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You were outside with Pikachu as he tugged on your shirt for the tenth time today asking for you to play with him

"(yyyyyyyyy/nnnnnnnnn)!!!!!! Play with me pleaseeeeeeeee!!!!"

You sighed at him as he wouldn't leave you alone AT ALL this entire day! It was only three in the afternoon!

"Pikachu! Why do you want to play with me?! Go find someone else to play with!"

"No! I like it when you play with me! Your my trainer! So you have to play with me!"

"No I don't! Nothing told me that I had to play with my human pokemon!"

He pouted as he stared at you with his bright yellow eyes "(y/n). Can you please play with me?" He looked at you with pleading puppy dog eyes. It was too cute as you gave into the yellow stare

"Fine!" You sighed throwing you hands into the air "I'll play with you if you will leave me alone for today!"

Pikachu changed from a pout face to an excited one in just matter of seconds "REALLY?! Let's play hide and seek then! I'll hide you seek!"

He ran off before you could say anything to him. You never thought Pikachu was the play type, with his looks and all you thought he was a cool and collected guy. You were dead wrong, he was the total opposite of what you imagined he would be. You still loved him for what he was......... most of the time

You counted to thirty and started to search for Pikachu. He wouldn't be hard to find if he hadn't gotten better at hiding after so many games. The first time you found him was when he was in a tree.

His tail was hanging out as you grabbed it, he jumped so high in the air you thought he was going to shock you. You learned to NEVER touch his tail, he didn't like it at all when someone touched it

After a while you couldn't find him everywhere, the house, front/back yard, and even the forest. It was getting late as you started to worry a bit. Pikachu had to be some where.... right?

You looked all over the forest again until you spotted a famlier lighting looking tail.

You quickly quieted yourself as you started to walk towards the tail, you didn't see the rock in the way as you tripped and accidentally grabbed the tail. A huge shock when through you as it felt everything inside you was jelly.

You fell to the ground hard as you saw a mad Pikachu looking down at you, he quickly wiped it away as he saw you were hurt and replaced it with worry.

"(y/n)!" He got down by your side "Are you hurt?! I told you not to grab on to my tail!"

"I... didn't mean... too... I tripped on a rock and... fell down and... accidentally grabbed it.... I'm sorry..." You coughed out smoke a bit

Pikachu picked you up as he held you close too him "No... it was my fault... I'm sorry... it just when people grab my tail it hurts and I send a shock to the person who does it"

"No... I'm sorry Pikachu... I shouldn't have grabbed your tail, I'm a bi-" Pikachu stopped you with his hand over your mouth as he looked down at you with shocking yellow eyes

"(y/n), I said it was okay. Don't worry about it, I'm going to take care of you until you get better from the shock."

You nod your head as Pikachu gave you a warm smile and started to walk back towards the house with you in his arms.

You NEVER seen Pikachu this calm and serious before, it was like a dream.... one you didn't think could ever come true. You kinda like him this way, but then you shocking realized you loved the playful side to him.

Pikachu set you down carefully on your bed and sat on the end of it

"So (y/n).... do you know the reason why I like to play with you?"

You stared at him strange, what was he going at here? "Didn't you say you just liked to play with me because I'm your trainer? There's a another reason why you like to play with me?"

Pikachu smiled cutely at you as he scooted more close to you "Yep~ Because (y/n)" He cupped your face with his soft warm hands "I love you more than a trainer, that's why your my favorite to play with~" He kissed you softly as you toke in the tiny shock that when through you both, but that just made you kiss him back more deeply until Pikachu pulled back

"Oh? You liked the kiss?" He smirks teasingly

"Yes I did, and I love you too Pikachu, but I like the playful side more."

"Oh really now?" He hovers over you with a huge grin on his face "I can show you the other side of fun for you (y/n)~"

You blushed like mad as you pushed him off "NO! I'm ready for that yet!"

Pikachu smirks as he wraps his arms around you and pulls you close whispering into your ear "But (y/n). You know I won't leave you alone until you 'play' with me~"


He leans down and gently kisses your neck, making a moan escape your lips and making you blush a bit. Pikachu chuckled as you felt his warm hot breath on your neck, making it way to your collarbone and pecking soft teasing kisses on it. Pikachu moved his hand up to your shirt and started taking it off while kissing you deeply. He started massaging your neck, making you moan a bit loudly. Pikachu smirked as he ran his hand down your tight and started massaging it while kissing you hotly. You toke off his shirt as he started to get excited. Pikachu ripped off your shirt and threw it across the room and started massaging your sides. You were a moaning mess until he started to go down to the pants, you stopped him in time.

"Wait Pikachu, I'm not ready yet..... I'm sorry... it's just that..."

"I understand." You look up to meet with his yellow eyes as he kisses your forehead "I'm sorry too. I should have asked you first if you were ready. But... I will have fun one day with you~"  

You groan as you pushed him away, even knowing that one of these days he would get his wish

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