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"Taehyung stop fucking around," I snapped at him. "This is important."

"You're right. I'm sorry Jen," he said seriously as he tried to contain his laughter. I let out a huff as I put my hands on my hips. Chim's little remarks in the corner made Taehyung laugh even more.

"Dom!," I said my voice raising ever so slightly. "Shut the fuck up." He snapped his lips close as Taehyung reached out and gently held my arm pulling me towards him.

I let out a sigh as I melted in his hold. "It just needs to be perfect."

"It is!," he exclaimed. "Just look around. Everyone's here." I glanced around to see my mom, dad, sister, brother, Suga's parents, Lisa's parents, Chim and Rosé. Thankfully, Suga wasn't here.

"You're right."

Yells and shouts from the hallway made us all go quiet. Fuck, I jinxed it. "You're such an asshole!," Lisa yelled. I watched from the corner of my eye as her mother struggled to keep quiet, not wanting to tell her off for swearing. "Bastardo." Damn, her Italian accent was coming to the surface, telling me that she was fucking fuming."Lisa, babe. I just asked her for her number!," Kook tried to defend himself. I watched her mother relax, knowing that her child wasn't cussing for no reason. I already knew that he lost this argument. They weren't officially dating but they were in a way. It's confusing.

"That's the problem! Why the fuck are you asking her for her number?"

"Because I was!"

"Is it because I'm not-," Lisa began to yell.

"-Okay!," I interfered leaving Taehyung hold and going out into the hallway. I knew exactly what she was going to say and that she wouldn't want her parents to hear it.

Lisa stayed silent, her chest heaving up and down as she clenched her fists to her side. Kook let out an annoyed scoff. "Kook," I said calmly. "Go cool off." He stood for a moment staring at Valentina before stalking off. I watched as Taehyung followed behind him.

Lisa and I entered the next room. She sat on the couch and let out sniffle before tears fell from her eyes. "He fucking asked some bitch for her number in front of me," she scoffed out. "I don't know who I'm more mad at. Him or myself."

"Why would you be mad at yourself?"

"Because I stuck around for this long. I was just forcing myself to be around him. We've been like this for a month. A whole month.""I'm not gonna say that you deserve better than him because he's the one you want. I don't want you to feel like I'm shaming you if I say you deserve better. If you truly feel like there's something between the two of you, then I think you should both sit down and talk it out."

"He is the one I want."

"Then go get him." She gave me a hug before she wiped her tears and left the room. She came back a second later.

"Don't think I forgot. You're gonna be fine and you're gonna have an amazing time!" I gave her a soft smile before I watched her leave again.

The whole mini get together was because Taehyung and I are going away for a while. We're going for a mission then we're going on a vacation since schools out for Christmas.

I got up and left the room before going back to everyone else. "That has been sorted," I told them all. "No more screaming now guys." They let out small chuckles at that.

I stood to side, watching everyone. I might not make it back from this mission. There's always a chance of no return. I just want to take in as much of it all as I can. Taehyung suddenly stood behind me, pulling me out of my thoughts without even trying. His hand rested on my hip as he leaned his head down so his mouth was aligned with my ear."A whole plane with just the two of us in it," he whispered.

"Oh really," I mused.


Hours later, we had given our presents to everyone as they had given ours to us since we weren't going to be here for Christmas. We stood by the cars our bags already in them. I hugged everyone and soon we were in the car driving away from them.

"I really hope he doesn't fuck my house up," Taehyung grumbled as he drove the car.

"It'll be fine," I told him. "He's not that dumb." He gave me a 'are you sure' look. "Wait, scratch that. Your house is fucked."

"It's our house," he told me. "You live there too."

"Our house," I said. He nodded his head.

Two hours later, we were boarding his private jet. I sat down on one of the seats as he sat across me. There was no flight attendants since he claimed we wouldn't need them.

Wonder what he has in mind for this trip."I want to build a house," he began randomly. "It's something I've always wanted to do. Obviously, I wouldn't build it myself but I'd design it. That would be the first thing I would have that wasn't given to me."

"You're known as the ruthless, murderous mafia leader and you're telling me that, that name was just handed to you?" He shook his head. "You gave yourself that name."

We both looked out of the window to see that we were finally in the air. "We've lived together for months yet we barely know each other."

"What do you want to know?"

"Normal stuff like favourite foods, favourite music artist. You don't need to tell me your favourite colour. I already know what that is."

"I love pizza. I don't have a favourite music artist. I'll find a random song and if the music's good then I'll listen to it."

"Do your tattoos mean anything?" He nodded his head. He took his dress shirt off and put it on another seat. He pointed to his tattoos as he spoke.

"This is a tribute to Luca," he said. He pointed at the tattoo that sat on the left side of his body just below his shoulder blade. It was the name Luca with a halo above it with angle wings on either side of it. Underneath it said, 'I am because you were'."That's beautiful," I mumbled as I stood up and walked closer to him to get a closer look.

"This is for Blade." On his arm was a dagger. The blade was cut in half and the word 'Blade' was written there. He had other tattoos covering his whole shoulder blades and biceps. He turned around and showed me the tattoos on his back.

He had one on his back for the mafia. It was a crown with devil horns poking out of it. He had lots of other ones there but majority of his back was empty. "It's empty for my kids. When I have them, I'll get something done there for them."

I gave a small smile at that. I slightly lifted up my shirt and pulled my pants down a tiny bit so my hip was exposed. He trailed his finger over the word. My tattoo simply says 'RED' in bold. "That's my only one," I told him. He gently rubbed his thumb over it for a few moments.

"If anything goes wrong, I need you to stay safe. That means you have to leave. Don't think twice," he suddenly said darkly.

"Nothing will go wrong," I said softly as I put my arms around his neck. "Because I'm with you."

"Babe, it doesn't matter if you're with me. If anything goes wrong, protect yourself." "We're a team. But if it makes you feel better, I'll protect myself because I know you can handle it," I told him.

"I wouldn't be able to handle the fact that you got hurt because of me," he mumbled against my lips. My heart swelled as butterflies erupted in my stomach. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me even closer to him.


"Be safe and stay alert," Taehyung said to me before he gave me a quick kiss. Little did I know that after this day and this mission, things were gonna change forever.

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