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It's been an hour. A whole hour since the wedding. We've been bickering non stop.

"Asshole," I mumbled as I stormed past him. He followed behind.

"Where the fuck are you going?," he said loudly as I pushed open the door, letting the cool breeze hit my face.

"Somewhere far away from you," I shrugged.

"Not possible," he shrugged. "Just give me your fucking phone." I ignored him as I continued walking towards the metal gate. He's not getting my phone. I'm not going to give it. I stuffed it in my bra.

He grabbed my arm. Without thinking, I pulled out the gun I found and pointed it on him. I found the gun in his office. I decided to explore. I thought it would come in handy and it has.

I raised the gun up in the air and shot into the sky. He instantly let go of my arm. I backed away, still keeping the gun on him. "Put the gun down," Taehyung said calmly as he stood in front of me, still in his wedding suit.

"Fuck you!," I hissed out as I bunched my wedding dress in my hand, making sure to keep the gun pointed at him."You've barely been here for an hour and you're already pissing me off," he said, starting to get frustrated.

Suddenly, I pressed down on the trigger. I watched as the bullet flew past his head, just skimming his ear, exactly as I had expected it to.

He didn't flinch.

My eyes moved up to meet his. His chest heaved up and down as his fists were clenched. His jaw was locked as he glared at me, clearly with murder on his mind. My murder.

Oh shit.

"No one disrespects me like this in my own home," he spat out. Not caring that I have a gun in my hand, he marched up to me and snatched it out of my hand. He gripped my arm and pushed me into the mansion. He pulled me upstairs towards a room.

Once I was inside it, the door slammed shut behind me as I heard the lock click. I kicked off my heels and wandered around the room. It was a bedroom. A king sized bed sat in the middle of the room against the wall with two nightstands on either side. Across that is two doors that possibly lead to a bathroom and a closet. Across me, there's a desk against a wall that has floor length windows and a window seat. There's no tv in here.I walked towards the bed and fell back against it. It was so soft. It felt like I was floating on a cloud.


Loud noises woke me from my slumber. It was just noises. It was people talking. I got off the bed and leaned against the door, wanting to hear as much as possible.

"Can we see her?," a man asked. I could tell he was excited.

"No," Taehyung said flatly. Are they talking about me?

"Come on, dude," another guy groaned out. "You didn't even let us come to the wedding." Well, that answers my question.

"No," Taehyung repeated. "Can I just enjoy the peace and quiet without you two asking to see her?"

"No," they said simultaneously.

"You're just like her, annoying. Something about her and you is that for some reason I want to kill you," Taehyung groaned out.

"But you won't kill me," the guy who I heard speak first said. He repeated it again and again until Taehyung spoke."Okay!," he burst out. "I won't kill you."

I was getting bored of this conversation. They seem to have a good relationship. For some reason, I thought he wouldn't have friends. Who could blame me? The guy's a total asshole.

I banged on the door. "Hey!," I yelled, knowing that those guys will want to come up. "Let me out!" Silence. I couldn't even hear them talking any more. "COME ON, LET ME THE FUCK OUT, JACKASS."

Taehyung's POV

I clenched my jaw when I heard her screaming  to be let out. "Great," I muttered angrily. "You woke the devil."

"Can I let her out?," Jungkook asked as if she was an animal. She might as well be one too with the way she's acting.

I hate to admit it but she's beautiful, absolutely stunning. When I saw her for the first time at the wedding, I was in complete and utter awe. She looked like a doll, so innocent and fragile. But underneath it all she's fiery and hotheaded. She's a challenge and I love one. The only problem is her bloodline. Her father is my enemy.

"No," I grunted. I stood up from my seat and walked towards my office. Thank god, that's soundproof. At least I won't have to hear her anymore. Jungkook and Jimin followed behind me.They're the most loyal people I've ever met and that says a lot. See, I don't like many people but these guys are my friends. We've known each other since we were children.

Suddenly, the phone rang. I reached over to answer. "How's my daughter?," a voice said over the phone. I immediately recognised it as  the leader of the Romano's mafias voice. Also known as my father-in-law.

"As normal as ever," I shrugged.

"I want to speak to her," he demanded.

"I'm afraid you can't. She's...," I trailed off. "Occupied. If you get what I mean." I let out a small chuckle at the end.

"Don't forget our deal," he reminded me.

"Don't forget who calls the shots here," I stated before I slammed the phone down.

"Damn," Jungkook gushed. "That last line was a real power move. Reminds me of Klaus from The Originals."

"Who?," Jimin asked. "Actually, never-."

"The vampire slash werewolf," Jungkook said in a duh tone. "He's the hybrid. If you watch Vampire Diaries then The Originals, you'd get it."

"I'd rather not," he muttered. I watched the two of them bicker like idiots."I have been shouting for you," my mom said as she entered my office.

"What you doing here?," I asked. She isn't supposed to be back yet. Every couple of weeks, she disappears to one of our houses around the country.

"I came to get some things," she shrugged. "How are you, boys?" She turned to face Jungkook and Jimin.

"Great," they both said. My mom shot them both a small smile.

"Great," she said. "I need to talk to Taehyung. Alone." They both got the hint and closed the door behind them.

"What's going on?," I asked.

"Don't give me that shit," she snapped, her mood suddenly switching. "Who is that girl you have locked upstairs?"

I stayed silent. "I'm waiting for an answer," she demanded. I learnt all my tricks about intimidating people from my mom. Truth be told, sometimes I'm even scared of her.

"For revenge," I simply said, knowing she wouldn't let this go. "For Luca."

"You mean she's...," she trailed off.

"Yeah," I said.
My mom straightened up and grabbed her purse before she turned towards me. "Introduce us."

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