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"Tae!," I called out as I grabbed my suitcases. He was already halfway down the hallway with his bags. I did a quick glance at the room, trying to make sure we have everything.

"Hurry up!," he called out, not even looking back. I rolled my eyes. Suddenly, a loud ringing noise filed the silence in the room. I followed the sound until I saw a phone in the bathroom. I checked my pockets. It wasn't mine. I glanced at the lock screen to see a picture of Tae and I. It was cute. I changed it last night from his boring black background.

Rosé called. His best friend Rosé? Doesn't she already know that we're coming back?

The phone chimed signalling that he had a text message. I didn't need to unlock the phone for the full message to just pop up.

I'm so sorry about what happened that night. It won't happen against but just please can you call me back? - Rosé

What happened that night? What night is she talking about? Weren't they fine before we left?

I held his phone tightly in my hand and grabbed my stuff and left the hotel. The chauffeur took my bags off me and put them in the trunk allowing me to get in the car. I got in the back beside Seb.

"Here," I said coldly as I held his phone out for him to take. He raised an eyebrow at my tone of voice before taking it. I turned away from him and glanced out of the window as we drove towards the airport.I knew I should ask about the message but I couldn't. The words wouldn't leave my mouth. Maybe, I was afraid of what he'd say. Maybe, I was afraid of loosing him. I can't lie, he's made a huge impression on me and my life.

"FUCK YEAH!," I heard Lisa scream from somewhere in the house before she came tumbling towards me. We quickly hugged before I dragged her to a random room before scooping Bear up in my arms, leaving Taehyung with Rosé, Chim and Kook. Chim and Kook looked at me with raised eyebrows and confused expressions as to why I didn't say a word to them.

I closed the door behind me before turning to a patiently waiting Lisa. "So?"

"Has Rosé been acting strange since we got back?"

She stayed silent for a moment as she thought. "No. Why?"

"Promise me you won't even mention this to Kook?"

"I swear."

"I saw a message from her. Something happened between the two of them. She kept calling while we were away but he never answered her call."

"Who? Taehyung?," she asked like the dumbass she is."No, a fucking horse," I said sarcastically.

"What! That cheating-."

"It could be something else," I said lightly. She narrowed her eyes at me.

"What did the text say exactly?"

"It was something like 'I'm sorry for what happened that night and it won't happen again.'"

"I think she tried it on with Taehyung," she shrugged. "It could all be her."

"But why wouldn't he tell me?"

"The same way you've told him how Suga feels about you?"

I let out a frustrated sigh. "Lalice, shut up." She made a disgusted face at the name I called her. "It's not the same."

"Don't fucking call me that."

"Why not, Lalice?," I asked teasingly, already knowing exactly why she hates that name.

She didn't say another word. "Find out from Chim then. If she tried something, he'd definitely know about it."

"Remember, not a word to Kook. That guy can't keep his mouth shut for shit." "Exactly how I like it," she winked at me, making me scrunch my face up in disgust. I covered Bears ears.

"I was perfectly fine before hearing that. I don't think I am anymore. Bear feels the exact same way." I held my stomach and pretended to vomit. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Stop complaining. I'm sure you and Mr-," she began to say suggestively.

I cut her off. "-Don't you dare finish that sentence." A small smile grew on my face.

"Oh my god! Jennie Romano! You dirty little-."

"Cant believe you didn't even hug me!," Kook said as he threw open the door making Lisa snap her mouth shut. As he spoke, she couldn't help but finish mouthing the words at me making me struggle to contain my laughter.

"What's so funny?," he asked, acting offended as he finished his rant. "Did I walk in on something?"

"Nope," we both said in unison as I stroked Bear. Bear seemed to be a tiny bit bigger since the last time I saw him.

"Clearly I did." He came to sit in between the two of us making us both shuffle a little to the side. "Let me in on it," he whispered."On what?"

"Whatever you two were talking about."

"What were we talking about?," I asked, trying to confuse him. It's a trick I've used on many many annoying kids.

"Don't try to change the subject," he said harshly in a joking manner. "You think I haven't used it myself from time to time."

I stared at him. He let out an annoyed sigh.

"Why do you think I don't handle the important business stuff?," he asked in a duh tone.

"Babe you're really smart," Lisa piped up. I was actually gonna say the opposite of smart but that's okay.

"Thank you! At least someone appreciates the lengths I go to."

The lengths you go to for what?

He didn't even finish his sentence before he started talking about something else. "Chim and Taehyung have gone to talk business."

"Where's Rosé?," Lisa asked, knowing I was dying to ask."I think she went with them," he stated. I suddenly stood up, grabbing both of their hands. He looked at me confused as Lisa looked at me with a knowing smile.

"What are we doing here then? Everyone else has gone to talk business, we might aswell too."

I knew it was a bad idea to bring them along but this one bad decision won't harm me. Hopefully.

We made our way to his office and abruptly pushed the door open, interrupting their conversation. All three heads snapped up to see who was at the door.

"So what's going on?," I asked sweetly as I walked in and stood around his desk with my arms crossed over my chest. Taehyung rolled his neck and shoulders before looking around.

"Close the door, Lisa," Taehyung said. "Whether you like it or not, you're part of this mafia too now." She obliged and closed the door.

Kook wrapped his arms around her as we waited for Taehyung to fill us in. "There's a new...threat," he began, pausing and looking at me before he said the last word.

"Someone has teamed up with another mafia. Information about us and this family have been told," Chim continued. "We've done some research and found out who this someone is." He paused and looked between Lisa and I.
"It's Suga."

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