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Jennie's PoV

Thankfully, Lisa's and Kook's wedding went on without a hitch and they are now enjoying a family vacation somewhere on the other side of the world.

It's been a week since they've gone and I've been stuck at home, sick. I'm actually fucking sick of being sick. I never get sick.

But I've been spending this time wisely and I've slowly began gathering ideas of what I want the wedding day to look like. Taehyung has given me all the reins, claiming he 'planned' the last wedding of ours even though I know he got someone else to do it. Honestly, he just can't care less about it all.

But I have no problem with that.

I jumped up out of bed and ran to the bathroom, I bent over the toilet and emptied out the contents of my stomach which practically consisted of nothing. Taehyung followed behind me and gathered my hair in his hands, holding it back as he rubbed my back.

"Why aren't you sick?," I groaned as I sat on the floor and leaned against the wall, feeling jealous of him and his immune system. He shrugged his shoulders. I closed my eyes only for him to lightly nudge me with his leg. I cracked open an eye."I need to piss."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm too tired to get up and I've seen it all before. The stage is yours." He narrowed his eyes at me as I closed mine once again only for that funny feeling in my stomach to return. He crouched down in front of me, resting his arms on his knees. He placed a hand on my forehead.

"You don't have a fever," he observed.

"No shit Sherlock," I said, snarky. He let out a sigh.

"I think you should get checked out," he spoke, ignoring me.

"Stop being stupid," I told him. "I will be fine in a few days. It's just a bug."

He didn't even bother trying to argue with me because we had this same conversation yesterday. He held an arm out and pulled me to my feet before he pulled me over the sink and placed my toothbrush in my mouth after putting toothpaste on it.

He grabbed his toothbrush and brushed his teeth as mine sat in mouth unmoving. My eyes closed and I could feel myself falling to the side before he grabbed me. "We're definitely going to the doctor."I shook my head. "I just need to sleep."

He let out a sigh and held my face tightly to keep me awake and upright before he grabbed my toothbrush with his still hanging in his mouth. He moved my brush around my mouth before telling me to spit a couple of times. When he was done, he tucked me into bed once again before he left.

I think I ate something that was out of date.

Taehyung's PoV

"Fuck off," I said flatly to the two men in front of me. "I'm sick and tired of you two. I don't own her which means I don't control her or make her decisions for her. I will tell her and she will make her own decision. Now fuck off."

"Taehyung, I swear to god if you tell her-," Jennie's non biological dad spoke.

Remember her mother had an affair with Suga's father?

"What? What the fuck is it that you think you can do?" His mouth snapped shut. "She doesn't want to know you. She's made that very clear."Suddenly, they both began shouting over each other. "Shut the fuck up!," I yelled out, silencing them both. They stared at me. I always wondered why she looked nothing like her father, turns out he isn't even her dad.

I looked at Suga's father who's name I still don't know. I could slightly see the resemblance but if I didn't know who or what I was looking for, I wouldn't have realised.

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