my pocket. Hopefully, she hasn't told security to stop me from leaving yet. I grabbed my bag and quickly left my room, grateful for the meeting they were all in.

Without a hitch, I left the mansion and slid out of the gate to see a familiar black SUV. I quickly slid in and we sped off down the road. I glanced around to see my brother, mother and father all here."What's going on?," I asked.

"We need to tell you something. Something which Valeria is gonna reveal at the ball but we'd rather you hear it from us than her," my dad spoke as he took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry baby," my mother spoke. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"You're not my child," my dad said, his voice slightly cracking.

"What? Is this a joke?"

"It's true," my mom said. "I was stupid. Two years after Namjoon was born, I had an affair and you were born."

"What? If this is joke, it's not funny." I watched their solemn faces before realising they weren't joking. "So it's true?," I asked as tears welled up in my eyes. "You're not my dad?"

"Biologically, no," he said. "But other than that, I am your father. I raised you as my own."

"You and Suga are half siblings," my mom revealed. It was as if she was dropping this huge bomb on me and throwing another and another before I could recover."Suga?," I repeated in shock.

We're half siblings but he's in love with me.

"Why are you telling me now?," I asked after a moment filled with silence.

"Because Valeria found out."

"So if she didn't, you wouldn't have told me?"

"We would've eventually," my mom said but it didn't convince me.

"She's gonna use it against you," Namjoon said. "We just wanted you to be prepared."

"So you knew?," I asked. He stayed silent. "Fuck you."

"Jen, please," he said, not even sounding the least apologetic. "You need to understand that something is going to happen and you need us whether you want to admit it or not because your husband won't be there for you."

I let out a scoff. "You got me into this mess, not me. I don't care if he's there or not because I know he'd do anything to protect me. Anything."

"So naive," my mother said. "He's gotten into your head." I don't understand. He gets along with them perfectly fine. I thought they loved him. "Like mother like son." "Now, you're sounding just like Valeria. You threw that in my face like it's nothing. I need time to think about it because my dad not being my dad is pretty fucking big."

"You can take all the time you need later to think about it. But for now, we need to make a plan for when things go sideways," my dad, who's not my dad, said.

"No," I said flatly.

I paced around my room. My dad isn't my dad. Suga and I are half siblings. This whole thing doesn't make any sense. My whole life has been a lie. How have they managed to keep it a secret? Is that why Suga's father is rarely around? He's always being sent on missions. Why didn't my dad kill him? I would've thought he'd kill him because he had sex with his wife and conceived a child.

"So you're saying that he's not your dad?," Taehyung asked. I nodded my head. "And that my mom found out?" I nodded my head again.

"Taehyung, I can't do it anymore," I said my voice breaking. "I've been through so much shit and I can't handle anymore. I can't. With everything in my past and what's happening now, I feel like I'm fucking drowning."

"You're not fucking drowning," he said firmly as he held my face, forcing me to look at him. "If anything, we're helping each other to stay afloat." "Or we're just pushing each other down."

"Shut the fuck up. Don't fucking say that. Look at everything you've overcome to get here."

"Where's here? I've failed school. I'm a murderer. I have no future and my life has a timer on it."

"Stop putting yourself down. Think of all of your achievements."

"Oh yeah? What are they?"

"For a start, you're dating me," he said smugly. I lightly hit his chest with a small chuckle as I wiped my eyes. "You're married. Most important of all, you're still here. You're still breathing. That shows just how strong and resilient you are."

"That might be true but it doesn't stop me from feeling like this. Like the whole world is against me."

"It's not." He paused. "I think we should tell my mother about us."

My eyes widened. "And give her even more of a reason to hate me?"

"She'll definitely hate you even more. But atleast this way, I can keep you safe. We don't have to hide." "Taehyung, no. She's only been here for a day. Lets give it a couple of days and then we'll decide. Plus, you know I can keep myself safe."

"That still doesn't stop me from worrying about you. The ball is in a couple of weeks. It's been pushed back."

"She's planning something big."

Suga is my half brother. That's fucking crazy.

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