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Taennie POV

"Rosie, what happened won't happen again," I said softly to Rosé, attempting to apologise. She looked up at me and gave me a small smile.

Thank god, I haven't fucked it up.

"It's okay but next time you're pissed off, come and talk to me please. We're a team that means we have each others backs," she told me. I nodded my head as those words pushed me back into time.


"Promise me that no matter what happens we're staying by each other's side and we've got each others backs?"

"I promise."

~End Of Flashback~

The only back I have is mine. I made the mistake of caring for someone once who was only protecting themselves, for example Jennie, so I'm not fucking making the same mistake twice.

"I love you," Rosé said, pulling me out of my thoughts. I let out a hum as I pulled her in for a hug. She let out a sigh. "You've never said it to me." "What?," I asked, confused.

What the fuck is she blabbering on about now?

"You've never said 'I love you' to me," she said as a matter-of-fact. My body tensed as I removed my arms and took a step back. She crossed her arms over her chest as she opened her mouth to speak again. "You've never said it to me. Why?"

I cleared my throat as I leaned against the counter.

"We're getting married in two days and you can't even say it to me," she spoke, actually sounding hurt. "We can't have a marriage if the love is only one sided."

"Do you think I would propose to you if I didn't?," I spoke, still unable to say those three little words. "I do. I want to wait until the wedding, until we're stood there at the alter to say it."

It shouldn't be this hard to say those words but it is, probably because I've only ever said it to one woman in my life and I actually meant it.

A small smile grew on her lips as she outstretched her arms, wrapping them around me. "Who knew you could be so sentimental?"If only you knew.

Jennie's POV

I sat in Lisa's house as she and Kook stood in front of me, listing all the reasons why I need to stop Taehyung's wedding from happening. I stood up, clapping my hands together. "I've heard you," I told them both. "I love him, we're meant to be together, Rosé's a bitch and you want some drama in your life," I said, summing up all of the reasons they gave.

"We'll, you're wrong about the drama part," Lisa said.

Kook let out a scoff. "She's not. I want to see some drama. Imagine Rosé face when she sees you."

"She's not gonna see me," I deadpanned.

"The fourth reason is that we want you to be together," Lisa butt in. "Now, it's your choice-."

"-No, it fucking isn't!," Kook interrupted. "She's going there even if I have to shove her in a fucking dress and drag her all the way there myself."

I rolled my shoulders back. "No one is shoving me in a dress. Mostly, because it'll be a really pretty one and I wouldn't wanna ruin it. And because you're not gonna fucking shove me in a dress."He narrowed his eyes at me. "Just try me. Then you'll see just how far I'm willing to go to make Taejen happen."

"Taejen?," I said questioningly, trying to bury the incoming laughter.

"It's a ship name," he said firmly.

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