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"Twins?," I questioned. She nodded her head.

"I told my parents," she said. "They were pissed. I mean, who wouldn't be? I'm 18 and I'm pregnant."

"But they're okay now, right?"

"Yeah. I guess they have to be now. Because of the whole Suga thing, they think I might end up being a target so they're sending me to Italy. That way I'll be kept out of harms way. I just need to tell Vin before I go."

"That's good. You'll be safe there."

"Should I call him now? I'd rather not meet up with him. I'd probably end up crying." I shrugged my shoulders, telling her it's up to her.

"If you want to." She grabbed her phone and put it on loud speaker wanting me to hear it. It rang for a couple of seconds before he answered it.

"Lisa," he breathed out through the phone. "I've been waiting for your call."

"Jungkook, listen, I went to the doctor and I'm four months pregnant," she said, cutting to the chase.

"Four?," he questioned. "So you're keeping it?" "Yeah, don't sound too excited about it," she retorted sarcastically. "One other thing, there were two heartbeats, not one."

"Wait, what does that mean?," he asked, cluelessly.

"We're having twins," she blurted out.

"Twins? Fuck. I thought it was gonna be hard with one but two?"

"If you're not gonna stick by us, let me know now because I don't want to hold onto false hope. I just want to focus on myself and my babies."

"I-I can't. I've thought about it and I can't. I fucking can't."

"Goodbye Jungkook," she said, cutting the call. She threw the phone back onto her bed as she began breathing heavily.

"He left me," she said, her voice cracking. "He left me. He fucking left me."

I wrapped my arms around her, shushing her and trying to comfort her. "I'm doing it on my own now, aren't I? He's not gonna come back. I fucking love him. How am I gonna do it without him?," she cried out.

"You can," I reassured her. "You're stronger than you think. There's loads of single twin moms in the world that are doing perfectly fine." "Like that one on TikTok?," she asked, hiccuping. I nodded my head.

"Yeah. She's raising two twin girls and having fun and who's to say you can't do that too?"

"You're right," she said sitting up and wiping her eyes. "I don't need to waste any tears on him. He sure as hell isn't wasting any on me. It's time for me to grow."

"That's right."

"I should've asked the motherfucker for child support," she grumbled out. I let out a chuckle. "No, not ask. I should've told him to give it. I didn't make these babies on my own so he needs to take his head out of his damn own ass."

"When are you leaving?," I suddenly asked her.


A knock sounded on the door before it was pushed open. "Jennie?," my mother said confused. "What are you doing here?"

"I needed to talk to Lisa."

"So you told her then?," she asked. Before I could answer, she continued speaking, "it killed me inside, not being able to tell you the truth." "Mom stop."

"-I'm so sorry about it all and if only we tell Suga that you're siblings, maybe he'll stop what's he's doing."

"What? You're siblings? How? That makes no sense."

I let out a sigh. "My mom had an affair with Suga's father and ended up pregnant with me. That's why he's always on a mission. Suga's dad is my dad."


"Shit," Nayeon, my sister, spoke up out of nowhere.

"Is she Antonio's daughter too?," I asked, referring to Suga's dad. Well, my dad now too. My mother shook her head.

"Mamma," I said dragging the 'a'. "Don't lie to us now. Vogliamo la verità. Please." (We want the truth).

"You want the truth?," she asked. We nodded our heads. "I was forced to marry your father. Antonio was forced to marry Suga's mother. We met and along the way we fell in love. I didn't love your dad. Antonio didn't love his wife. We were young and in love. Namjoon is definitely not Antonio's son because we hadn't even met then." "So Nayeon is Antonio's daughter," I breathed out. "Everything has been a lie. All of it. Does dad even know?"

"What?," Nayeon said in shock, staring at the ground.

"I can't deal with this," I sighed out. I quickly gave Nayeon and Lisa a hug before I left her room. I would've taken Nayeon with me, to stay with me, but my mother in law might not like that idea.

"So I didn't get the pills," he said sheepishly. I narrowed my eyes at him. "There were too many and I didn't one which ones to get."

"You could've searched it up online."

"What crawled up your ass and died?," he mumbled as he put his foot on the gas.

"My moms a cheater," I mumbled out as I turned to look out of the window. He stayed silent, his hand gently rubbing patterns on my thigh. After a couple of moments of silence, I decided to break it.

"Lisa's leaving," I told him. He waited for me to continue. "Ko8k is- god, I don't even know what he is! If he can't take responsibility for his actions, then I think he needs to-."

"Woah," Tae said. "What's he done?" "You can't tell anyone this. You can't even mention it to him unless he tells you himself."

"Swear on my life."

"She's pregnant and he doesn't want anything to do with them. When she told him, he told her to have an abortion."

"That's why she left?"

I nodded my head. "She told him she's gonna keep them and he said he can't do it. He's not gonna be apart of their lives anymore."


"She's having twins."

"Wow," he said in shock as he took it all in. "I always thought of Kook to be family orientated. He's always caring about others and his mom. He's always told me that he wants to be a dad, but not like his dad."

"What do you mean?"

"The one thing me and him have in common is that both of our dads are deadbeats. And what you're saying is completely right. Why fuck someone, knowing that there's a chance you can be a parent if you can't fucking take responsibility for it?" "It's fucking stupid."

We sat in silence for a moment. "What you were saying about responsibility before, do you mean that or were you just saying it?"

"I meant it," he said as he looked me in the eye, tearing his gaze away from the open road in front of us. "I know what you're thinking and if you did get pregnant, then I'd be here for you. We'd go through it together because that's how we made it. We made it together so we face the consequences together."

"Nicely put," I said with a small smile. He stared in my eyes, smiling back.

"But if you did get pregnant, it wouldn't be the worst thing to ever happen. Everything happens for a reason."

"WATCH OUT!," I screamed out, before I could reply, as a car headed directly towards ours. Taehyung looked straight ahead and quickly turned the wheel trying not to hit another car.

Before I knew it, the cars had collided. Glass shards broke into tinier pieces and flew around as my seatbelt dug into my neck. The airbag exploded giving my face something kinda soft to hit. My head flew back and hit the headrest as Taehyung faintly shouted something I couldn't quite catch. Before I knew it, the world had gone dark.

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