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Taehyung's POV

Two months later

"After this mafia ball, you are getting the fuck out of my house," I said firmly to my mother. "I don't want to fucking see you again."

She rolled her eyes. "Stop being dramatic. Should this table go here or over there?"

"Over there," I pointed towards the wall. I didn't really care where everything was being put. I just need this ball over with so I can focus on finding her.

I tried so hard. We've all tried so hard. And by all I mean Chim, Kook and I. We still are trying. I haven't told her family. We can't fucking find her. It's almost as if they've disappeared off of the face of the planet.

I'm starting to have doubts now. Suga might not have been the one to take her. But then if it isn't him, I'm right back where I started.

"I don't fucking care!," I said to my mother as she kept pestering me about how she should position a fucking vase. Like anyone is gonna fucking look at that ugly thing.The ball is tomorrow and I'm fucking dreading it.

"Rosé is gonna be your date," my mom said.

I let out a scoff. "Like fuck. I'm married. My wife is not here."

"All the more reason for her to go with you. She can fill in for her."

"No. I'm not fucking going with her. I'm not gonna match my fucking tie to her fucking dress. I'm not doing that shit. If you want her to go with someone so badly, then take the bitch yourself."

"Just go," she snapped. "You are no good for anything. She ruined you and all I can do is blame myself."

"Blame yourself, I don't give a shit. You're not gonna get any pity from me," I scoffed out before I stormed off.

"Give me some good news," I demanded as I entered the office.

"Well good news is that she's not dead," Kook said.

"How'd you find that out?," Chim asked confused as he looked up from the huge map sprawled out in front of him.

"I watched the security cameras around where the car accident happened. She doesn't seem to be hurt bad. It seems like the drivers side was targeted. Whoever took her wants her alive but they wanted Taehyung gone. And they wanted us to know that. Why else override the cameras as soon as she gets taken? They wanted us to see that she's alive and that they have no intention of hurting her. It just makes sense for it to be Suga. We already know that Rosé is working for him." "Rosé?," Chim repeated confused, clearly thinking she wouldn't betray us.

"She was accused of it but she didn't have an answer. She didn't deny it," Kook said trying to back up his theory, seeming to snap to his serious self that he rarely ever is.

"Because he had his hands wrapped around her neck blocking her air supply," Chim retorted. "I'll get the guys at the base to try looking around the area of the crash again."

"Tell them to take some of the side routes. The ones that aren't on the main roads. The routes without the cameras."

"On it," he said as he picked up the phone.

Jen, I need to find you now.

"It doesn't make sense," I thought out loud. "Why aren't we getting sent videos or pictures of her getting tortured? I know you said they don't aim to hurt her but what if that's part of the plan. Some fucking crazy plan to bring everyone else down. That's what normally happens. They don't want us to find her and they're trying so hard to make sure we don't."

"All the more reason for it to be Suga."

"The fucking sicko is in love with her as well."Chim walked out of the office with the phone in his hand, needing some quiet place to talk.

"Kook, how are you holding up?," I asked, suddenly.

He cracked a smile. "Since when do you care about how I'm feeling?" He let out a dry chuckle. "Damn, she really changed you."

"I'm being serious. I know what happened." He dropped his smile and shrugged his shoulders.

"I said I didn't want to be in the twins lives and she took it as if I don't want to be in her life either. She didn't even let me talk. She just cut the call. I know that I want to be with her but I'm not ready to be a dad yet."

I shrugged my shoulders. "They come as a package in her eyes so you turning the babies down, is like turning her down too." He let out a sigh.

"I'm a fucking idiot," he mumbled out. "Good job she doesn't live far."

"What do you mean?," I asked.

"I'm gonna go and speak to her, face to face. I need to explain to her that I want to be with her but I can't be there for the twins." "That doesn't sound any better. Didn't she tell you that she's leaving?"

"What?," he asked. "She's leaving? When?"

"Jen was telling me before...," I said slowly.

"It's been almost two months and you're telling me this now?"

"I'm sorry, man," I said. "I thought you knew. I thought she would've told you." He shook his head.

"No she fucking didn't," he said getting worked up. "I need to find her."

"Kook, don't force her to come back here," I told him. "You don't want her in the middle of all of this shit. She'll be a target. She's gone to protect herself and the twins."

"She blocked me," he said softly. "My calls won't go through. I guess it's a good thing? Maybe once I'm ready to be all of them, I can find her and maybe get the chance to be in all of their lives." I stayed silent, realising how soft I've become. I never used to give a shit about their love life before and now I want the fucking best for everyone. Holy shit, I'm turning into some kind of a bitch.

Jen has been rubbing off on me.Not that I'm calling her a bitch, though.

"You're right though," he said, clearing his throat. "It's happened and I need to move on. That means getting serious with life."

"That's your decision," I shrugged.

"The guys are all preparing for a war," Chim announced as he entered the office. Kook closed his mouth and immediately went silent as Chim looked at him confused. "It might not happen but we just want to be prepared," he continued.

"At the mafia ball tomorrow, tell them to bring their weapons. Who knows what might fucking go down?," I demanded. Most of my mafia will be there to show support for us and to threaten the other mafias into backing down if they decide to do something stupid. That rarely happens but they're still needed. Plus, they only really go to get laid at the end of the night.

"On it," Chim replied as he swiftly pulled out his phone again. I really have to go back to the fucking base and get everything in order.

But first I have to find her. I'm pulling all of the strings I can and I'm calling all of my contacts but still there's no word.

Her dad could've kidnapped her again but I doubt he would've created the whole car crash. He wouldn't risk her life. None of this makes any fucking sense.

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