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"What the fuck are you doing in here?," I asked, startled as I almost dropped my cupcake.

"We need to talk," Chim said seriously. He stood up from my bed and pulled me into the room, closing the door behind me. "You need to leave."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "I-I have to leave? Where will I go?," I questioned. I'd rather be somewhere where I have food, clothes and roof over my head than having to survive on my own with nothing. I bit into my cupcake.

"I have a plan!," he said frantically as he grabbed my suitcase that I left on the floor. He went through my closet throwing some clothes in the suitcase. "You-you just need to trust me on this. You're much safer if you go now."

"Why? What's happening?"

"I just need to get you far away from here. Somewhere you'll be safe and he can't get to you."

"Who?," I asked. "Chim! Just tell me what's going on!"

"Taehyung!," he yelled. "Dammit! He's poisoned your mind. You let him get inside your head! Bet he gave you that sob story about Luca?"I looked at him with wide eyes. He was freaking me out. What's wrong with him?

"Jimin," I said slowly. "Come sit down. Let's have a talk."

"I'm not gonna fucking sit down until I've got you far away from here. I like you and I don't want to see you get killed like everyone else that's fallen into his trap."

So he's gonna kill me soon. I remember Taehyung talking about it ages ago.

"I'm not gonna die," I told him.

"Yeah you will. If he says it, then it will fucking happen. You need to go and be far away from here and I will cover your ass. I'll say something like you ran away or-or-."

"Calm down!"

"I CAN'T FUCKING CALM DOWN ESPECIALLY WHEN HE WANTS TO FAKE YOUR DEATH!," he screamed in my face. The colour drained from my face as what he said registered. When he realised what he said, he seemed to snap out of whatever state he was just in.

"Fuck," he hissed out. "I wasn't supposed to tell you. You aren't supposed to know. Fuck. I'm so fucking sorry." He took a step towards me.I pulled my knife out from one of my many hiding places on my body and pointed it at Chim. I didn't want him to come any closer. He stopped and put his hands up in the air.

"I'm sorry! I'm so fucking sorry. I tried to talk him out of it but he wasn't listening," he rambled. "If only-."

"Shut up," I said as he continued rambling.

"-I just made him stop and think for one fucking-."

"SHUT UP!," I screamed from the top of my lungs. I just need him to stop. He stayed silent, his chest heaved up and down. "What is faking my death going to achieve?," I asked, when we were both calm.

Before he could answer, the door burst open. Taehyung, his mom, Kookie and Irene stood in the doorway looking worried. "What's going on?," Taehyung asked, his voice firm.

"Nothing for you," I said curtly.

"Just put the fucking knife down," he said in anger. Why the fuck is he angry? I should be angry. I am angry.

"Why? Scared I'm gonna stab you in your bullet wound?," I mocked.

He gritted his teeth in anger. Surprisingly, his mother had nothing to say. My eyes darted around the room, watching everyone's facial expressions. Kookie was looking around, confused as always. Irene actually looked concerned for someone she just met. His mom had her mouth open agape, practically asking me to throw the knife at her. Remember, I'm trained to kill people but my specialty is knives. Taehyung looked angry and Chim looked like he wanted to crawl into a hole and die. But it's too late for that."Taehyung, you really fucking underestimated me but you haven't even seen the worst side of me yet," I stated.

"Jen-," Chim began to say. Even though I'm angry, I wouldn't ever hurt Kookie and Chim. I wouldn't hurt Irene either since she's done nothing but welcome me since we've met. Taehyung and his mother on the other hand are people I'd love to murder.

"I don't want to hear another fucking word come out of your mouth," I hissed out.

Taehyung clenched his fists by his side before marching up to me, not even caring that I could stab him. He grabbed my wrists before bending them backwards making the knife clatter to the floor.

I let out a yell as he grunted when my knee connected to his shin. Come on guys! I'm not that mean. I wouldn't knee him in the balls. It might happen accidentally on purpose though. Actually never mind.

He dragged me kicking and screaming out of my room and pulled me into the nearest bedroom. He threw me onto the bed, making me instantly sit up.

"What the fuck was that?," he asked.

"That's what happens when I find out how much of an ASSHOLE YOU REALLY ARE!," I said, my voice getting louder with each word. I stood up from the bed, standing across from him."Calm the fuck down," he spat out. He paced back and forth in front of me.

"You're fucking sick," I sneered. "You were just trying to fuck me before you were gonna fake my fucking death."

"Who the fuck said I wanted to fuck you in the first place?," he chuckled darkly. "Your death will not be fake in any fucking way."

"Don't fucking lie to me. If you're really gonna kill me, do it now." He just stared at me. "I SAID DO IT NOW!"

He stormed up to me before grabbing my neck and slamming me into the wall. I let out a shaky breath. I was not expecting that. He glared down at me. "See how easy it is for me to snap your neck?," he said through gritted teeth.

"Snap it. I'd rather be dead than be some cheap hookup," I snarled. His hold on my throat tightened.

"Starting to sound a little jealous now," he chuckled scornfully. Was I? Fuck no.

"Not really. Just pissed off at the fact that you're planning to fake my death."

"Sweetheart, don't fucking underestimate me. You and I both know that I would kill you right now with no hesitation but I'm not going to. Instead, I'm going to enjoy watching you look over your shoulder everyday wondering what day is going to be your last." "That was really descriptive," I retorted. He narrowed his eyes at me before dropping his hand and backing away.

"See you around, Jen," he said as he left the room.


Did he just give me a nickname? I think he did.

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