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"He wouldn't," I began. "He can't."

"Why would he?," Lisa asked, voicing her own thoughts. "You knew about this?," she asked, turning to Kook. He frantically shook his head, no.

"I want proof," I suddenly said as I leaned on the desk. I've known him since I was a child. There's no way he'd do this. I get that he loves me but he wouldn't go this far to get me, would he?

Rosé let out a scoff making me snap my head to her. "You want proof? Peoples lives are at stake and you want proof? The truth is that Suga, one of your best friends, is giving inside information to the enemy. He's fucking making deals with the devil!"

"They could be wrong," I said simply. "I thought the devil was right in front of us." I was referring to Taehyung. His face, that was full of emotions the whole time we were away, was masked once again, hiding his true emotions from me.

Taehyung is known as many things and the devil being one of them so she instantly knew who I was talking about.

Lisa quickly ushered Chim and Kook out of the room, already knowing that I was about to confront them. Fuck asking Chim, I'll ask them myself. Through my rising anger, I heard Kook whine like a child, wanting to stay and see what'll happen."Speaking of truth, how about you two tell me what happened that night?," I suggested, though it sounded more like a demand. Taehyung cleared his throat as he stood up from his seat.

"Jen-," he began to say. I put my hand up to silence him.

"I just want an answer," I shrugged. "If you have nothing to hide, tell me."

"Jennie, it's between me and Taehyung," Rosè said.

"Did you fuck?," I suddenly asked. "Did you kiss?" They both stayed silent.

"Wow," I scoffed out as I slowly backed out of the room.

"Jen, that's not what happened!," Taehyung spoke up, only now finding his voice.

"Tell that to your fucking face," I said calmly, hoping and praying that my voice doesn't crack. "You're welcome to each other."

I walked out.

I walked down the hallway with Taehyung having a one sided conversation. I was listening but I wasn't responding. He touched my shoulder causing me to jerk away. "Don't fucking touch me," I snapped. I turned on my heel and carried on walking. We were well away from the office and her as I made my way up the stairs."Jennie! I'm sorry!," he said loudly as he followed me. "It's not what you think!"

"You're not sorry," I spoke, suddenly having enough of hearing his voice. "When I asked if you two had been together, you stayed silent and that gave me the answer I didn't want to hear."

"I wasn't thinking!"

"You never are," I said.

"Please! Just forgive me!"

I sniffed. "I can't because when you were with me, you were with her. What night was it? Afterwards, did you come home and kiss and cuddle me?," my voice cracked, telling me I was on the edge of a breakdown.

He stayed silent.

"I can't believe I ever trusted you!," I said calmly as tears rolled down my cheeks. "It's not even the fact that you were with her but the fact that you told me you loved me when you never even meant it breaks my fucking heart."

"I did! I do!," he exclaimed. "Please, don't cry."

"Then don't give me a reason to." He came closer to me to wrap his arms around me but I stepped back. "Just give me some space."I saw Lisa's head peaking out from her bedroom. When she had noticed that I saw her, she backed away as I walked towards her room. I slammed the door behind me as I entered.

I harshly wiped the tears from my eyes as Lisa came to wrap her arms around me. "He wouldn't even tell me the truth," my voice broke. "I was stupid. I should've known better. I should've listened to my head not my heart."

"If you did that then you wouldn't have been so happy. You should think about the good memories you had together and keep those in your heart. If you're meant for each other, you'll find your way back to each other."

"No, I should throw those fucking memories in the fucking trash." She let out a chuckle.

"Sleep here tonight," she proposed. "I don't want you to be on your own right now."

"Are you sure you'll survive with no sex?," I asked. She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Do you think we go at it all day and night?" I gave her a duh look. "We don't," she answered. "We would but you know his junks gotta rest."

"I don't need or want to hear more," I said to her before sitting on the bed. I quickly stood up once I realised something. "Have these sheets been washed?" "No," she said seriously. I scrunched my face up in disgust.

"Does that mean-," I began to say before she cut me off.

"That you got all our juices on your ass? Probably," she shrugged, completely unaffected.

"God, I hate you so much. Why didn't you tell me you had sex and didn't change the fucking sheets?"

"Gosh, relax. They were changed," she suddenly said as she struggled to contain her laughter.

"I don't believe you." She narrowed her eyes at me. "Lets just sleep in my room?" She agreed.

"She doesn't want to talk to you," I heard Lisa say for the tenth time this past hour. It's almost midnight. He cheated on me and now he wants to ruin my sleep as well!

"I don't care!," he said frustrated as he banged his fist on the door frame. "Tell her to come here now before I fucking come in and drag her out."

That's a change of tone."Sorry, she's asleep," Lisa shrugged, giving no regard to him.

"Listen, I've tried being nice and that shit didn't work. So now I'm gonna be the fucking opposite of nice so move out of my fucking way," he threatened.

I immediately got up and went to the door, not wanting her to get hurt in case he pushes past her. Plus no one threatens my best vestries unless it's me. "What the fuck is your problem?," I snapped.

"You," he jabbed his finger at me. "You're my fucking problem. You're not fucking listening to me!"

"I don't have time for this shit. Go to sleep." I tried to close the door on him. I let out an annoyed sigh. "I gave you time to talk but you just stayed quiet. So that's not my problem."

"Just listen to me."

"No. I want to sleep."

"If I can't sleep then you sure as hell can't," he said brazenly.

"Get lost. I'm tired," I said firmly. "We can talk about this in the morning."

He stepped back allowing me to close the door. I let out a deep breath once I had closed it."Can we talk about something else?," I asked Lisa. "I don't want to talk about that dickhead."

"This whole Suga thing has my mind blown," she said. "Your dad's mafia is working on the whole thing. But I just can't get my head around the fact that he's selling both of the mafias out. It doesn't make sense."

"Makes perfect sense to me. He wants to see death and wars. He thinks that a war will bring both of the mafias down. Those that'll survive will have no choice but to live and work under him and whoever the fuck he's selling us out to."

"His aim is to kill us all except for you," she pieced together. "He's fucking crazy."


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