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It felt just like yesterday..... When you catch the legendary pokemon Giratina in the Distortion world... where everything was dark and reversed around... you remembered those red beating eyes on you when Girtatina lower himself to your own height. His snake like body floating in the air with the dark clouds in the distances, swirling like crazy as Girtatina roar making the floating ground under your feet start to dissolve into nothingness...

It almost toke all your pokemon just to catch the Renegade pokemon inside the small poke ball. You when to the pokemon center to heal all your pokemon and the new one in your party. You smiled at Giratina before handing him to Nurse Joy. You when to the rooms they had their in the center and plop down on the bed falling fast asleep.....

The bright morning light shined in your eyes making you wake up to a pair of arms around you. After that you screamed and kicked a man in the face as he yelled out in pain. You fell off the bed while backing away from the handsome stranger.

"W-who are you?! W-why did you have your arms around me you perv!" you yelled at him as he gave you a puzzled looked

"What are you talking about (y/n)? It's me! Giratina! You caught me last night!" you looked at the man like he was a crazy

"NO YOUR NOT!!! Giratina is a pokemon!!! Not a guy!!!"

He gave you a confused look on his face "I was a pokemon... but now I'm human! by the way... why did you smile at me before you handed me over?" you blush as you thought he didn't see it

"No reason!!!" your face was redder than a tomato as he just laugh at you

*Time skip a month*

It's been a month for Giratina to be human still. All your friends looked at him weird as you didn't tell them that he was Giratina, he was just a new friend who lived with you... that made it worse. You open the door to find that Giratina wasn't sleeping on the couch like always.

"Gira?" That was Giratina's new nickname because it was getting annoying to call him by his long name all the time. He didn't like it but it was fun to call him that because of the way he blushed by it. You called his name again until you heard a grunt from your room. You open the door to find him on your bed reading a book

"I thought I told you to not call me that name?" annoyances was in his voice as you just giggled

"But it's cute! It's perfect for you!" Gira blushed dark red as he mumbled 'shut up'

You laugh as you sit next to him "What are you reading there?"

"I remembered you smiling at me and I was wondering why, so I'm reading this book of emotions and found this one that people kiss and hug each other. I think it was called love?" you blush redder than he did

"W-why are you looking up something like that?!"

"Because I was wondering the emotion. Why? What is love?"

"I-I-It's something..... For a person..... To like this person.... I can't do this!!!" You run out of the room with a confused Gira wondering 'what was that for?'

*Time Skip a year*

Gira still hasn't found out what love is like, but you had a crush on him. You were nervous when he comes up to you now and then but shake it off when you stare into red eyes of his. You were making dinner for your friend, Joey, who was coming over to visit. A knock was on the door as you open it to find Jory there.

"Sup (y/n)! Nice to see you again after a year!"

"You too. Come in!" Joey came in as Gira did.

"Who is this? My names Joey!" He hands out his hand as Gira gave him a dark look and he shakes Jory hand

"My name Giratina. Who are you?" He clenches his hand around Joey's hand hard as Joey pulled away in pain

"A friend of (y/n)......." He gave a look back as they have a starring contest.

"Guys! Knock it off! Dinners ready!" They released they stare and when to the table. Everyone was quiet as they ate dinner

"Thanks for the meal (y/n)... I better be going." You said bye to Joey as he walked out the door. You turned around at Gira who was watching tv

"Gira! Why we're you being a jerk to Joey?!"

He grunted and turned to you "Because we don't need a boy over in his house. I'm the only man in this house!"

"Wha?! I can have guys over if I want to! You're not the boss of this house!" He sat up with a mad face

"No you're not! I am!"

"Says who?!"

"ME!!!" You got up to his face as he blushed

"Yes. I. am!" you shout as he just got flustered at what you did

"W-why did you get in face?!"

You puff out your chest in anger "Because I can! You've been a jerk to people when over they come over! When it's guys!"

Gira got back up in your face "Because I'm the only man that can be in this house!"


Gira blushed like mad when he said "Because I love you (y/n)!"

You backed away from him with a surprised look "W-what?! I mean I like you too... but why me?!"

He came up to and hugged you "Because I learned what love is like from you (y/n). I didn't feel it a first until after a while. I love everything about you (y/n)! Your smile makes me smile every time I look at the beautiful face of yours! Will you be mine (y/n)?"

You were shocked for a while until you kisses Gira on the lips "Yes. I love you too Gira."

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that?!"

You giggle "That's what I always say but I don't~"

Gira laughs and he kisses you "Okay my (nickname)"

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