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"We're talking now," he demanded as he pushed me into my room and closed the door behind him, wanting privacy.

"Talk then," I shrugged, acting like my heart wasn't breaking into two.

"I love you," he began. "I can't lose you."

"So tell me the truth." He's making it out like he's cheated or something bad has happened between the two of them.

"The truth?" I nodded my head.

Isn't that what I just asked for?

"Remember that night we had a business meeting to go to but you weren't feeling good so Rosé filled in?" I nodded my head, already not liking where this was going. "When we got into the limo on the way back, she kissed me. I pushed her off straight away but she kept on going for more. I thought she was drunk because of the way she was knocking back the wine but I realised that she wasn't when she remembered everything that happened the next day."

"Kept going for more how?," I asked, wanting all the details. He shifted uncomfortably, clearly not liking the situation. If he doesn't like the situation, he could've told me what happened when it happened and this whole thing could've been avoided."Kissing," he mumbled as he shifted his gaze from me to the walls.

"She just kept on kissing you? Did she go for your pants? Did she sit on you? Did she take her clothes off? What?"

"It doesn't matter," he said calmly.

"Yes it fucking does," I said calmly, holding myself back. "Tell me."

"All that matters is that I didn't kiss back or initiate the kiss. I did not cheat," he said firmly looking me in the eyes. "I wouldn't."

"I believe you but I'm telling you now, the next time I see her I'm fucking punching the bitch," I warned him as he came to envelop me in a hug.

He says he didn't cheat and by the look in his eyes, I knew he was telling the truth.

"I couldn't sleep last night," he mumbled against my hair. "Because you weren't there."

"I couldn't either."

"I'm sorry," he said clearing his throat, reminding me how he wasn't used to apologising.

"For?," I edged him on."For acting like an asshole and not telling you the truth first."

I gave him a small smile as we pulled away from the hug. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have jumped to a conclusion but that wasn't exactly my fault!"

"I can't lose you," he said quietly. "I've changed too much because of you. Fuck, I've managed to quit smoking because of you."

I thought back to the time when I first arrived here and I caught him smoking. "Am I like the nicotine in it, then?," I asked with a small chuckle.

"Better than that," he mumbled as he brushed his lips against mine. "You're the weed in my brownie. The bullet to my gun."

I let out a loud laugh. "Weed? Really?"

"There's that donkey laugh I love," he chuckled. My laughter died down as we just stared into each others eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him towards me, wanting to feel his lips on mine. Half a day without his kisses is too much time apart.

Now, I understood what he meant by the weed to my brownie. The taste of him, his lips, all of him, is addicting. I don't think I'd ever be able to go without feeling him there. He's a drug and I'm addicted. He's like the weed that I get high to.The kiss was slow and tender completely different to the ones we've shared before. I think it's because we've both realised that we could've lost this. I guess it's our way of cherishing our time together.

We both walked into the kitchen. I stopped in my tracks when I saw Isabella there. Does this bitch not have a home to go to? She's the heir of a fucking billionaire so I think she'd have a couple of homes in her name.

Taehyung's grip on my hand tightened as if he's preparing himself for when and if I pounce on her. He knew I could take her. He was just worried about the damage I'd cause.

I think back to what we spoke about upstairs.

"I will kick her out," he promised. I shook my head.

"Leave her but if she tries something I swear I will throw down that bitch," I threatened.

I couldn't let him kick her out, after all they're best friends. Plus, I'm not that insecure. At least, I need to show I'm not. I can't have her thinking I'm threatened by her.

"So you two made up then?," Rosé asked as she noticed us. I plastered on a fake smile as I nodded my head. "Great," she said clapping her hands. She suddenly turned serious. "I just wanted to apologise for what happened. It was an innocent accident that'll never happen again." "It better not," I said, pressing my lips in a thin line. "But it happened and that's it. We just need to move on now."

I guess I decided to be the bigger person.

"Oh Taehyung, your mother's coming in three days. She called earlier," Rosé informed us.


"You know-," Lisa began.

"I don't really want to know," I cut her off.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Do you know why Dwayne Johnson is called The Rock?"

"No," I sighed out as I turned to face her.

"It's because he's rock hard like a rock," she laughed. "And I don't just mean his body. I mean-."

"Mhm," I hummed absentmindedly.

"What's crawled up your ass and died? I mean, I know Taehyung ain't up there," she chuckled.

"I'm cackling," I said monotonously. She gave me a look.

"What's up?"I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know what's gonna happen at the Ball but I need you to know that I love you."

"Nothings gonna happen to you," she said. "I'll make sure of it. Taehyung will too."

I shook my head. "His mom might do something to you. You haven't met her. She loves Kook and Chim like they're her own."

"I can hold my own ground," she reassured me. "If anything happens, I'll stay safe."

I nodded my head and enveloped her in a hug. Since hearing that his moms coming back, my mood has deflated even more.

I have no idea what the fuck is gonna happen and I don't like it.

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