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I know what you're thinking. "But there's a Xerneas and Yveltal one out already!" Well that's two pokemon together. If a pokemon in a group like the three swords of justice you want to request then asked for one of them. Xerneas was request and gets his own one shot. Any other pokemon like them get their own one shot if I did a group one shot in them. You just gotta ask.

"(y/n)," your mother called. "Could you go out into the woods and get me some berries for tonight dinner?"

"Yep! Sure can mom!"

You grabbed your woven basket and headed out door. You lived near the forest by the famous tree that is said to keep the world alive and beautiful, the Tree of Life.

It was a beautiful and thriving forest with pokemon from all around the regions into his big old forest.

While walking, you trip on a rock, but caught your balance in time. Out of the corner of your eye you saw something move.

You didn't know what but a memory clicked in the back of your mind.

A tall blue pokemon. It's antlers shining with all color. It's pupils X shaped eyes staring into yours as you could only remembering seeing it before darkness enveloped you. You remembered being a little girl picking the berries near the cliff. The mountains next to the forest had a rockslide with you unable to find a way out.

That's all you could remember. A strange looking pokemon and a rockslide. You looked all over the forest to find the same pokemon, but could never find it.

You shook your head and continued onward. It was almost noon by the time you arrived to where the Cheri berries were at.

"Finally!" You exclaimed, picking the berries. "Now mom can make some Cheri berry bread!"

Just then, some bird pokemon flew out of the tree as an earthquake shook the ground.

You screamed and fell down as pokemon where stampeding up towards YOUR direction. Panic filled you as you quickly got to your feet and started running where the pokemon where going.

You didn't know what was going on. The pokemon didn't look angry, but scared, feared even of what they were running away from.

You looked a bit farther outward to find dark energy sucking all of the life out of the trees, plants, water, and everything living thing in the forest.

It was coming from a pokemon in the shape of a Y. You looked closer at the dark energy as it kept coming closer.

At the sight of it you put on a full burst of speed. The pokemon took the lead as you saw where they were heading towards, the Tree of Life.

Of course. You hear stories saying the Tree of Life can save any pokemon's life from the life drainer, Yveltal.

A magical barrier start to expelled from the tree as it almost kept all of the forest coming back to life or being saved at a distances.

All the pokemon that were in the league entered into the barrier. A young Eevee tripped on it ways and hurt itself. You quickly looked back as the dark energy was coming quickly closer.

You stopped. There were two options. Grab the young baby Eevee and throw it into the barrier sacrificing yourself. Or save yourself.

The Eevee cried in fear and pain as the dark energy closed on it faster than you, sensing it was helpless.

Without a thought in your head you ran to the Eevee and threw it into the barrier. An Espeon quickly saved it by using it physic power to help it down. You breathe in a sigh of relief, until the dark energy grabbed onto you.

You gasped, falling to your knees. The energy was slowly sucking the life out of you. The Eevee you saved cried out for you as the other pokemon held it back.

Darkness clouded your vision. Your lifeforce draining away as the dark energy slowly sucked it out of you giving you a slow death.

Eevee was crying for you until a blue figure came by. Footsteps could be hear as white light enveloped you. Life slowly came back into you as unconsciousness took greater hold of you...

The sound of water filled your ears as you woke up. You slowly sat up. You saw you were in a forest type looking room. You sat on a leave like bed as a tiny waterfall was in the corner. You looked down to see the Eevee you saved curled up next to you asleep.

You smiled and pet it ears. It smiled in it's sleep as you giggle at the cute sleeping look.

"Awake it seems?"

You jumped. You quickly looked around until you landed on the blue humanly figure at the door. His blond hair and X shaped eyes and antlers gave off a sensation in the back of your mind.

"Who are you?"

"I am Xerneas. I am the one who saved your life."

You gasped, remembering a blue blurry figure coming up to you. It's white light giving you life back in the almost lifeless body you had.

"That was you?! And, do I know you from somewhere?"

At the corner of his mouth, he gave a tiny smile, "I'm glad you remember me, (y/n)."

You tensed up, "How do you know my name?"

"I'm sad. I saved your life, twice now it fact."

"W-what are you talking about?"

Instead of answering, he slowly walked up towards you. You tried to back away, but half your strength was gone.

Xerneas held out a light white as a video played.

Child you grabbing all the berries. A rockslide coming down. You screamed and tried to run but the rocks were faster. Just then a tall deer shaped pokemon came and used it powers to stop the rockslide. You were knocked out by the earthquake force of energy until Xerneas knelt down by you and started healing you.

The white light faded away with Xerneas still playing a smile on his lips, "Well?"

"I'm sorry... I didn't know that was you..."

Xerneas shook his head as he sat on the edge of the bed, "It's alright. I've know you since the day you were born near this forest. I felt I needed to protect you so that's what I did. I when undercover just to watch you and protect you, (y/n)."

A faint tint of pink came into your cheeks, "I-I don't know what else to say."

Xerneas chuckled, "Don't be. You're going to be here a while. The forest will need to grow life back in order for it to be safe and explore around it."

"I understand." You when to stand up, but end up falling over before Xerneas caught you in time.

"Be careful! Your life force is still recovering." He pushed you gently into bed. Tucking you in with the leaf blanket.

"Oh, and something for me."

You looked up, only to meet with Xerneas's lips. He quickly pulled back as blushed was on his cheeks.

"I love you, (y/n). I hope someday in this forest we become more just friend!'

He quickly walked out of the room. Eevee had just woken up. You petted it with a smile on your lips.

"Yes Xerneas. I would gladly like to date you."

He must have heard, because the trees roots seen to glow brighter inside the mystical tree.

Human Pokemon X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now