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Hot tears ran down your face as you looked at the river. It's current leading up north to the forest. Oshawott ran away from you just yesterday night. It hurt you that Oshawott ran away. You didn't know what made him run away from you. Until, a memory flashed through your mind...

(Back to Yesterday morning...)

You banged on Oshawott's door. Angry at him because he was making you late to hang out with (b/f/n).


You yelled at him as a groan could be heard from the other side from the door. "I'LL BE RIGHT OUT (Y/N)!"

You huffed and tapped your foot, waiting for Oshawott to hurry up 'getting dressed'. Two minutes later Oshawott came out with a scowl on his face, You gave him one back. He was mad at you because you two weren't going to the special lake down by your guy's town. It was where all water type water from different regions came by to show off their beautiful scales. It was a magical sight as no other people/ human pokemon saw this sight other that you two. You didn't want to go this year because the number of pokemon going this year as least the size last year was. You didn't want to wast your time with it so you deiced to go other to hang with (b/f/n) this year.

"I don't wanna go!" Oshawott said with his cute mad little face.

"Too bad." You replied in a cold tone. "Where going to (b/f/n) this year and you will like it! It will be fun! She/He's got other water type pokemon their you can play with while we do are own thing!"

Oshawott pouted. "I don't care! I don't care about (b/f/n)! I don't care about her/his pokemon! I just wanna go to the special lake!"

You sighed deeply. "Oshawott, I've already told you that were not going this year! Their less pokemon this year because of the harsh winters cold! So this year we are not doing it! Just be glad where doing something today! Because a lot of snow this year make thing we do unavailable right now!"

Oshawott glared at you with his light blue eyes. "Like I said! I don't care!"

"Well I do! So no means NO!"

You turned your back on him as Oshawott looked down at the floor. "I'll run away from here! Just so I can get away from you!"

You froze in your tracks, stiffing up badly as you turned around to face him. "You wouldn't do that. You would get scared and come back to me." You toke his hand gently as you led Oshawott outside to (b/f/n) place.

Oshawott didn't look up while walking but whispered under his breath low enough for you to not hear. "Just watch me (y/n), I will run away at the first chance I get..."

Another choke came up through your throat, making you break down into tears again. You didn't think he would do it. He was always saying stuff like that when he didn't get what he wanted. Your fear came true as you cried into it all day long.

Night came around the corner as you still sat by the river still, never abandoning hope for his return.

Tears when down your face again as you look up at the moon. "O-Oshawott... P-please come.. back to m-m-me..."

You whispered to yourself. Hugging your arms around yourself to keep warm. But then, an echo reached to your ears off your name being called.

You looked up slowly to see Oshwaott's light blue eyes in tears as he swam up to you.

"(YYYYY/NNNN)!!!!" You gasped in happiness as Oshawott jumped into your arms.

You hugged him close to you as Oshawott and you cried. "I'm so sorry (y/n)! I'll never do it again! I missed you too much for you to be without me!"

You smiled down at him and kissed the top of his head gently. "It's okay... just promise me you'll never do it again."

Oshawott looked up at you with shining big blue eyes as he hugged you tightly to him as you returned the hug back. "I promise! Because I love you each time my shell grows just for you! I also got you this!"

Oshawott reach into his shell pocket and pulled out a blue, greenish looking shell. It's patterns looked like the ocean was on it as you toke it and looked it over with a smile. It was smooth in the palm of your hands as you turned it over. I tiny ocean like current washing over the shell.

"Thank you Oshawott. I love it."

Oshawott blushed and looked down at the shell. "Not as much as I love you more than my shell..."

Thank you everyone who commented on my last A/N for a book about pokemon boyfriend scenarios! Here are the pokemon who made it in, Sorry if your pokemon didn't get it in! I was a hard choice making decision!









So there you have it! Go check out my new book as it will be updated just like this book will on Thursdays or Fridays! Pokemon might be added if people ask for them.

Marry Christmas for people who celebrate Christmas!

Human Pokemon X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now