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"Searching... no possible life source in this area... rocky terrain with a little bit of a slope... but other than that... a good motel spot."

You talked to yourself and set Null out from his poke ball. He stretched and yawned, curling his huge pink tongue.

You smiled and petted him. "Sorry it's so late at night... I didn't want to risk sleeping at the same motel this time and have the Aether Foundation almost find us again."

Null nodded and listen, until his head perked up. He growled and arched his back towards the motel, the drives in his head spinning and whirling inside.

There were three Type Nulls out there. The president's son took one and soon after you saved them both, but the other one dashed into the forest and you couldn't find him. You hopped he was safe and sound out in the wild.

It was only the third Type Null and you out in hiding from Aether Foundation. It was rare when you slept in a motel, but decided to do so anyways. It was small and cramped, but, hey, a room is a room.

The woman at the counter gave you the room key and you entered inside. Null was getting rowdy and excited for no reason, scratching on the wall that was opposite towards yours.

You petted him to try and calm him down. "Null, be quiet. You can't draw attention to yourself."

Null ignored you and shoved the door opened. You cursed under your breath and tried pulling him away from the next door.

"Null stop it! People are sleeping at this time of night!"

Before Null could barge down the door, it opened to a loud but familiar voice. "Shut up! Take your pokemon and get-"

You pushed Null away and stopped in cold blood. It was Gladion, only slightly older than the last two years. His bangs were slightly longer than before and covered his right eye.

Him and you were best friends back at the Aether Foundation since childhood. Since the two years on the run neither of you could find each other, until now. Two years just only seemed like yesterday.

Gladion open his mouth and stared at you with curious eyes. "(y/n) ...? Can it, really be you?"

"Gladion... yes... it's me..."

He slammed the whole door opened and tackled you into a hug. You squeaked and managed to stay upright as Gladion squeezed the air out of you.

"I thought my mother had caught you and... done terrible things too you. Where is the other Type Null? Are you alright?"

You nodded and petted your own Null. "I escaped with the two, but the other freaked out and ran away from me. I'm so glad I managed to find you, Gladion."

"That's nice. But, get out."

"Excuse me...?" You asked, completely confused.

"I was about to go to bed before you came in here." He spoke, gently shoving you out. "We can talk more in the morning. Right now, I have to feed Type Null again before falling asleep."

"Alright. Oh, and Gladion, goodnight."

Quickly and swiftly, you kissed him on the cheek. You didn't know what was going through your mind, but you just kissed him on the cheek.

Gladion blushes beat red and shut the door in your face. You giggled and took your own Null back to your own room. It was smaller than Gladion's room, but it would have to do.

Before you could climb into bed, a note slid under your door. You picked it up and read it, smiling ear to ear.

Dear (y/n),

Meet at the berry tree near the motel. I have a gift for you, your bracelet I borrowed a while back. If you want it come and get it. You know if you don't come and get it it's mine. I expect you at the berry tree around the back of the motel at seven in the morning. Only five minutes late and nothing else.

See you then~ Gladion

You chuckled and crumpled up the note into your pocket. "That rich boy still hasn't changed over these two years. Even if he didn't say it, I know he's with Team Skull. But I still wonder why he would join a group of pop dorks?"

Null just yawned and curled at the edge of the bed, enjoying the pillows you gave him to rest him head. You smiled and took out a picture of younger Gladion and you, hugging together as Gladion looked away, embarrassed by simply hugging.

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