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Jennie's PoV

"Taehyung, I'll bring my stuff around tomorrow," I said as I spoke to him over the phone.

"Why not today?," he asked whining. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm busy," I said smoothly. "And I still need to get the rest of my stuff together."

"I'll help," he offered.

"Taehyung, get settled in the new house and I'll be there tomorrow," I told him.

"But I'll be lonely," he spoke, trying to guilt trip me into sleeping over there tonight.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I said firmly before I cut the call.

It's been a few days since the ball and since we became official and we have yet to move into the new house.

You're supposed to start a relationship with no lies, right? That's what I did. But, I've already told him one big fat lie.

And now, I'm gonna turn that little lie into the truth.

"Where are you going?," Kook asked me curiously."Somewhere special," I lied smoothly with a smile.

"Have fun then," he shrugged, not really caring as Dante, his son, threw a ball at his head. He turned around and shot him a glare as he ran after him.

Kids will be kids.

Finally, after almost an hour of driving, I arrived at my destination. I parked a block away from the abandoned warehouse for safety measures before walking towards it.

"Hey!," I exclaimed happily. "Did you miss me?"

She didn't say a word as she struggled to breathe.

In a way, I'm righting a wrong. I lied to him and now, I'm kind of undoing it.

"Oh, Valeria, honey," I spoke softly as I bent down to her height. "It didn't have to end like this. You could've changed." She stayed silent.

I looked at her small hunched figure in the chair, her arms and legs bound purely for my own comfort. I wouldn't feel safe if she was just left without any restraints. She's a crazy bitch. Who knows what she'd do? Her clothes, exposed skin and hair were covered in dirt and blood from her wounds that are most likely infected."I told him you were dead."

"You-don't-have-to-do-this," she gasped out, pausing between each word to catch her breath.

"But I do," I told her honestly. "You ruined my life. You didn't have to. But you did, all because of some stupid idea of revenge."

I stood up straight and took a step back from her before I pulled the handgun out of my waistband. I took the safety off and aimed it at her.

"I guess this was your final destination. You won't be missed," I told her with a smirk as I pressed down on the trigger. In an instant, the chair she was tied to fell back as the gun pierced her skin. I walked towards her and looked down.

I pointed the gun the gun at her once again. "It really didn't have to end like this."

A loud shot went off as a bullet hit her. Blood oozed out of her from the two bullet holes.

The only way to truly make sure they're dead and won't come back to life is to shoot them in the head or the heart.

It's officially over. I'm free from the past.I stared at her lifeless face emotionlessly. Her dead eyes stared back me. I was the last thing she saw. The hole in her forehead was starting to make me feel sick.

My first kill since I've returned.

I untied her and dragged her body towards a black bag before I stuffed her in it. I let out a sigh as I stretched my back.

How am I gonna get rid of her body?

In all my years in a mafia, I've never had to get rid of a body, I've only ever killed them.

So I gave the only person I knew who could do this, and keep it a secret, a call.

"I need you."

"Seriously?," he asked. "An hour out of town?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I didn't tell Taehyung she was still alive. He wanted her dead as soon as and I wanted to make her suffer a little."

"You really needed this, huh?"

I nodded my head. "Chim, can you keep this between us?" He nodded his head. "Taehyung doesn't know and technically, I've not lied to him. Her death was just slightly delayed."He glanced down the body bag. "Seriously, her head?"

I nodded my head. "I didn't die from one bullet wound. Neither would she. It had to be done."

He let out an sigh as he threw her body over his shoulder and by the look on his face, I knew she was extremely heavy.

Dead bodies are actually really really heavy.

He walked out of the warehouse, and opened the trunk of his car that was parked right outside before throwing her in. He rolled his shoulders back once he closed the trunk.

"I'll get rid of our problem. You can go."

"Are you sure?," I asked, feeling bad for him having to do this on his own. "I know she was like a mom to you and I'm so sorry for asking you to do this."

"She was not a fucking mom to me," he scoffed out. "She fucking hated me but she kept it in."

"Oh okay," I said slowly. "But are you sure you don't need my help?"

"Go. I'll be fine," he ushered me away as he got into the drivers seat and before I knew it, his car had sped out onto the road and down the street.I slowly walked to my car as my phone began ringing. "Hey!," I exclaimed.

"I miss you," Taehyung grumbled out through the phone. "I'm coming to get you."

"You can try but I'm not at Kook's," I shrugged.

"Tell me where you are and I'll come get you," he practically demanded.

"It seems like someone's got separation anxiety," I teased him.

"I have," he said, not even denying it. "I miss you and want you here with me."

"Cute but I'm out and I told you I'll be there tomorrow," I promised him.

"If you're not, I will drag you here," he threatened.

"I'd love to see you try."

"I gotta go. The mafia calls. But I'll call you later," he promised. "I love you."

"Okay. I love you, bye." With that, I cut the call and stuffed my into my back pocket as I got into my car. My hands rested on my steering wheel as I glanced at the time.

The sun was beginning to set and now, there was only one place I needed to go. The underground ring.

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