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It was a beautiful afternoon as the winds were just perfect as the warm spring sun didn't bare down it's heat that much. It was berry picking season as Vuplix and you when up into the mountains to collect berries and crush them to make jam.

Forest pokemon ran along the fields as everyone picked and ate at the berries. You were picking at Cheri berries while Vuplix ran along the fields of the berries. He laughed and soon than later he accidentally crashed into you.

"AHH!" You screamed in surprise.

Vuplix rubbed the back of his head as he sweat dropped. "I'm sorry (y/n), I didn't see you there to be honest."

You growled and started putting the spilled berries back into the basket where you put them in. "Well don't do it again Vuplix. I need to pick enough berries to last us until the next harvest with will be until summer. So please play somewhere else or help me."

His fox like eyes gleamed with mischief. "I'll help pick you berries!"

You didn't notice his gleam as you pulled out a book with pictures of berries in it. You pointed to the berries you need as Vuplix when to work.

He started up on the far hill as mountains of berries were spread onward like a never ending line of colors. Vuplix eyes widen at the sight as he opened his basket and when to work.

Vuplix worked long and hard to fill up the basket to impress you with his efforts. He was about done and sat down to take a break.

"Man! This berry picking is a lot harder than I thought!"

He looked around the fields one more time, but something caught at the corner of his eye. It was a berry he had never seen before. Rosy pink and almost in the shape of a heart.

Vuplix broke out into a smile as he crawled to it and plucked it from the branch. It shined in the afternoon rays, meaning it was just perfect and ripe.

Vuplix smiled and ran down to where you were and tapped on your shoulders. Your eyes widen at the load of berries inside the basket.

"Oh wow. It think this will last us a whole year... thank you Vuplix!"

Vuplix smiled brightly. "That's not all, look what I found!" He pulled the heart shaped berry from behind his back. It glowed an even shade of pink.

You gasped at the berry and held it in your hands. "I've never seen this berry before! It's a one of a kind! I love it Vuplix."

Vuplix smiled and hugged you. "Not as much as I love you~"

You giggled and hugged him back as you when back home with a new connection.

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