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"Taehyung, stop acting like a jerk," I mumbled as I held the glass filled with wine to my lips. He looked at me amused before wiping his face clean of any emotion as he realised we were in a public place with dangerous people, people who are even more dangerous than Taehyung and I combined.

We were at the dinner or party with a bunch of other mafias. I've only been to a couple of theses things before but I rarely went. I watched as Taehyung's mother mingled in perfectly with the other stuck up bitches -ahem- I mean women.

Taehyung, his mother, Chim, Kook and I were the only ones from his mafia to come. I would've thought he would bring some bodyguards or security with him but he chose not to. Pretty stupid if you ask me.

"It doesn't bite," he mumbled in my ear as he leaned down to reach it. I glanced down at my glass before turning my head to face his.

"I'm not an adult," I told him. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"So? You're a killer. This whole room is crawling with killers and you're worried about breaking a law by drinking wine," he scoffed out.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm not one to ignore the rules. They're there for a reason."

He cleared his throat and stood up straight, his body visibly tensing as a group of men walked towards us. I stood up straight and waiting for them to be near us."Mr Di Salvo," one of them greeted Taehyung as they shook hands. He turned towards me. "And you are?" His eyebrow raised in a playful manner as he attempted to look less threatening and more attractive.

It wasn't working.

"Jennie," I said after a moment of contemplating on what to say. I could've just walked off but he probably would've pointed a gun at me and threatened to shoot me.

"My wife," Taehyung said gruffly as the man held his hand out for mine. I slipped my hand into his after a couple of seconds. He brought it up to his lips.

Taehyung shot him a glare as his lips lingered on my hand a second longer than it needed to. I plastered a fake smile on my face, hiding how uncomfortable I felt. Finally he dropped my hand.

God, I really need to wash my hand a couple thousand times.

"I'm Bobby," he introduced himself as he shot me a small smile. He was handsome. His chiselled and stubble filled jaw made him look mid twenties. Something about him just annoys me.

He turned to Taehyung and the other men and started talking about the business. I slowly walked away and made my way towards the food table. The food and drinks were only really there for display. Women walked around in their designer dresses giving me dirty looks as I put a piece of something sugary on my plate."Nice," a guy exclaimed as he walked up to me. "Finally a girl who actually eats."

"You found me!," I faked happiness.

"Every single one of these events I have been to, no one ever touches the food. What's the point in making the food then not eating it?"

"Beats me," I mumbled not really caring.

"Don't even get me started on first dates where the girl only ever gets a damn salad," he sighed out in frustration, clearly getting himself worked up.

"That's stupid," I muttered, not really listening to him. "Well, it's safe to say now that I'm the most hated person the room right now." I glanced around the room seeing the disgusted and angry glares from other people.

"Fuck them," the guy shrugged as he stole off my plate. "They're just jealous."

"There's literally a whole tray of it," I said in a duh tone as I referred to the tray of fancy looking cupcakes on the table.

"It tastes better from your plate," he shrugged like that makes a difference. I looked at him weirdly for a moment.

"Are you feeling okay?," I asked as I lifted my hand up to check his forehead for his temperature. He swatted my hand away."Let's dance," he suggested, changing the conversation. He held my hand, took my plate out of my other one and set it on the table before he whisked me away onto the dance floor.

Of course, the dance floor was half empty. There was a couple of couples just swaying to the music. The music was slow and gave off a serious vibe.

He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close to him. "What are you doing?," I asked as I tried to move back a little.

"Dancing," he shrugged. He held me impossibly closer, burying my head into his chest. Immediately, I sensed something was wrong.

As if on cue, a single gun shot rang loudly followed by screams of terror. I tried to move my head but his hold on me was too strong. Why is he still dancing?

I channeled my inner Red. When I'm Red, I don't think. I just fight. The hand of mine that was free reached up to his hair pulling it harshly making his head snap back. Thankfully, his grip loosened and I managed to back away.

You might say that I'm not playing fairly but neither is he.

His fist swung out with a knife hidden in between his fingers, with the aim to decorate my face. I ducked and swiped his legs out from under him, making him tumble to the floor. Before he could stand up, I pulled the knife that I hid, on my thigh, out and prepared to stab him."And to say that I liked you," I spat out. I jammed the knife in his chest before pulling it back out. "Is completely ridiculous."

I walked away from him and towards the crowd that had gathered surrounding two other people. Just as I was about to push through from the back, I was pulled back roughly by my shoulder. My head hit a rock hard chest as a cloth covered my mouth.


Don't breathe. Don't breathe.

You've trained for this moment practically everyday of your life.

Just don't breathe.

I let out a gasp as I saw Jungkook being beaten by three or four guys twice the size of him.

It was a set up. It was a trap. And we walked straight into the devils nest.

Or is it house?

Wait, what's my name? Jen-

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