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Taehyung's POV

I've called Jimin a thousand fucking times. He's not answering the damn phone, neither is Jungkook. Jennie isn't here. She's not in her room. She's gone. I called Jungkook one last time and let out a cuss when it went straight to voicemail.

She's probably gone and got herself killed. How the fuck did she get past security? Unless she was with those two fucking idiots? I paced back and forth in my office.

She can't die. The plan is in motion. It all falls apart without her. I should've kept her locked up in her bedroom like I initially planned to. Stupid Jimin making me change my mind. Asshole. If she ever comes back, I'm locking that bitch up and throwing away the key.

I don't hate her as much as I did. I've slowly realised that it's not her fault. It was her fathers. She's innocent in this whole thing. She's slowly starting to grow on me. But it doesn't change the fact that she's related to the  man who has caused a hell of a lot of problems for me.

I left my office and headed for the kitchen. I need a drink. I heard the front door open. I rushed to see who it is. Anger overtook me. I gripped Jimin by the collar of his T-shirt. Jennie took a step back."Where the fuck did you go?," I growled out. I glanced at them. They all looked rough. Their clothes and hair were ruffled and messy.

"We went for a drive," he told me. He glanced at Jennie through the corner of his eye. I didn't like that and held his collar even tighter. "We accidentally drove for a few hours. When we realised it was too late, we slept in the car."

"Is that all?," I asked, glaring at the other two. They both nodded their heads and looked at the ground. I let go of Jimin. He stumbled back. At the same time, all three of them headed upstairs. I watched as they all disappeared.

Jennie's POV

"He was gonna kill you," I said to Jimin as I sat cross legged on my bed. He leaned back in my spinny chair.

"He wasn't," he told me. I raised an eyebrow. "He'll get pissed off and beat me up but he wouldn't kill me."

"What sort of friend would beat you up?," I asked. Jungkook sat on my window seat.

"The type of friend that's the mafia king and doesn't know how to deal with his emotions so he just beats people instead to feel better," Jungkook shrugged.

"I'm starting to think that he should maybe go to a therapist," I said slowly. Jimin stared at my face. He stood up from his seat and walked towards me. He gripped my chin as he moved my head side to side."What are you doing?," I asked confused as I began to moved my head away.

"Who did that?," he asked through gritted teeth.

"What are you...?," I trailed off as I got up to see my face in the mirror. I had a cut on my lip and a small bruise on my cheek. I looked at my neck, remembering that I got hit there too. I saw a new bruise forming there.

"Who did it?," he repeated.

"Who did what?," Jungkook asked as he bounced towards us. He glanced at my face an collar bone before wincing. "Holy shit, who did that?" Just as I was about to say something, he spoke again. "And how the fuck did I not see it the first time?"

"Who knows?," I muttered. "I don't know what happened."

"Bullshit," Jimin scoffed out. "I know you must've gone somewhere and left us in the car last night. Why else would you want to go out late at night? Or were you going to meet someone?"

"I wasn't meeting anyone," I defended myself. "I went to the store," I lied. "Someone tried grabbing me. Things went a little violent." Jimin let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm sorry," he said. "It's just that you were under my protection last night and-."

"I get it," I told him. "All that matters is that I'm fine, you're fine and he's fine."

I rummaged around the room trying to find my makeup bag. I needed to cover up my bruises before Taehyung asks. Jungkook and Jimin watched as I made my bruises disappear with the help of makeup.

"Magic," Jungkook said in awe as he examined my face.

We all slowly walked downstairs and walked towards his office. Jimin entered first, then me, then Jungkook. "Next time you wanna go out, make sure you answer the fucking phone," Taehyung hissed out.

"Well, I don't have a phone to answer so...," I trailed off. I stared at his face. He had a couple of cuts and bruises. His nose was bruised. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Don't even get me started with you," he hissed out. I rolled my eyes which seemingly made him more mad. He came towards me and grabbed my elbow before he dragged me out of the office. Is he kicking me out? I hope so."Did I give you permission to go out?," he asked. I stayed silent. "I told you not to fucking go out and you didn't listen." He dragged me upstairs. Jimin and Jungkook followed behind curiously. "You can stay in here until I say otherwise." He opened my bedroom door and pushed me in before slamming it shut and locking it.

"Taehyung!," I yelled, banging on the door. "I'm sorry! Please, don't lock me in here again."

I let out a sigh and turned around. I paced back and forth as I thought. He went to the ring yesterday so he couldn't have been doing a mission. He has to be a fighter because as far I know, there were no fights within the crowd.

I know all the fighters. Me and Blade are the only two to cover our faces but the rest don't. I know who the other fighters are. If I saw them on the street, I'd immediately recognise them. But I wouldn't recognise Blade. Could he be him? Holy shit, he is! Why else would he go through the back? He sure as hell wasn't in the crowd.

All I know is that I need to get to the bottom of this and find out who Blade really is.

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