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Finally, we were free to leave New York. We were going for our vacation that was in a whole other country. We were on the jet with only ourselves for entertainment.

The monopoly board sat in front of us with my thousands of properties covering it. "I'm fucking loaded," I cheered as I bought another property. He rolled his eyes.

"You're cheating," he accused as he eyed up the bank next to me. So what if I'm also the banker?

"Like fuck," I scoffed out. "Can't handle it that I'm winning, can you?"

"Fuck you," he glared as he moved the hat on the board.

"Give me a place and a time and I'll try to fit you in," I joked as I shrugged my shoulders before I rolled the dice for my go.

"So you're a busy woman then, huh?," he asked. I nodded my head. "Tell me who these other guys are. I'll make sure you're free." He winked. I rolled my eyes.

"What are you gonna do? Bash their faces in? You can't even beat me!," I laughed. He stood up from his spot on the bed and towered over me.

"I can't beat you?," he asked. I shook my head, no. Without breaking a sweat, he easily lifted me up and threw me back onto the bed, messing up the board game."Come on!," I groaned. "I was totally winning!" I propped myself up on my elbows. He stood beside the bed with a raised eyebrow. "This does not count as me being beaten."

"It does."



"Shut up," I said. I sat up and leaned my head against the headboard. I stayed silent for a moment. "I can't even remember the last time I actually spoke to and had a proper conversation with my sister."

"Didn't we go to her birthday party?," he asked. I nodded my head. "Didn't you talk there?"

"We spoke but it's not how it used to be. I never see her anymore. We don't even argue. She's 15 now and she probably has her first boyfriend."

"Make the effort. Don't expect her to just come and talk to you. She's getting older. You're worried about her first boyfriend, aren't you?"

"Is it bad to be?," I asked gingerly. "I know that not all guys are the same but she's young just like how I was. She won't be able to tell the difference between a healthy relationship and a toxic one. I know I didn't." "I get why you're worried but I think you should step in once you meet the guy and feel or see something that makes you feel uneasy about him."

I nodded my head. "I don't want what happened to me to happen to her because trauma stays with you forever. See, even thinking about what happened is making me tear up." I sniffed and blinked back the tears. He sat next to me on the bed and held my hands.

"It's okay to cry. Just know that he can't hurt you. We made sure of that."

"I know it is but I promised myself that I wouldn't cry over it. Over him. What he did." I was hurt mentally, emotionally and physically everyday. My baby is probably looking down on me and smiling, feeling proud of how far I have come. I know for a fact that I'm proud of myself.

He didn't say another word as he wrapped his arms around me, making me feel safe and protected. I pulled away from the hug.

"I think I'm gonna call her and try to mend our relationship," I suddenly said as I reached over to grab my phone.

"I'm proud of you," he said as he kissed my forehead. "So fucking proud." A small smile grew on my face as I realised that I was in too deep with this man.
At least he's not some stranger I met on the internet.

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