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After a while, we had arrived outside of a huge building. "Oh my-."

"-God," Jordan finished for me as I looked up at the building struck with awe. We stood staring at the fucking huge building before he threw his coffee into a nearby trash can and walking in behind me.

I am telling you that I have never ever seen a building this fucking tall. Obviously, it's not taller than the Burj Khalifa but it's pretty tall.

"Hey there! How can I help you?," the receptionist asked with a small smile. She probably gets paid a ton for just sitting at a desk.

I wish I had a job like that but no. I decided I wanted a challenge. Sometimes, I really hate myself and the choices I make.

"We have a meeting with the Vice Presidents."

"Of course. Please follow Willow, she'll take you to the meeting room." We nodded our heads and turned to face a girl slightly younger than me.

We followed her into the elevator, silently. Suddenly as the doors closed, my palms felt sweaty and my heartbeat sounded louder than ever in my ears. Jordan threw an arm over my shoulders, pulling me into his side as he lightly squeezed my arm in an attempt to comfort me.Willow glanced at us, her eyes widening. "I thought you two were business partners. Oh god, I'm so sorry. It's none of my business. It's my first week here and I've already offended possible clients. Oh my god," she rushed out. Jordan let out a chuckle, knowing how choked up me and her are feeling.

What can I say? It's my fear of elevators.

And her fear of offending people.

"I don't swing that way," Jordan laughed. "No offence, El."

"None taken," I managed to get out. I noticed Willow had slightly relaxed at Jordan's laid back self. She's probably realised that we aren't like other professionals. We're more laid back and less stuck up our own asses.

When Jordan and I first met, he was trying to figure out who he really was. Now, he's finally found out and realised who he wants. And I couldn't be more proud of him.

But I couldn't tell him that since I was sort of struggling to speak.

When we had finally reached the floor we needed to be on, Willow took us to a meeting room. "Where you find your place cards is where you'll find your seats," she said. "Good luck." She attempted to leave.

"You're really young," I observed. She paused and turned to face me. "You're younger than me, aren't you?" "Yeah. I worked hard and graduated high school early. Plus, my aunts fiancé owns the company," she shrugged.

"Oh really? Who's your aunt? We'll be having a meeting with her fiancé in a couple of days if this one goes well."

"Hopefully," she chuckled. "Rosé Moretti. Maybe you've heard of her?"

I froze. Rosé. This can't be their company, right? She might be talking about another Rosé Moretti. There's probably thousands in the world. And thousands who are engaged to multi-billionaires.

"Can't say I have," I said, giving her a tight lipped smile. She left, closing the door behind her.

I turned to Jordan. "Who did you say owns the company?," I asked warily, afraid of his answer.

He bit his lip as he thought. "I didn't but it's Se-," he began to say before the door was pushed open.

"Sorry to interrupt but your meeting with the Vice Presidents has been cancelled. They've had a personal issue to attend to. Instead, you'll be meeting with the owner. He'll be here shortly," Willow said before she left again.

"I'm proud of you," I suddenly said to Jordan as I remembered what he said in the elevator, all thoughts of what I asked Jordan before slipped from my mind. "I really am." "Thanks," he said with a huge smile. "I'm proud of you too. You went into that elevator and didn't have a mental breakdown like you usually do."

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Do you think I should get a boob job? I think they've shrunk," I said randomly, looking down at my boobs. Don't worry, I didn't flash anyone. I was looking at them through the clothes I had on.

Before Jordan could speak, the door opened.

"Sorry for the late start," a familiar voice said.

"It's fine," I spoke as I looked down at the files, attempting to sort of neaten them to look more professional. "We weren't waiting long."

I ignored the bad feeling that suddenly built up inside of me, causing knots to form in my belly.

It's just nerves.

"What the-," the voice spoke causing my head to snap up.

"Lis-," I began to say in shock.

"What's the hold up?," someone behind her asked. She slowly walked in, looking at me with wide eyes. He froze.

He stood, staring at me, clearly not believing if what and who he's seeing is real. I know I don't believe it.

I should get out of here.

He was still as handsome as ever, still wearing one of his many suits. I just hope he's moved onto wearing form-fitting button ups at home and not suits all the dang time. His brown hair looks the exact same it did all those years ago. I loved his hair. His jaw hasn't been shaved in some time as slight stubble was growing there.

Can you believe he's 27 years old? He does not look like it.

I'd love to see him in his 40s now.

He seems to have gotten more lean and muscular if that's even more possible. Tattoos were peaking out from the neck of his dress shirt. He got more tattoos but these ones were covering his neck right up to his defined jawline.

"Jennie?," he said breathlessly. His Italian accent still as noticeable as ever. I've always loved his accent. And everything else about him.

I slowly shook my head. "I think you're mistaken. I'm Elena." "Why does everyone keep on mistaking you for whoever that is?," Jordan asked, suddenly reminding me of his existence. "First it was that guy back home and now him!"

"You're alive?," Taehyung asked, completely ignoring Jordan. I shook my head.

"I'm Elena," I insisted. I knew there was no point in lying now. He knows.

"Can we talk business or...?," Jordan asked, clearly confused. "Because that's what we came here to do..."

Clearly, Taehyung asking if I'm alive, flew over Jordan's head as he didn't seem to notice.

"Cut the bullshit!," Taehyung snapped at me harshly. "All these years, I blamed myself for your fucking death. Turns out you weren't even fucking dead."

Jordan's ears perked up at that. "Lets talk lat-," I began to say before I was interrupted.

"No," Taehyung scoffed out. "We're talking now. Who the fuck is he?" I stayed silent. "Oh, he doesn't know, does he?," he asked, feigning concern as he let out a slight dark chuckle.

Suddenly I'm being reminded of the Taehyung I met for the first time all those years ago when we had just gotten married.I knew at that point he was gonna fuck up everything I built for myself. My new life is on the verge of blowing up and exploding into tiny little pieces thats impossible to piece back to together.

And it's all because of him.

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