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We arrived at a small clearing in the middle of nowhere. It was clear that we were far from the city. We got out of the car and slowly walked towards the edge. It was a cliff. Boulders were scattered around. By now, night had fallen and all the lights from the city below us guided us.

Beautiful fireflies gave us light as I sat on a boulder. Suga paced back and forth in front of me.

"I-I heard about Kai," he began. "My only regret is that I wasn't the one to finish him off." I stayed silent. I'm glad he wasn't the one to kill him. Him and Kai were close in a way.

"Can you just cut to the chase?," I asked with a small yawn.

"Yeah. Okay. Sorry," he mumbled as he stopped his pacing to glance over at me. "I've been wanting to tell you this for a while actually. I was going to tell you this on your wedding but I didn't want to fuck things up even more. But thinking about it, telling you could've stopped all of this shit from happening." He harshly tugged on his hair.

Clearly, he doesn't understand what the term 'cut to the chase' actually means.

He stayed silent for a moment, thinking how to word his thoughts into a sentence that makes sense. I thought about Taehyung and how eager he was to throw me out of the fucking car when I did nothing wrong.I have to admit that it hurt. It hurt because I allowed my feelings to get in the way. I let myself fall for him because these past months I've been getting to know a version of him that I've never met or seen before.

"-Jennie!," Suga said loudly as he snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Were you even listening?" He let out a sigh for a moment. "Fuck it. I'm just gonna simply say it. I fucking love you. Not as a best friend and not as a sister. I've never thought of you as my family because I've always loved you in a different way."

"Y-You love me?," I questioned, wondering if what I heard is correct.

"Since that day when we were kids and you hit me with that stupid doll because I snatched a crayon from Lisa," he let out a small chuckle as he thought back to that memory.

"W-Why didn't you tell me sooner?," I asked slowly, getting my head around the fact that's he's loved me since we were like 5 maybe 6 years old.

"Because I knew if I told you, things would change and I wasn't ready for that. I didn't want to damage our friendship for a relationship that might not have even lasted."

"So why are you telling me now?"

"I've dated tons of girls hoping to fall for one of them. But they weren't you. I couldn't get you out of my fucking head. So I'm telling you now because at least I tried. If I didn't tell you then I'd beat myself up over it forever but now that I have told you I can move forwards."I knew for a fact that I didn't feel the same way as Suga. I always thought of him as family.

"I'll let you sleep on it and you can let me know in the morning," he told me. "I get that you have a lot of things stopping you from pursing this, us. But if you feel anything for me then I think we should try."

I nodded my head as we walked to the car in silence. "Can you drop me off at my moms?" He nodded his head as he started the engine.

I guess I was wrong about him being on the opposite side.

My phone rang loudly for the hundredth time this past fucking hour. I lifted my head from my pillow and grabbed my phone to look at the caller ID.


I let out an annoyed sigh before putting the phone back down. It stopped ringing. Minutes later, it rang loudly again.

It read Taehyung.

I'm surprised he's calling me. Asshole. I let the phone ring for a while as I stared at the ceiling. I got calls from Kook, Taehyung, and Chim. As soon as I had gotten dropped off at my moms house last night, I immediately called Lisa, explaining to her how he kicked me out of the car for no fucking reason. Of course, I didn't tell her about the whole Suga situation. I can't yet because this isn't something to say over the phone. I know for a fact that she'll be shocked and confused just like me.

Back to the whole Taehyung thing, Lisa is in agreement with me. She agrees that I shouldn't talk to him for a couple of days, at least until he apologises and gets me chocolate ice cream.

In order to not talk to him and to make him think that I'm dead in a ditch somewhere, I can't answer Chim and Kook's calls. Obviously I don't want him to think I'm actually dead in a ditch. I just want him to worry a little. It shows he cares.

Don't judge. We all know you would do the same.

I got up from my bed, got ready and made my way towards the kitchen. Before I could get there, I was pulled aside, into a room.

"What's your decision?," Suga asked eagerly. My heart sank a little at this. I was about to say something that would shatter his heart yet he was still smiling like he believes we're meant to be.

We probably are. Who knows? But for now, we aren't. It could be the right person but wrong time type of situation. Or he just might not be the one.

I bit my lip as I prepared to break his heart the most softest way I knew how. And that was being straight up. I feel like being delicate and dragging it out is just harder on both people."I'm sorry," I began. His smile faltered for a moment as he waited for me to carry on. He wanted me to say it properly. "I love you but as a best friend and as family. Nothing more."

"Is this because of him?"

I shook my head, no. "I'm telling you the truth. I've only ever thought of you as family. I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry," he said suddenly. He backed away from me allowing me to leave. I slowly left the room. Once I was out, I heard a yell as something shattered.

I sat doing absolutely nothing. My mind couldn't help but wander over to Taehyung. I can't love him, can I? It's too soon. We're not even dating. But I know that it's more than a crush and an attraction to him.

I love his laugh. I love his smile. I love his messy hair. I love the way he quietly sings along to songs that play on the radio. I love his tattoos. I love the way he gets so frustrated when he's playing some game on his PlayStation or Xbox or whatever the hell it is. I love the way he runs his fingers through his hair when he's pissed off. I love his smirk.

I love everything about him.

I think I love him.

But I can't. It's too soon.

But I do and I barely know the true, real and raw him.

That shit is scary.

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