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Taehyung's POV

4 years later

Kook stood pacing back and forth as he waited for a specific car to show up. "She'll be here," I reassured him. He nodded his head and checked himself out in the mirror once again before looking out of the window. As soon as the car pulled up outside my home, the one that I had built for her and I, he raced out of the house and stood awkwardly at the bottom of the stairs.

Lisa took her time getting out of the car. Once she did, she stopped in her tracks and stared at Kook as did he. This was their first meeting since she left all those years ago. Kook finally reached out to her, months ago, claiming he's only now just realised that he's ready to be a father. I believe he was ready to be one ever since she told him. He just didn't believe in himself.

"Kook," she said with a small smile. He didn't say a word as he took two long strides towards her before pulling her in for a hug. His arms wrapped around her and held her tightly to him.

"Oh my god! I fucking missed you," he said in shock."I missed you too." They stayed silent for a moment. "Hey Tae," she said with a small smile as she pulled away from the hug, only now noticing me stood at the stop of the huge fucking stairs.

I froze.

No one has called me that nickname since her.

I masked my emotions, pushing them down as I plastered a smile on my face. "Lisa," I said with a small nod of my head. She turned to Kook.

"You can't tell them you're their dad," she stated. "Because I'm not sure you're gonna stay in their life."

"I am."

"This is only the first meeting," she said. "I don't want to get them confused." He nodded his head in understanding. He waited eagerly as she walked around to the other side of the car. A male around the same age as us and same build as us, got out of the car. I masked my surprise as I watched Kook's reaction carefully.

The man gave Lisa a kiss on the cheek before walking over to Kook. "The names Mingyu," he said with a friendly smile, his British accent prominent. "You are?"

"Jungkook," Kook replied wearily as he shook his hand firmly."I'm aware of the situation," Mingyu told him. Kook nodded his head, not really caring for what he has to say. "I've been with them since they were babies. They're like my own." I watched as Kook ears perked up at that.

Through his body language around Lisa, I sensed that he was just a friend. There was clearly nothing romantic between them but I doubt Kook realised that.

Lisa pulled open the car door and spoke some words before letting them out. Two little curious children held their mothers hand as they walked beside her.

Our child would've been around the same age.

I shook that thought away.

"This is Kook," she introduced them. "Kook, this is Sophia," she looked towards the beautiful little girl. "And this is Dante." She gestured to the little boy looking up at Kook with a glare.

I can already tell he's a troublemaker.

I left the reuniting family and headed towards the garage before choosing a car and heading over to the base.

"The fuck is this?," Chim asked angrily as soon as I entered. He shoved the news article in front of my face, making it hard for me to focus on what it says.
Multi-billionaire Taehyung Di Salvo to Wed Rosè Morelli, Childhood Friend

"I'm doing what I have to for my businesses. You know I don't want to marry her," I said flatly. He didn't say a word as he ran a hand down his face, clearly stressed out from his current girlfriend situation.

In case you haven't realised, my businesses are legit. The mafia at the start was using them as a cover but now the mafia is sort of like a side thing. My whole life doesn't revolve around it anymore. I finally managed to pull myself out.

Unfortunately, I did it too late.

I swiftly left him behind and walked towards the mini cell room we have here. I walked towards the end cell, the furthest one from the door and any light.

I glared harshly at the woman who stole Jennie from me before bringing my curled lips into a sickening smile, one she would've been proud to see all those years ago.

"Hello, mother," I spat out.

Jennie's POV

I stood, hiding in the shadows, watching him visit the place I'm meant to be. The place he thinks I am. I'm not supposed to be here. I'm meant to be dead. But I couldn't help but fly halfway across the world, to see if what I heard was true. I watched as he sniffled and placed flowers by the headstone.

"Hey Jen," I heard him say. My heart shattered knowing how common this has become for him. Talking to me. Only thing is that he thinks talking to me. He was talking to the grave I'm supposed to be in. "You're probably sick of hearing my voice now," he chuckled lightly.

I could never get sick of hearing you.

I tuned out of what else he was saying as my eyes zeroed in on a figure emerging out of the black SUV he came out of earlier. Her face covered with a big fat old fashioned hat hid her from the world. Her heels clicked loudly as she filled her strides with confidence. I faintly heard him abruptly stop talking as he noticed her coming closer.

She finally reached him and leaned down so her mouth was aligned with his ear. Whatever she whispered instantly deflated his mood as he stood up from his crouched position and straightened his posture.

She looked up. My breath hitched in my throat.

So, it is true, then.

I can't be angry at him. I can't be angry at anyone but myself. Suddenly, I'm transported back into time. Back when I made a decision that was going to whip my future into shape.

~Start Of Flashback~

"I'm tired," I cried out in his arms. He rocked me back and forth, rubbing my back gently. "I can't do this anymore. I don't want to be in this life. Because of our lifestyle, I've lost two babies because of it."

"I'm sorry."

"An apology doesn't help. I've lost babies. We've lost a baby! You're grieving for it too but you don't understand how I feel. It's this mafia life! I can't do it anymore! I want out," I sobbed uncontrollably.

~End Of Flashback~

Day after that, my death was announced to the mafia world and I left without a trace and a new identity. I guess you could say that when I made my choice my mental health wasn't good.

I needed that then. A new start. But now, I regret what I chose.

We were both grieving at that time. Me for the unborn child I carried and him for the unborn child and his mother.

I was told he shot her in an attempt to save me and get me the help I needed.

Only now, he doesn't know if I'm alive or dead. If I'm in that grave or not.I watched as him and his fiancée slid into the SUV, whispering into each others ears. I'll see him again here tomorrow. He'll come. He always does.

Maybe, we weren't destined to be together. Maybe that's why things ended up this way.

I watched from afar with teary eyes as the car sped down the road, creating more distance between the two of us.

I guess you could say we're strangers again, only this time with beautiful memories. We'll find each other again, in another world, another lifetime.

But this isn't a goodbye, it's a see you later.

      <The End Of Season 1>


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