Unvoa Starters

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This is a challenge request. If you played Pokemon Conquest before then this will be clearer. The reader is a legendary with the powers handled down my Arceus through bonding. So, there is a tiny bit spoiler from the game to explain this one shot.... sorry? And sorry if this was so short! I've been sick for over two weeks so my mind is still kind of fuzzy when writing! Please forgive the bad author I am!

Sunlight streaked through the tiny window of the normal type castle as you blinked opened your eyes and yawned while waking up.

You looked at the edge of your bed while rubbing your eyes to find your white conquest clothes and crown.

You lazily and slowly put them on as you whistle for your conquest pokemon friend, Eevee, to you.

A pokemon cry could be heard as it belong to your Eevee who ran and jumped onto your shoulder.

You smiled at it and petted under it's tiny chin as it hummed happily. You set out for the day as people would try to talk to you.

"Hello Empress (y/n)!"

"U-umm... h-hi." You replied meekly

"Good morning, Empress (y/n)!"

"H-hello..." You said while hiding your face from the crowd.

Sure you were the most powerful conquer in the lands, but also the shyest of them all. Sure, once you conquered all the land Arceus bonded with you and made you a somewhat legendary person with powers like his. That didn't mean you didn't change personality.

Only three boys who caught your heart did though.

You quickly entered your castle as you sighed in relief. You when into the battle grounds and sat down on a mossy rock and listen to the silence.


You yelped from surprise at the voice as it belong to your loud Embor, who was the most outgoing person you've ever seen.

"Hello Embor. It's nice to see you."

Embor blew smoke from his nose as the other two came in. Serperior and Samurott.

Serperior bowed to you as Samurott just walked up to you.

"Our Empress. It's so nice to see you again." Serperior said while walking.

"Nice to see you again too." Samurott said.

"I'm so glad you're all finally here!" You said with shining eyes.

"We are too." Samurott said as his deep blue eyes were easy to get lost in.

"But, we have a confession to make of this." Embor said.

You raised an eyebrow, "A confession? Of what?"

They both shared gazes with each other as they both spoke in union, "We like you. And to settle this we will battle are castles together until the winner is decided for your love."

Heat ran too your cheeks as your heart seemed to pouted out of it's chest, "O-oh! W-well! I like you all! But, I d-do know only one can have it. S-so I guess it's fair to settle it in a c-conquest battle!"

They both smiled as they all hugged you, "Thanks Empress (y/n)! We promise to never let you go or down when one of us has you for a lover."

You giggled and looked up at them both, "This sould be interesting."

"Yeah!" Embor shouted, "Knowing my strength I'll win!"

"You idiot," Serperior said to him with a glare, "Speed will always outdo power."

"Now you're both wrong. Defense is the way to win! Because power and speed can't break through my shell!"

The boys then started to argue about who will win as you just giggled at the sight. Knowing with your power of Judgement who would win already...

If you chose Embor

You smiled as Embor won the contest with his mighty strength. He grin as he came too you.

"(y/n)! I've won! Now we can be lovers!"

You gave him a tiny smiles as you petted Eevee's small head, "Congratulations, Embor."

Embor smile turned into a smirk, "I think this is also my reward~"

He wrapped am arm around your waist as he kisses you hotly against him. You enjoyed the kissed as you melted into him.

If you chose Serperior

Serperior's speed overcame everyone's power as he came to your castle without a word before sweeping you off your feet.

"My lady! I have won you! I promise to keep you safe with all my heart!"

You giggle slightly as Eevee smiled at the sight while wagging it's fluffy tail, "I'm glad you are the one."

Serperior smiled dreamily at your face, "I will seal the deal with a kiss~"

Serperior gently press his lips onto yours as it was light and delicate. Just perfect enough for air to slip though and keep on going.

If you chose Samurott

Hard defense beat the other guys as they sighed in defeat. Samurott came up too you with a smirk as he hugged you tightly.

"I finally have you now! Your only mine now!"

You smiled at the statement as you hugged back, "I'm glad I could make you happy."

Samurott pulled you chin gently up to see his tough face, "I will be happy all the time now I'm lovers with you."

He kissed you gently at first, then slowly grew into a passion one as it lasted for a LONG time.

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