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Taehyung's POV

"Where the fuck is she?," I growled out as I slammed my fist against the table. Jennie disappeared from the mafia dinner we went to. She was there one minute then gone the next.

I promised I wouldn't hurt her.

"She's been taken," Chim told me. "She hasn't ran. Remember, I gave her the chance to and she chose to stay?" I shot him a glare.

"Where were you? You were supposed to be watching her. Great fucking bodyguard, aren't you?," I spat out in anger. I pulled on my hair as I listened to Chim speak.

"I needed a piss. But when I heard the gunshot go off, I ran out of there as fast as I could," he tried to explain. I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Who the fuck could've taken her?," I asked frustration leaking from my voice. We stayed in complete silence for a moment, thinking about who could've taken her.

There's only one answer to that question.

Her father.As if the same thought hit us all at the exact same time, we looked at each other with wide eyes. "This means war, doesn't it?," Kook asked with a grunt. I glanced at his beaten and bruised face.

I slowly nodded my head. "War."

Jennie's POV

"Nini," a soft voice said, waking me up. "Come on, wake up." I let out a grunt and soon opened my eyes.


What is she doing here? Without thinking, I shuffled back, wanting to keep as much space between us as possible. She looked at me with wide eyes. "What are you doing?"

"I could ask you the same question," I snapped. "Why have I been kidnapped?"

"We knew you weren't dead. But it was only a matter of time before he actually does kill you. You getting taken from that dinner party was not part of the plan. It just happened. When our guy saw you there, he decided to push the plan forward rather than waiting a couple of months," she rambled. "Did I mention how much I missed you?"

"Why have I been kidnapped?," I asked again, firmly this time. Her explanation didn't explain why I've been kidnapped."Please," she sighed out. "I haven't seen you in months. We haven't even hugged yet and I miss you."

"I miss you too but-," I began to say but stopped when the door was thrown open.

"Jennie," my dad cried out as he pulled me into a hug. I couldn't help but relax in his embrace. Five or ten minutes later, he finally let go of me. "You're finally home."

Home? I'm not in Italy any more then.

I stayed silent. "Nini?"

"This isn't home anymore," I told him honestly. "It doesn't feel like home especially after I found out that I've been lied to."

"What-," Lisa began to say as she looked between my father and I.

"You believe him over your own father?," he asked in disbelief. "I can guarantee that whatever he's said is a lie."

I shook my head slowly. "Not this time. Papà, please, just tell me the truth. I'm not a child anymore."

Legally, I am technically still a child but after all the shit I've been through, I guess it's safe to say that I act and feel like an adult.

"Bambina (Child)," he sighed out. "Now is not the time to talk about such heavy matters. You're home now so let's focus on that." "You killed him, didn't you?," I asked abruptly. When he didn't answer, I let out a disappointed sigh. "I defended you to him. I told him that he's wrong because my dad wouldn't do that but I was wrong."

"Jennie, I didn't mean to kill him," he said softly.

"Kill who?," Lisa asked, causing both of us to glare at her for her interruption. She's like the female version of Kook only slightly more mature than him.

"My amazing dad who everyone loves killed an innocent child," I said sarcastically.

"What?," Lisa said in shock as she looked at him for confirmation.

I nodded my head. "He killed a child just for the stupid mafia that means absolutely nothing."

"Not for the mafia. I didn't mean to," he tried to defend himself.

"Honey," my mom said as she entered the room we were in. She looked at my dad and put a hand on his shoulder causing him to look at her small face. "She needs to know the truth."

"The truth?", I asked. "What's that? Have you guys been keeping another fucking secret from me?"

"Dad, she needs to know," Namjoon, my older brother, said.This turning out to be some sort of a family meeting. All we need now is Nayeon, Lisa's parents and Suga and his parents.

"Don't you think I know?," my dad snapped as he prepared to tell me.

"What do I need to know?," I asked. "What else are you keeping from me?"

"Taehyung's father was going to kill him, his brother, Luca. He was perfect for the role of being a mafia leader. At such a young age, he always seemed mature. But that was before we found out that his father was abusive. He beat his wife and children until they were almost dead. One day, Taehyung's mother, Valeria tried to escape. She succeeded and gave the kids to us. Even though we were enemies, we were entrusted with her children. We were the only option she had. She gave them to us and I assume she went back to him. If a mafia leader wants to find you, you'll be found. It's inevitable. She had to go back. But she promised that she'd be back." He took a deep breath. 

Most mafias vow to never hurt children and that vow has never been broken. There are some mafias that do hurt kids but we aren't one of those. 

"They stayed with us for a week. I thought something happened to her. Luca thought something happened to her. One night, he snuck out and made his way home. I found him but his dad had his hands wrapped around his neck. When he saw me, he pulled Luca in front of him, making sure that I wouldn't be able to get a clear shot if I fired my gun at him. He bent his knees, making him seem the same height as Luca. I had no idea where his mom was. It was dark. I couldn't see clearly. I could only see their silhouettes. I took the gun out of my pocket and pressed on the trigger. I kept my finger on the trigger, firing until I heard a body hit the floor. I tried to aim upwards for his head. I should've stopped. I shouldn't have kept firing the bullet. It was when I heard someone running that I knew that I hit the wrong person. I hit Luca. Two bullet holes. His shoulder and head." "I'm so sorry, dad," I said honestly as my eyes began to water. 

"His dad ran away. No one has seen or heard from him since."

"And Valeria has blamed you for his death," I said slowly as if I just found the missing piece of the puzzle. He nodded his head. "So she's just created this false narrative and fed it to Taehyung?" Namjoon and my parents nodded their heads. 

I let out a deep breath and stood up from the bed. I placed my two feet on the ground before I threw my arms around my dad. He wrapped his arms around me and minutes later, my brother and my mother joined in.

"I'm sorry I doubted you," I told my dad as we all broke away. He gave me a soft smile before he ruffled my hair exactly how he used to when I was a kid. I let out a small laugh before suddenly stopping. "I'm gonna have to go back."



"Because he deserves to know the truth."

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