Deerling X Child Reader

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The air was hazy and wavy as you woke up groggy and sick. You coughed up the rest of the water from inside your mouth as someone was pushing on your stomach.

"Come on! Wake up already!"

The person or boy was blurry as you could only see the outline of their figure. They looked light and bright like the leave of autumn.

You black out again as the voice called out too you again, but was dragged along with the darkness...


Bird pokemon chirping woke you up as you pushed yourself up as good as you could, but stopped once you found a boy hugging you close to his body.

He was still asleep and looked like the boy from before. A blush came into your cheeks as you poked his cheeks.

The boy blinked awake and yawned. "Hmmm... looks like your finally awake."

"W-what am I doing here?"

"I found you unconscious on the river and pulled you into shore. I did the best I could to get the water out of you." He rubbed his eyes and started closing them again. "The sun isn't even up and you're already awake..."

"I'm sorry. I'm just scared..."

The boy chuckled and tugged on a single piece of your hair. "Don't be scared. I'm Deerling, here to protect you."

"Deerling? Like the pokemon?"

"Yes... just only as a human."

"Wow!" You jumped up and examined him up and down, "Even if you a human you still look cool! I mean orange colored hair and clothes!"

"Yeah. Just wait until winter, my hair turn white and my clothes are brown."

"You're so cool! I wish I was a pokemon!"

Deerling laughed out loud as he stood up. "For someone who almost died you sure are hyper."

"Of course I am! I-I... don't even remember where I came from..."

"Huh? Do you at least remember your own name?"

"Y-yes! It's (y/n)."

Deerling smiled and kisses your cheek. "A pretty name for a pretty girl. Must be something common for you humans."

You blushed and crossed your arms over your chest. "I'm not cute, I'm tough. That's why I survived from death! Besides I'm older!"

"If I'm taller than you then that means I'm taller. Logic shorty." He was two inches taller than you.

Steam came from your head as you kicked at his knee, but soon cried out and hugged your foot. "Ouch! What the heck?!"

"I'm a pokemon so I'm strong." Deerling said with a cocky smirk, "Just listen. I'll help you get back to where you belong okay?"

"Okay! Lead the way autumn!"

He stared at you confused. "Autumn?"

"For every different season I'm going to call you by their names! Deerling is what every pokemon is called, but you get a different name!"

Autumn smiled and ruffled your hair. "Thank you." He quickly kissed your cheek before running off, "Catch me if you can!"

As blushing as you were you needed your pride back. "HEY! GET BACK HERE AND RETURN MY FIRST KISS!"

Thank you Song_Magic for the cover!

Human Pokemon X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now