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Jennie's POV
"Taehyung! Stop walking away from me!," I yelled as I watched him walk further and further away from me. I let out a sigh and threw myself back into the couch, instantly regretting having to be the one to tell him.

I called him after I found out the truth and before I knew it, he was on the next flight over here. Of course, I didn't tell him over the phone. Kook slumped down next to me, not being his usual happy self.

"My face hurts," he grumbled as I examined the bruise on his eye. I felt like saying 'serves you right' but Kook didn't deserve that.

"Why is it so hard for him to accept the truth?," I asked no one in particular as I thought out loud.

"Maybe because he grew up thinking this. In fact, we all did," Kook told me honestly, actually being serious for once. It's hard to believe that he was born in the mafia because he's so bubbly but Chim on the other hand is easy to believe.

"Yeah," I mumbled. "I'll see you later. I gotta go talk to him." I stood up from my seat.

"Good luck!," he yelled out as I walked away from him.

I'm gonna need it.


"Taehyung, he's telling you the truth," I said softly. My dad let out a frustrated sigh. I watched as Taehyung clenched his jaw in anger. He quickly stalked towards me and grabbed my arm."We're leaving," he said firmly as he shot me a glare. I let out a sigh, not even bothering to argue with him.

"You can't go," Lisa protested.

"And you don't want a bullet in your head," Taehyung said darkly as his grip on my arm tightened.

"Taehyung!," I snapped glaring at him. I understand that he's angry but that doesn't give him a right to lash out on my family. He returned the scowl before moving his gaze to the wall, glowering at it patiently. "I'll see you soon," I promised her. I didn't even get a chance to hug her before I was dragged out of the house.

Hours later, we're back at his house, not the one in Italy. We were in the US. Thankfully, his mom is staying in Italy with Irene. That's one less thing/person for me to worry about.

"I'm telling you-," I began to say, my voice rising with every word I spoke.

"-Don't you dare say it's the truth," he threatened, his voice going dangerously low as he paced back and forth.

"I know that I wasn't there when it happened but you didn't see him. You didn't see my parents when they told me."

"I don't need to see them to know how guilty they are," he yelled as he punched the wall."Taehyung!," I yelled. "MY DAD TRIED TO PROTECT HIM FROM YOUR DAD!"

He paused.

He stood sill for a moment as what I said registered.

"ARE YOU SAYING HE WAS ABUSIVE?!," he roared in my face as I backed up, hitting the wall. Spit flew from his mouth, hitting my face.

"He tried to kill Luca," I said softly. Gingerly, I moved my arms from my sides before wrapping them around his neck and pulling him in for a hug. His arms hung at his sides. "How about we call your mom?"

He didn't say another word as he walked towards the phone in the office and dialled her number.

"This is Valeria Di Salvo's phone. How may I help you?," his mothers assistant chirped as she answered the call.

"Put my mother on the line," he simply demanded. Without another word, Valeria's voice sounded through the phone.

"Taehyung?," she said questioningly. "What's up?" "Did father ever hit you?," he asked, getting straight to the point. Everyone knows that his dad 'left' shortly after Irene was born. It might've been a couple of years actually. He never really got to know his dad. When his dad disappeared, he left the world of crime behind, allowing Valeria to take over.

"Where's this coming from?," she asked hesitantly.

"It's a simple question. Yes or no?"

"He hit me. More than once," she said carefully before rushing out, "But he wasn't abusive. He didn't mean to hurt me on purpose."

He let out a defeated sigh.

She is a victim. She's just trying to get over the pain in the past without actually dealing with it. It's almost as if she swept it under the rug all these years and chose to remember the man she fell in love with. Remembering the person you fell in love with isn't always a bad thing. It makes you think about how you were treated then versus now. Sometimes, it makes you realise that you deserve more. You deserve to be treated like a Queen or King.

Other times, it makes you feel shitty. It makes you feel like it's your fault that they changed. You begin feeling like you're a burden. When that first assault happens, it's like you freeze and suddenly, you realise you can't leave. That it's too late to leave. It's never to late to leave. The door is wide open and you just need to take that step, no matter how hard it is.After that first assault, they apologise and promise that it'll never happen again but it does. Soon it starts happening when their favourite football team loses a match or when the grocery shop ran out of their favourite beer. That's when the fear of them fully sets in. You realise that they could easily kill you if they wanted and the thought of that restricts you from leaving.

Everyone knows that cops don't do fuck all. People get killed, raped and beaten by their abusive partners or family members in public places yet all they get is a slap on the wrist and before we know it, they're back at it, breaking your windows, trying to get to you, trying to hurt you.

"Mom, did he ever hurt us when we were kids?," Taehyung asked carefully.

"Only when you misbehaved," she said confused as if that justified hurting a child.

"Mamma, we were abused." I put my hand on his shoulder squeezing it slightly, letting him know that I'm here for him.

"Taehyung don't be stupid," she said, immediately dismissing what he just said. He clenched his jaw in anger. "I loved your father and he loved all of us. He wouldn't have hurt us on purpose."

"What do you mean on purpose?"

"For fun, I guess. Everything he did was for a reason."

They spoke on the phone for a couple more minutes before she had to leave. He couldn't bring up the topic of his dad hurting Luca and being the reason why he died."She's a victim," I told him knowing that he'd be thinking why his mom thinks his fathers actions were justifiable. "She's not healed. She hasn't come to terms with what happened to her."

He stayed silent for a moment before he stood up from his seat. He towered over me and wrapped his arms around me tightly. "Thanks," he mumbled against my hair.

"No problem," I said as I wrapped my arms around him only just realising that this is our first proper hug.

We stayed in each others warm and comfortable embrace for a couple of minutes. It seemed like he didn't want to let go of me. His grip around me tightened as his heartbeat slowed down to its normal pace.

A small droplet of water hit my neck. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and slowly craned my neck to look at the ceiling. It doesn't appear to be leaking. When I heard him sniffle, I knew that it was a tear drop.

Even though ever since I met him he's been nothing but a complete utter asshole, I couldn't help but feel my heart shatter with sadness for him.

His whole life has been turned upside down. His childhood was a lie. He's been damaged by those he loves the most.

I'm taking it upon myself to help heal him, maybe through that I can heal myself from all the mental wounds Kai caused. We're both broken but maybe we fell onto this path in order to meet each other, in order to heal each other.

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