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I watched as my father walked away leaving me alone with the devil aka Taehyung Di Salvo. He gripped my upper arm tightly and pulled me towards his chest so it looked as if he was comforting me from afar. My face was buried in his chest so my lifeless eyes couldn't be seen.

"You're going to wipe that fucking look off your face and act like a happy fiancé," he hissed in my ear. His hot breath fanning my cheek.

"What are you going to do if I don't?," I asked, rolling my shoulders back.

"You don't want to find out."

I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. "Are you going to let go of me or...," I trailed off. I wasn't willing to find out what he'd do. He's a mafia leader. He'd probably kill everyone I know. He glared at me one last time, warning me before he let go. He held his arm out for me to take. Slowly, I held his muscled arm. He most definitely lives at a gym.

I saw people giving us strange looks before I saw my father stood on the stage. "Good evening!," he said, not bothering to introduce himself since everyone knows everyone here. "I'm pleased to announce the engagement of my daughter, Jennie Romano and Taehyung Di Salvo."

He began clapping. Claps were scattered around the room as people didn't know whether to feel pity or happy for me. They all soon made up their mind as the room was filled with claps.The rest of the ball was spent with me stood by his side as people congratulated us and asked to see the ring. I wanted to tell them that if they want to see the damn thing so bad then they should just take it and keep it. I sure as hell don't want it.

Finally, it was time to leave. I snatched my arm away from Taehyung and walked out of the building towards the limo I had arrived in. Minutes later, Nayeon entered. "I'm so sorry," she rushed out, afraid our father would overhear. "I tried to stall him, Lisa too."

"It's okay," I told her honestly. "Whatever is supposed to happen will happen whether or not I want it too."

I tried so hard to make myself believe that.


"It's the third night this week that you've come home a drunken mess!," my dad yelled as I stumbled through the doors at 3am. I rolled my eyes and tried to walk up the stairs without falling. I failed. I fell and just sat on the step, knowing that I won't be able make it all the way up.

It's been three days since the announcement of the engagement. That means there's four more days left until the wedding.

Four. More. Days.

My dad let out a sigh and sat next to me. If I'm honest, he seems more nervous and on edge about this whole engagement than me."Why?," I asked.

"Business," he replied as he stared straight ahead. "I'm sorry for yelling."

"It's fine," I shrugged. "I'm getting married to a psychopath. He's probably gonna yell at me a lot so I should get used to it."

He stayed silent. There's not much he could say.

"So you've been planning this wedding for months?," I asked.

"We've discussed it more than once."

So yeah.

"I'm going to bed," I mumbled as I stood up, holding the handrail. My dad quickly stood up to steady me as I began to sway. He led me upstairs and towards my room.

I laid next to Nayeon who now crawls into my bed ever since the mafia ball. I heard my dad close the door.

Suddenly, a sob broke out. Everything, all the emotions I had been keeping bottled up inside me broke out.

I am being given away purely because of business. It's almost as if I mean nothing to my father. It's not fair. Why don't I have a say in this? My father isn't the one who's going to be living with Taehyung. He doesn't get to make this choice for me. It's not even an arranged marriage because I'm not willing."Hosoek," I panted catching the attention of my boss. I took a long sip from the bottled water he handed me. "I won't be here for a while."

"What do you mean, kid?"

"I'm getting married," I told him.

"Well, congratulates! Does he know about this?"

I shook my head. "No, that's why I won't be here for a while." It wasn't a complete lie. Taehyung doesn't know about it. I might not be able to sneak out of his house once we get married.

"That's fine but just don't leave it too long. You got another fight in five." I quickly stretched before I was jogging back towards the ring. My opponent was already in there.

"Tonight's the night!," the announcer announced. "Red vs Blade. The two strongest fighters!"

Blade. He's the only other strongest fighter apart from me. Obviously, I was trained so I have the upper hand here. A black mask covered his face just how my red one covers mine. His tatted chest was bare. Black shorts hung on his waist. His tattoos covered his upper arms, parts of his chest and his neck.

I hadn't realised that the fight had started until a fist had swung out towards me. I quickly ducked and did a roundhouse kick sending him to the ground. He jumped back up and began throwing punches at me. A stinging feeling on my arm lets me know that I'll be receiving a bruise there soon.A loud gunshot made fall to the ground. I wasn't hit but I was always taught to fall to the ground. It's easier to get hit when you're stood up rather than on the ground unless someone aiming for you. I crawled out of the ring and ran towards my dressing room where Hosoek would be waiting for me.

A rematch would have to happen some other time.

I quickly changed and left through the back. I couldn't risk anyone seeing my true identity. Due to the shooting, the underground ring will be shut down temporarily.

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