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Darkness filled the endless like dream as you were being chased by an large dark figure as I keep on your toes as you run into the darkness of things. Panic and fear swelled up inside you as the figure of pure darkness came closer... it's blue eyes never leaving your sight.

You trip and fall, cursing to yourself while getting back up. But it was already too late, the figure grabbed your leg, pulling you closer and closer while your screams slowly were dieing down.

It lifted you high in the air and opened it mouth as it's laugh echoed in your ears. You made eye contact with the figure, pleading it to let you go. The figure hesitated, almost like it heard you.

Suddenly it's eyes turned ruby red as it let you go as you fell into it's razor sharp like teeth mouth. Pain welded up inside you as the endless darkness came with the never ending laughter echoing inside your ear drums... forever..

You scream loudly in your house a tall man dressed in all black with light blue eyes comes in panicked.

"Are you alright (y/n)?! I heard you screaming loudly off from your lungs!" Darkrai comes and holds you near him as he rock you back and forth in his lap

"I just had a dream..... It's no big deal." You sigh as you know it was him making the dreams. You didn't want to be jerk and say that, but Darkrai knows it too.

"Yes it is a big deal! You can't keep this up for long (y/n)! your going to need some sleep at some point!"

"Yes I can! I'm tough enough to deal with these nightmares! Just have faith in me!" You said while your body still shook in fear without you noticing

Darkrai sighed as he came up to you. Wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you from shaking while his other hand rubbing your back.

"(y/n) just please... stop don't this. I want you in good health, this isn't healthy."

"Why do you care?"

"I don't care!" He blushes as he looks away from you.

"Darkrai............. do you like me?" his blush got more worse.

"W-w-what are you talking about?! I don't like you! I love you!" you suck in your breath as you hear words you thought would never come out of mouth for you. You put your hand on his cheek and pull him down to kiss him.

"I love you too~ sleep with me tonight?"

"Of course I will. Goodnight love." He kisses you goodnight as he snuggles with you too sleep. After that night you never had a bad dream again

Hey guys I can do request for you guys if you have any! I will gladly do so! I've also start writing for guys! These are later on in the story! So look for 'Female (insert pokemon name) X Boy Reader', those are male request. And I will be doing trainer x readers too! sorry if this one sucked! I will get better later on! I promise! Comment and like please! Also check out my other book called 'Human Pokemon Boyfriend Scenarios'

Also I update each week on Thursday's or Friday's! So this book isn't over yet! Also please follow me! I love it when people follow me because it let's me know they like the story or the way I write! You can if want I'm not forcing you guys! I love all of you!

Human Pokemon X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now